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With all of the talk about civil unrest and secession...


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Where were all you guys who are so pissed about losing your rights when the Patriot Act was enacted (or the three further authorizations)? I'm no Obama-apologist, but it strikes me as odd that none of this 'liberty or death' talk was heard when Bush was in office.
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[quote name='mcurrier' timestamp='1352839696' post='844974']

Not sure where you're coming from, I can only infer which group you are attempting to speak to, but... if Romney had won there would have already been riots in the streets, looting, violence perpetrated on caucasians and more. Already. It would be past tense or still be ongoing. Since 0bama "won", things are relatively calm and peaceful. That's because the group that "lost" is the more mature, reasonable, cautious group, the group that acts with honor and abides by the law, regardless of the circumstances. So I'm not sure which group you are saying that are "[color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Wanting to destroy OUR country because you didn't get your way in a election is STUPID!" I don't hear anyone talking about that. The side that "won" will do a plenty good job of destroying the country as it is.[/font][/color]

I am not choosing sides. The actions that have been mentioned would be just as stupid if Obama and his crew were the ones threatening them. Edited by LINKS2K
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[quote name='crimsonaudio' timestamp='1352840578' post='844984']
Where were all you guys who are so pissed about losing your rights when the Patriot Act was enacted (or the three further authorizations)? I'm no Obama-apologist, but it strikes me as odd that none of this 'liberty or death' talk was heard when Bush was in office.
[/quote]I don't think I was around here, then, but I was against it, all along. It was a gift to both parties to "rule" us for
some feel good times. It was wrong then and still is. Good enough?
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[quote name='crimsonaudio' timestamp='1352840578' post='844984']
Where were all you guys who are so pissed about losing your rights when the Patriot Act was enacted (or the three further authorizations)? I'm no Obama-apologist, but it strikes me as odd that none of this 'liberty or death' talk was heard when Bush was in office.

Yep! I have a problem with both republicans and democrats. When the government is out of line, call them on it regardless of party. Silence when your guy is in charge is part of the problem.

I continue to hope that guys are just venting.
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[quote name='6.8 AR' timestamp='1352840948' post='844991']
I don't think I was around here, then, but I was against it, all along. It was a gift to both parties to "rule" us for
some feel good times. It was wrong then and still is. Good enough?

Good enough.
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With all the regulations being spit out by the administration, we may not have many choices when we run out
of "other peoples' money". I don't want to see civil unrest any more than any of you, but the time will come if
we don't fix our problem with a solid vote of rejection of what we're getting. I would love to see that vote come
around, soon. And I don't care if it isn't from the Republican Party, just solid.
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[quote name='crimsonaudio' timestamp='1352840578' post='844984']Where were all you guys who are so pissed about losing your rights when the Patriot Act was enacted (or the three further authorizations)? I'm no Obama-apologist, but it strikes me as odd that none of this 'liberty or death' talk was heard when Bush was in office.[/quote]
We didn't know each other back then but I was walking a very fine line between protected speech and seditious threats to government figures. Pretty much the same as now.
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Guest Lester Weevils
Aint chomping at the bit for secession, but otoh balkanization of the ussr was "Fairly non violent". Followed by tough times but otoh it was no bed of roses for the common man before the breakup, and nowadays it is better in some remnants of the ussr and most likely no worse than before in any locality except perhaps chechnia and yugoslavia.

Before balkanization the idea seemed impossible fantasy that such could ever happen, but in hindsight looked virtually inevitable, as in slapping forehead, "How did we not see that coming?" Just saying, rotten houses eventually collapse if nothing is done and the tide of history is rather irresistable, and doesn't necessarily have to inevitably move in the direction of ever-bigger and ever-more-centralized. It could be that when USA balkanization starts looking like the most sensible thing to do, there might not be a whole lot of fighting about it, because most everybody agrees. like an amicable divorce after both parties are so fed up they are completely beyond sick and tired of it and don't feel like arguing about it, they just want to split as quick easy and hassle free possible.

I rarely predict being nearly always wrong, but expect that in four more years the majority of D's will have as much or more voters remorse about electing obama, as all the people remorseful of voting GWB in 2004. This sunday i had the clock radio tuned to npr because sunday morning npr is so annoying you can't lay in bed listening to that crap and you have to rouse and get out of bed to turn the damn thing off. So anyway there was a "reporting on the press" show featuring a bunch of prominent liberal talking heads bitching about how much obama sucked the first four years, wondering and hoping whether obama will turn around and suck less the next few years.

