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Bond, James Bond


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[quote name='Mike.357' timestamp='1352681344' post='844005']
Since Sean Connery and Roger Moore I have a real problem buying into James Bond movies.
Both my all time fav's, can't pick a winner between them.

I understand. I would have to say that Daniel Craig in this movie definitely carried the Bod tradition forward.
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I'm looking forward to seeing the movie. Can anyone tell me if the theaters in Olive Branch and Southaven, Ms are posted? Collierville is out since they posted.

Also, I have liked all of the Bonds except Timothy Dalton or is it Daly Edited by LINKS2K
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I liked Sean Connery and Pierce Brosnan..But its because they are ( where ) very handsome in their younger years .Oh and their accents got me swooning..
Action wise they are all good. Since the age of CGI and Special effects .. they are only going to get better ..
Craig is a bit to softspoken for me actualy. I think they should have made him more beefcakey.. lol
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Sean Connery used to be my favorite, but Daniel Craig tops the list for me, now. I'll wait for the pausable
version to get out. Thanks for the warning, Raoul. :D
I've seen them all and they all were good movies, but Craig as Bond just seems to fit what I remember of
the books.

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Guest ThePunisher
I like the new Daniel Craig version of Bond. All the action seems more in the realm of reality. He is a very physically fit version of Bond, something you would expect from someone in the Navy Seals or Delta Forces. All three of the Bond movies with Craig are very good, and makes you to want another movie to follow quickly.
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I think Craig has turned out to be a great Bond, expecially in Casino Royale. While I grew up with Roger Moore, I would have to say that Craig and Dalton are my favorites mainly due to them being more realistic as a cold assassin/spy.
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Saw the new one last night and will say that it is now one of my favorites. I have read all the books before and will say this one has a lot of throwback to the good bond days. If you thing Craig brought it in Casino Royale wait until you see this one.
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[quote name='6.8 AR' timestamp='1352692675' post='844135']
Sean Connery used to be my favorite, but Daniel Craig tops the list for me, now. I'll wait for the pausable
version to get out. Thanks for the warning, Raoul. :D
I've seen them all and they all were good movies, but Craig as Bond just seems to fit what I remember of
the books.

I agree with 6.8, Craig is much closer to the orginal Ian Fleming Bond character. Rougher and little more gruff and unsophisticated. I still prefer Connery, then Brosnan. Moore left me wanting to find something else to watch.

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