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With all of the talk about civil unrest and secession...


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I would like it to be known that many years ago I swore an oath to protect this country against ALL enemies foreign and domestic. There are millions more like me.

Wanting to destroy OUR country because you didn't get your way in a election is STUPID!

Don't bite off more than you can chew! Edited by LINKS2K
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Guest cardcutter
I took the same oath 32 years ago. While I do not support in any way civil unrest, I think those that do may well see the current admin as the domestic enemy refered to in the oath.
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[quote name='cardcutter' timestamp='1352830042' post='844878']
I took the same oath 32 years ago. While I do not support in any way civil unrest, I think those that do may well see the current admin as the domestic enemy refered to in the oath.

Obamas admistration is bad. Worth civil unrest? No!
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[quote name='LINKS2K' timestamp='1352829006' post='844866']
I would like it to be known that many years ago I swore an oath to protect this country against ALL enemies foreign and domestic. There are millions more like me.

Wanting to destroy OUR country because you didn't get your way in a election is STUPID!

Don't bite off more than you can chew!

Yep and they won't be dead martyrs or Patriots; they will just be dead terrorists.

I took the oath, and if you want to change my country you will do it at the polling place because if you try it by force you will lose.
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Wow, just wow. While I do not advocate for either civil disobedience or secession, those that are promoting it do not wish for the country to be destroyed. So, who exactly are you guys threatening? Sheesh.

From my reading, if the country ever goes to total s**t where a situation like this occurs, heaven forbid, you will not have millions of veterans behind you. More than likely they will be on the side of the people.
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Guest MilitiaMan
I took the same oath. Good for you, good for me.

This is about how far will you go to protect your freedoms and your Constitutional rights?

None of you can honestly say, atleast I hope not, that when a gun grab is in place or martial law that you will sit back and say "Oh well, that's what the government wants so I will go along because I took an oath and will abide by whatever my president says." Really?

When the government IS the enemy against the people then the gloves need to come off. Edited by MilitiaMan
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Guest MilitiaMan
[quote name='mav' timestamp='1352834685' post='844912']
Wow, just wow. While I do not advocate for either civil disobedience or secession, those that are promoting it do not wish for the country to be destroyed. So, who exactly are you guys threatening? Sheesh.

From my reading, if the country ever goes to total s**t where a situation like this occurs, heaven forbid, you will not have millions of veterans behind you. More than likely they will be on the side of the people.

Well said.
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Screw it, I'm posting

A lot of people that took that same oath believe the current regime to be a domestic threat. Just letting you know that there's people, including vets, that would push that issue both ways. I'm recently discharged, and I can tell you a lot of newer vets, as well as active duty, won't obey unlawful orders from a corrupt Socialist Regime.

[quote name='DaveTN' timestamp='1352830771' post='844883']
Yep and they won't be dead martyrs or Patriots; they will just be dead terrorists.

I took the oath, and if you want to change my country you will do it at the polling place because if you try it by force you will lose.

Funny thing is they called Washington and all the other founding fathers terrorist, traitors and worse. Remember history is written by the victor of the battle.
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[quote name='LINKS2K' timestamp='1352829006' post='844866']
I would like it to be known that many years ago I swore an oath to protect this country against ALL enemies foreign and domestic. There are millions more like me.

Wanting to destroy OUR country because you didn't get your way in a election is STUPID!

Don't bite off more than you can chew!

Be very careful you know the true facts before you "pick sides."

For all you know, as opposed to what you feel, the side you are advocating for may in fact be the "domestic enemy" you say you are sworn to oppose. What if you are wrong? Will you kill yourself? I doubt it.

We all went through this 150 years ago and it was a stinking mess.
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I would also like to add this:

"We the people have the authority according to America’s Declaration of Independence, which states:[indent]
[b]That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government[/b], laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience has shown that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. [b]But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.[/b]"[/indent]
These are the principles upon which this country was built. These principles which will be the battle cry for future patriots, of which there will be many. If it comes down to it, the sheep will call those who fight for the betterment of the country through revolution "terrorist". But God willing, the history books will call them [color=#ff0000][b]Patriots[/b][/color].
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[quote name='Spots' timestamp='1352835628' post='844922']
Screw it, I'm posting

A lot of people that took that same oath believe the current regime to be a domestic threat. Just letting you know that there's people, including vets, that would push that issue both ways. I'm recently discharged, and I can tell you a lot of newer vets, as well as active duty, won't obey unlawful orders from a corrupt Socialist Regime.