They didn't complain so loudly about obama before the election because they were circling the wagons and trying to convince themselves and others that obama was a lesser evil than romney. Which is exactly the same self-deception which elected bush in 2004 . People were well aware already how bad bush sucked, but were circling the wagons against the even more incompetent kerry. It took until maybe 2006 before conservatives began to admit how bad the R pres and congress was screwing it up, so the turnout didn't turn out and D's took over. Then by 2008 it was hard to find people who would admit voting for bush. I suspect the same will play out almost exactly the same among democrats the next four years, and is already starting. It had been starting before the election, but they were too busy circling the wagons against the greater evil romney. Edited by Lester Weevils
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[quote name='crimsonaudio' timestamp='1352840578' post='844984']
Where were all you guys who are so pissed about losing your rights when the Patriot Act was enacted (or the three further authorizations)? I'm no Obama-apologist, but it strikes me as odd that none of this 'liberty or death' talk was heard when Bush was in office.

Well... I would say that the libertarian/small government crowd was against it from its inception. I can honestly say that I was not. At that point in time, I was still drinking the Republican kool aide. As far as the "liberty or death" talk, I don't hear much of that, and what little I do hear of it are from the Alex Jones club. They have been spouting it for years.
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[quote name='crimsonaudio' timestamp='1352840578' post='844984']
Where were all you guys who are so pissed about losing your rights when the Patriot Act was enacted (or the three further authorizations)? I'm no Obama-apologist, but it strikes me as odd that none of this 'liberty or death' talk was heard when Bush was in office.

It was said then on the liberal boards. I saw the same stuff on them in 2004. "King George" wouldn't leave in 4 years. He'd order marshal law and not step down. It was idiocy then. Nothing has changed.
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[quote name='mav' timestamp='1352842043' post='845008']
Well... I would say that the libertarian/small government crowd was against it from its inception. I can honestly say that I was not. At that point in time, I was still drinking the Republican kool aide. As far as the "liberty or death" talk, I don't hear much of that, and what little I do hear of it are from the Alex Jones club. They have been spouting it for years.
I remember my liberal brother and sis-in-law even being against it, at the time it was brought up. One of the few
things we agreed on. Glad I love them. It would be rough, otherwise. :D

I visited them briefly, yesterday, and she took down her Obama 2012 fridge magnets as I came in. I laughed.

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[quote name='LINKS2K' timestamp='1352840624' post='844987']
I not choosing sides. The actions that have been mentioned would be just as stupid if Obama and his crew were the ones threatening them.

Then you [i]are[/i] saying that Republicans/Conservatives/TEA Partyists are the ones making such claims and threats as you perceive it. I would like to see where that is occurring.

Au contraire my friend, but it was, and still is, liberals and blacks making serious and [url="http://twitchy.com/2012/11/02/as-election-day-nears-obama-supporters-step-up-riot-threats/"]well documented[/url] threats of riots, assassinations and other mayhem if Romney were to win and 0bama were to lose. They [url="http://www.theblaze.com/stories/multiple-twitter-users-threaten-to-assassinate-mitt-romney-shoot-him-dead/"]publicly posted[/url] these on Twitter and Facebook and other social media. I see NO SUCH THREATS from Republicans/Conservatives/TEA Partyists, nor have any riots taken place, nor any other mayhem.

If you are basing your sole argument on symbolic petitions of secession, your blowing in the wind. The so-called victorious party is the violent and divisive one. Your argument holds no water.

[b] Thousands Of Shocking Threats Of Violence By Obama Supporters On The Eve Of The Election[/b]


(article was originally on MensNewsDaily.com but has now been scrubbed from the web)
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[quote name='6.8 AR' timestamp='1352841185' post='844996']
With all the regulations being spit out by the administration, we may not have many choices when we run out
of "other peoples' money". I don't want to see civil unrest any more than any of you, but the time will come if
we don't fix our problem with a solid vote of rejection of what we're getting. I would love to see that vote come
around, soon. And I don't care if it isn't from the Republican Party, just solid.

I can agree with this.

