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This woman is dangerous. Making good with Iran right now!

Guest 6.8 AR

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Valerie Jarret is almost by default, running this country. If anyone tells Obama what to do,
as far as policy goes, it's her, and she might as well be the president. The only reason
she would be in Iran is not for America's security because she hates this country as much
or more than Obama.
Study up on her and see what you think.
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Valerie Jarrett - born in Shiraz, Iran.

Tony (Antoin) Rezco - born in Aleppo, Syria

Barack ("Barry") Hussein Soetoro Davis 0bama - born in Kenya as witnessed by his grandmother and stated by himself many times in the 1980's and 90's, both verbally and in print.

"My muslim faith..." as stated by 0bama verbally on video to George Stephanopoulos.

There have been MANY, MANY visitors from the muslim Brotherhood to the White House since B. Hussein has been living there.

B. Hussein is good friends with another terrorist, Bill Ayers, the ghost writer to B. Hussein's first book. B. Hussein announced his first run for office at Bill Ayers house.

Rod Blagojevich - born Chicago, IL (currently in prison)

Rahm Emanuel - born Chicago, IL

B. Hussein surrounds himself with a lot of dubious characters.


[url="http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2012/07/13/Top-Ten-Felons-In-Obamas%20Life"]http://www.breitbart...-In-Obamas Life[/url]

0bama said in his second book, Audacity of Hope, on page 261 that he would "stand with the muslims should the political winds shift..." They ARE shifting, and he is helping to shift them.


"Obama's Taqqiya (Lying) Unravels" - [url="http://www.americanthinker.com/2012/10/obamas_taqqiya_unravels.html"]http://www.americant...a_unravels.html[/url]

[img]http://bittenandbound.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/07/obama_new_yorker_cover_01_wenn5164032.jpg[/img] Edited by mcurrier
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[quote name='6.8 AR' timestamp='1352135699' post='839420']
That's some heavy lifting, Mark. :D Making it easy. I probably should have helped some, also. Thanks!

No problem, that's what I do. Looking forward to a vacation after the olympics...err...I mean election. I could have written pages, but no one that's not into it as deep as we are wants to read all of that stuff. I try to keep it to the key points to make it manageable for those just skimming.

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[quote name='6.8 AR' timestamp='1352166279' post='839728']
I see very few are interested in the real threat to this country. One day, maybe.

I'm not thread crapping. I just wanted to say that this info is not new about Jarrett. I thought that conservative red flags would have gone up about her years ago.
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Guest rebeldrummer
I'll say this...in my case at least, I am VERY interested / concerned about info such as this.

However I do not know enough (yet) to actively engage in discussions. Thanks to posts like these however I am learning and do want to say thanks for sharing this information.

In regards to my previous post in this thread,,,,can someone name that quote I am referring to?
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[quote name='LINKS2K' timestamp='1352173604' post='839817']
I'm not thread crapping. I just wanted to say that this info is not new about Jarrett. I thought that conservative red flags would have gone up about her years ago.
[/quote]I raised a couple of red flags about her and several others a few years ago. I knew you weren't.
It seems often that people tend to forget quickly. Besides, she was in the news today.
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Rebel, I guess mcurrier gave enough info to have another Salem Witch Trial about her. All that digested, she
is the number one adviser to Obama. They have been friends for a very long time from back in Chicago and
no one gets to him without her first allowing it. She is probably closer to him than Michelle.
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Guest rebeldrummer
That is some heavy info that I have read. Dangerous is a good description for her, from what I have read thus far.
I wish I would have been more in tuned with stuff like this (and politics) at an earlier age but, admittedly, I was focused on sowing my wild oats and did not care. I am now playing catch up. I guess I will say to you and guys like Mcurier...keep up the posts! I am learning a lot. Even ISPs I don't post up about much...I am still lurking and learning,
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No problem. I wasn't too tuned in about this stuff until I realized how much stuff goes on that affects us
every day. I remember the early 60's politics from my dad. He was very vocal about it.
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[quote name='rebeldrummer' timestamp='1352174862' post='839833']
I'll say this...in my case at least, I am VERY interested / concerned about info such as this.

However I do not know enough (yet) to actively engage in discussions. Thanks to posts like these however I am learning and do want to say thanks for sharing this information.

In regards to my previous post in this thread,,,,can someone name that quote I am referring to?

Not sure which one you are referring to.

Is this it?

Adam Leavitt: Fleury. Tell me what you whispered to Janet, in the briefing, to get her to stop crying about Fran, you know, before all this, before we even got airborne. What'd you say to her?

Aunt: Tell me, what did your grandfather whisper in your ear before he died?

Adam Leavitt: You remember?

Ronald Fleury: I told her we were gonna kill 'em all.

15-Year-Old Grandson: Don't fear them, my child. We are going to kill them all.
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