Funny thing is they called Washington and all the other founding fathers terrorist, traitors and worse. Remember history is written by the victor of the battle.

No one is standing up for the administration or regime as you call it. It's about not wanting another civil war because a bunch of sore losers got their panties in a wad.

I would be willing to wager you that we will still be The United States of America in four years and no state is leaving.
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Guest cardcutter
the decliration is not a binding document. It was a letter of intent sent to the king. There was no USA at the time. However the sentiment is still there.
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It has nothing to do with being a sore loser, hell I don't even like Romney. It has to do with watching the current regime strip away rights as quickly and quietly as they can while people stand by. Would Romney have been a better choice? I don't know. I do know Obama has proven he cares nothing about constitutional rights and will sneak, and slide, and push things through anyway he can, including being the first President to ever make buying something from a third party mandatory. In 4 years this will be may still be The United States of America. But it'll never be the same one again. And I honestly believe that in 4 years, it will take a military action to remove Obama from the White House. Edited by Spots
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[quote name='QuietDan' timestamp='1352835892' post='844925']

Be very careful you know the true facts before you "pick sides."

For all you know, as opposed to what you feel, the side you are advocating for may in fact be the "domestic enemy" you say you are sworn to oppose. What if you are wrong? Will you kill yourself? I doubt it.

We all went through this 150 years ago and it was a stinking mess.

Yes, it was a stinking mess. That's why it is so puzzling to hear people talking about doing it again. Civil unrest and secession aren't just ideas that you casually float around.
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[quote name='LINKS2K' timestamp='1352836668' post='844933']
No one is standing up for the administration or regime as you call it. It's about not wanting another civil war because a bunch of sore losers got their panties in a wad.

I would be willing to wager you that we will still be The United States of America in four years and no state is leaving.

I disagree. A year or so will tell. I'm thinking Obama unrestrained by re-election will tip his Dictator hand. He's already showing the signs, with his desire to go it alone, with his contempt for the Congress and the Senate, with his contempt for the Supreme Court, and with his long list of Executive Actions. And especially, with his influence over the ancient Mob, for the Mob it be. The ignorant, the grasping, the emotional, the depraved, the enraged Mob.
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[quote name='QuietDan' timestamp='1352837167' post='844944']
I disagree. A year or so will tell. I'm thinking Obama unrestrained by re-election will tip his Dictator hand. He's already showing the signs, with his desire to go it alone, with his contempt for the Congress and the Senate, with his contempt for the Supreme Court, and with his long list of Executive Actions. And especially, with his influence over the ancient Mob, for the Mob it be. The ignorant, the grasping, the emotional, the depraved, the enraged Mob.

By the way I HOPE I'm wrong.
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Guest ochretoe
I don't think we will have to wait for the masses to rise up or wait for rebellion. I think the Governmet will rebell against the people before it happens the other way.
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[quote name='LINKS2K' timestamp='1352836999' post='844939']
Yes, it was a stinking mess. That's why it is so puzzling to hear people talking about doing it again. Civil unrest and secession aren't just ideas that you casually float around.
Though we seem to be on the opposite side of the larger issue, I agree with this statement. They are ideas that aren't just casually floated, but who says there is anything casual about this discussion of these topics?

The constitution that you, me and many others here swore that oath to defend isn't just about our current administration, or any administration over our history. It is about the ideas of freedom and personal liberty. It was written to protect those ideals and for the people to be able to retain them. The US government lost it's way before our grandparents were born. At this point I truly believe the government to be an enemy of the people of this nation and the constitution we swore an oath to defend. The only way to save the latter, is to destroy to former as reformation is impossible at this point.