Party should never be important in my opinion.
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Guest The Dude
I dont know fellas. I dont want nothing bad to happen here either, but I feel that its inevitable based on recent events. Its clear wich way the winds blowing when it comes to our greedy and corrupt system. I hope for the better, but I will also prepare for the worst. And anything is possible with this administration, as I wouldnt put anything past them.

And I took the same oath as many of you did, and like already pointed out, I dont think you'll have to worry about the people starting anything. Its those in power that would likely draw first blood. I would however, expect every one of you to defend yourselves, violently if necessary, should it come to that. Lets hope it dont. But with this criminal system, I wouldnt hold my breath.
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[quote name='mcurrier' timestamp='1352844417' post='845041']

Then you [i]are[/i] saying that Republicans/Conservatives/TEA Partyists are the ones making such claims and threats as you perceive it. I would like to see where that is occurring.

Au contraire my friend, but it was, and still is, liberals and blacks making serious and [url="http://twitchy.com/2012/11/02/as-election-day-nears-obama-supporters-step-up-riot-threats/"]well documented[/url] threats of riots, assassinations and other mayhem if Romney were to win and 0bama were to lose. They [url="http://www.theblaze.com/stories/multiple-twitter-users-threaten-to-assassinate-mitt-romney-shoot-him-dead/"]publicly posted[/url] these on Twitter and Facebook and other social media. I see NO SUCH THREATS from Republicans/Conservatives/TEA Partyists, nor have any riots taken place, nor any other mayhem.

If you are basing your sole argument on symbolic petitions of secession, your blowing in the wind. The so-called victorious party is the violent and divisive one. Your argument holds no water.

[b] Thousands Of Shocking Threats Of Violence By Obama Supporters On The Eve Of The Election[/b]


(article was originally on MensNewsDaily.com but has now been scrubbed from the web)

I'm not attempting to carry water, blow or piss in the wind. Republicans or democrats, whoever wants to raise hell because they do not get their way is just being childish. Stupidity has no party or color.

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For what it's worth, I took the oath on January 29, 1976 and I still am bound by it. That said, my oath was to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States of America. My allegiance in not to a president in name only, a political party, an ideology, or a collection of states, some of which force their stupidity on the rest. Indeed, I signed happily the petition as part of my First Amendment right to redress of grievances--focused on an out-of-control federal government. This administration, allegedly in control of this nearly unmanageable behemoth, is an anathema to a free society and free men. It is also a criminal enterprise masquerading as an administration that sorely needs to take heed of the first three words in the Preamble, "We, the People". Contrary to their ill-considered opinion, tt is not "We, the moochers" or "We, the takers", or "We, the bureaucrats, busybodies, politicians, lawyers, or judges". Something must give and that something must not include the people as that will mean an end to a grand experiment.

Note also that our nation is a collection of states, thirteen of which created this country in the first place. The federal government is therefore in no position to dictate terms of our surrender, as it were. And if this popular virtual uprising is not to their liking, too damn bad. There is always a second route that they would not want the states to embark upon and that would be a Constitutional Convention. The states, had they the courage of their citizen's convictions, would at least make the threat to get the attention of DC.

Just my $0.02. Edited by Sooner
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[quote name='LINKS2K' timestamp='1352852032' post='845090']
I'm not attempting to carry water, blow or piss in the wind. Republicans or democrats, whoever wants to raise hell because they do not get their way is just being childish. Stupidity has no party or color.
[/quote]You have been implying that Republicans are wanting to "raise hell", but that is just not the case, there is not one shred of evidence pointing to that, it just doesn't exist. Trying to lump Republicans in with the like of Democrats who have actually called for violence just doesn't work. If you are going to defend the USA and the Constitution as you stated in the opening post, I can tell you now that you won't be defending them from Republicans.
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[quote name='mcurrier' timestamp='1352865279' post='845258']
You have been implying that Republicans are wanting to "raise hell", but that is just not the case, there is not one shred of evidence pointing to that, it just doesn't exist. Trying to lump Republicans in with the like of Democrats who have actually called for violence just doesn't work. If you are going to defend the USA and the Constitution as you stated in the opening post, I can tell you now that you won't be defending them from Republicans.
[/quote]Where have Democrats called for violence?
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[quote name='mcurrier' timestamp='1352865279' post='845258']
You have been implying that Republicans are wanting to "raise hell", but that is just not the case, there is not one shred of evidence pointing to that, it just doesn't exist. Trying to lump Republicans in with the like of Democrats who have actually called for violence just doesn't work. If you are going to defend the USA and the Constitution as you stated in the opening post, I can tell you now that you won't be defending them from Republicans.

