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CBS reports its over

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[quote name='K191145' timestamp='1352299565' post='840983']
Another AWB would take major legislation that would have to pass the house and senate, he can't ban anything through executive decision like that, only third world dictators rule that way and if he got away with abusing that much power then it's definatly time for a major rebellion in the country.
[/quote]That's true...he can't do something like that with an executive order just like he can't fundamentally change the welfare to work law with the stroke of a pen (a law that even specifically ally says it cannot be changed that way)...oh wait
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[quote name='gregintenn' timestamp='1352287594' post='840884']
Republicans running a liberal candidate didn't work in 2008, or yesterday. I guess they'll try it again in 4 years. :shake:

Romney stated that he was a "severe conservative".

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Guest ThePunisher
[quote name='mcurrier' timestamp='1352307738' post='841064']
Good morning Comrades!


Good morning to you Comrade MCURRIER, and what a lovely victory speech President Barack Hussein Obama gave last night. Just lovely, just lovely.
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[quote name='RobertNashville' timestamp='1352308037' post='841066']
That's true...he can't do something like that with an executive order just like he can't fundamentally change the welfare to work law with the stroke of a pen (a law that even specifically ally says it cannot be changed that way)...oh wait

Well then I guess it's a good idea to go now and buy what you can, weapons and ammo, and more ammo. He can't take them away from you unless you allow him to.
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Guest ThePunisher
[quote name='K191145' timestamp='1352308982' post='841078']

Well then I guess it's a good idea to go now and buy what you can, weapons and ammo, and more ammo. He can't take them away from you unless you allow him to.

You're not a good Comrade unless you turn in your guns and ammo. How many Comrade gun owners do you think voted for Obama? Edited by ThePunisher
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Yeah well my sisters are all excited. They live in FL. They're sharing pics like this on FB
Like that's the man I want running the country.

TNBrat :) Hiding in the woods… ;)

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[quote name='K191145' timestamp='1352308982' post='841078']
Well then I guess it's a good idea to go now and buy what you can, weapons and ammo, and more ammo. He can't take them away from you unless you allow him to.

Think of it this way... Anything you own in 4 years could be what you purchased at this time. Get it now...while it's still possible. Who knows, in a few months...a few weeks...it may not be possible to get guns...ammo...they are flying off the shelves right now.


[url="http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2012/09/24/Four-More-Years-of-Obama-A-Gun-Grabber-s-Dream-Come-True"]http://www.breitbart...Dream-Come-True[/url] Edited by mcurrier
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[quote name='mcurrier' timestamp='1352312673' post='841146']

Think of it this way... Anything you own in 4 years could be what you purchased at this time. Get it now...while it's still possible. Who knows, in a few months...a few weeks...it may not be possible to get guns...ammo...they are flying off the shelves right now.



I was thinking especially ammo before you have to have paperwork and a background check to get it.
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