I could be completely wrong. Maybe in a few years the people and the states will rise up and peacefully reclaim what was stolen from them by the socialist central planners on both sides of the aisle in DC. I hope I am wrong, but I doubt it. Edited by Chucktshoes
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[quote name='Spots' timestamp='1352836888' post='844936']
It has nothing to do with being a sore loser, hell I don't even like Romney. It has to do with watching the current regime strip away rights as quickly and quietly as they can while people stand by. Would Romney have been a better choice? I don't know. I do know Obama has proven he cares nothing about constitutional rights and will sneak, and slide, and push things through anyway he can, including being the first President to ever make buying something from a third party mandatory. In 4 years this will be may still be The United States of America. But it'll never be the same one again.

I won't argue for Obama. I'm not a fan. I believe that he has an agenda, but I don't believe that it is the destruction of our country. Your argument about Obamacare is valid.

What I would like to know is did you stand up when the government implemented the patriot act, or when the SCOTUS decided that millionaires could attempt to influence the outcome of elections and more?

Government and politicians suck. The people are always under attack from the government and politicians. As someone mentioned earlier you try to change it with the vote.

If we are already screwed, I see no reason why we can't try to rectify the situation in four years instead of talking about taking actions that would put us in a bigger stinking mess than we are already in and certainly last more than four years with greater repercussions.
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[quote name='Chucktshoes' timestamp='1352838244' post='844957']

Though we seem to be on the opposite side of the larger issue, I agree with this statement. They are ideas that aren't just casually floated, but who says there is anything casual about this discussion of these topics?

The constitution that you, me and many others here swore that oath to defend isn't just about our current administration, or any administration over our history. It is about the ideas of freedom and personal liberty. It was written to protect those ideals and for the people to be able to retain them. The US government lost it's way before our grandparents were born. At this point I truly believe the government to be an enemy of the people of this nation and the constitution we swore an oath to defend. The only way to save the latter, is to destroy to former as reformation is impossible at this point.

I could be completely wrong. Maybe in a few years the people and the states will rise up and peacefully reclaim what was stolen from them by the socialist central planners on both sides of the aisle in DC. I hope I am wrong, but I doubt it.

Well put. I agree that the government lost it's way long ago. I am not a fan of our government in it's current form, but I still hold out hope that it can be changed in a peaceful manner.

I'm hoping that people are just venting and in a few months we can get to work choosing candidates that will do the will of the people. I said in another thread that I admire how the Tea Party struck fear in politicians. I'm hoping that everyone will take that template and use it as a means of affecting the change that they want. Edited by LINKS2K
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[quote name='LINKS2K' timestamp='1352830299' post='844880']
Obamas admistration is bad. Worth civil unrest? No!

Not sure where you're coming from, I can only infer which group you are attempting to speak to, but... if Romney had won there would have already been riots in the streets, looting, violence perpetrated on caucasians and more. Already. It would be past tense or still be ongoing. Since 0bama "won", things are relatively calm and peaceful. That's because the group that "lost" is the more mature, reasonable, cautious group, the group that acts with honor and abides by the law, regardless of the circumstances. So I'm not sure which group you are saying that are "[color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Wanting to destroy OUR country because you didn't get your way in a election is STUPID!" I don't hear anyone talking about that. The side that "won" will do a plenty good job of destroying the country as it is.[/font][/color]
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[quote name='LINKS2K' timestamp='1352838328' post='844960']If we are already screwed, I see no reason why we can't try to rectify the situation in four years instead of talking about taking actions that would put us in a bigger stinking mess than we are already in and certainly last more than four years with greater repercussions.[/quote]

I agree on trying to rectify things in 2 and in 4 years at the next cycle of elections. Hopefully we will have them. If so, we will attempt to change things again. That's what we mature and reasonable people do.

[quote name='LINKS2K' timestamp='1352839063' post='844964']
Well put. I agree that the government lost it's way long ago. I am not a fan of our government in it's current form, but I still hold out hope that it can be changed in a peaceful manner.

I am willing to wait the 4 years and give it a try. We will see if they (govt.) are willing to wait. If they make a move first, it will be on them.
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