I don't support either major party and I don't care what party that the wanna be hooligans support. I just don't want to see Americans fighting Americans over something that can be solved with a vote. You can choose To defend the republican party even after they continually fail you. The Republican and Democrat parties are both slime. There is no pride in belonging to either one.

Do what you want to do with Obama supporters that threaten violence. No skin lost here.
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Do you live in a vacuum? NBPP, Twitter, Celebrities on TV. Ninety-nine percenters, The Occupy queers.
Van Jones calling for revolution. It started right after the first coronation.
Pay attention!
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[quote name='6.8 AR' timestamp='1352866168' post='845275']
Do you live in a vacuum? NBPP, Twitter, Celebrities on TV. Ninety-nine percenters, The Occupy queers.
Van Jones calling for revolution. It started right after the first coronation.
Pay attention!
[/quote]With the exception of NBPP(their democratic?), their nothing and nobody's, no one should waste time on them! You left out Donald Trump, he also called for "revolution", and march on Washington! Edited by CCI
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[quote name='crimsonaudio' timestamp='1352840578' post='844984']Where were all you guys who are so pissed about losing your rights when the Patriot Act was enacted (or the three further authorizations)? I'm no Obama-apologist, but it strikes me as odd that none of this 'liberty or death' talk was heard when Bush was in office.[/quote]

They were on the internet bitching and moaning, talking about making the world a better place with the next election, and the one after that, and the one after that...
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[quote name='CCI' timestamp='1352866677' post='845286']
With the exception of NBPP(their democratic?), their nothing and nobody's, no one should waste time on them! You left out Donald Trump, he also called for "revolution", and march on Washington!
[/quote]You're right, I forgot Donald.

As to their being nothings and nobodies, they make up part of the constituency known as the Democrat Party, albeit,
possessing property of the more radical side of it, if that is distinguishable anymore. Add up a bunch of nothings and
nobodies, as you call it, you end up with quite a sizable constituency.
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My 2 cents: These people (hopefully) are just letting off steam. It is so easy these days with the internet to do a Rage fest, and not have any major repercussions, except may be having a few people block you on Facebook.

That said, how [u]unpatriotic[/u] of you. And stupid. YES, [u]STUPID[/u]. A. SINGLE. VOTE. Did not go the way you wanted? And you want to THROW AWAY THE WHOLE COUNTRY?

How stupid is that?

Stop saying these things, it shows you are unable to control your anger. And you are unrealistic, at best, stupid and unpatriotic at worst.

Donald Trump is the present day P.T. Barnum. He is in it to make money off of it. Ignore the hair.

Oh, and if your succession concept does not work, and you still want to leave the country, where the heck will you go?

Canada? Nope, no guns. Mexico? Drug Cartels, and no guns. Great Britian? No guns. France? Nope (Though the stereotype will fit, in my eyes.) Germany? Nope. Japan? Nope.

China? No guns. Argentina? Nope guns limited there, too. Russia? Nope. Somalia? Plenty of guns, and little government. Perfect for you! Edited by HvyMtl
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[quote name='HvyMtl' timestamp='1352872624' post='845323']My 2 cents: These people (hopefully) are just letting off steam. It is so easy these days with the internet to do a Rage fest, and not have any major repercussions, except may be having a few people block you on Facebook.

That said, how [u]unpatriotic[/u] of you. And stupid. YES, [u]STUPID[/u]. A. SINGLE. VOTE. Did not go the way you wanted? And you want to THROW AWAY THE WHOLE COUNTRY?

How stupid is that?

Stop saying these things, it shows you are unable to control your anger. And you are unrealistic, at best, stupid and unpatriotic at worst.

Donald Trump is the present day P.T. Barnum. He is in it to make money off of it. Ignore the hair.[/quote]

What's stupid is the total disregard for our freedoms by this administration and they just get away with it! What do you call the people that are willing to look the other way while it happens? It's more about the continuation of destructive policies than the election itself. Edited by Batman
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