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Romney Win = Riots

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[quote name='Dolomite_supafly' timestamp='1352157006' post='839597']

What has happened is that it was given out to some, those who really needed it. And it slowly went from the poor needy people who are actually in need to those who don't need it but just want it and are willing to lie to get it.

It is the entitlement generation that believes they are entitled to the prosperity of those who worked hard before them. I have actually heard one of them say that someone else worked really hard so they didn't have to.

There are several things that need to be done to weed out the fat.

First, require them to take a drug test when they apply and then at least once annually. If you are so poor you need public money then the public has a right to ensure that money is not supporting illegal activities. 1st offense you lose the funds for one month. Next time is six months. A third time would remove you from the rolls indefinitely.

Second, they need to require them to perform some sort of public service. I know our highways could use a good cleaning of litter. Paint or clean up buildings or empty lots in their neighborhoods. Or maybe answer the phone of a government office to answer the most common question of all "Are you open".

Third, publish a by name list of those who receive public assistance. Nothing more than a name and the town in which they live. People should be embarrased to receive public money in lieu of working.

Fourth, get rid of the automatic renewal system. Make the recipients come down to have their cards refilled and maybe take a drug test. And remove the ability to get unhealthy foods when using public funds. I was in a fast food restaurant the other day that accepted EBT cards.

Fifth, set a lifetime limit of say 4 years. That is you can only receive 48 months of public assistance during your life. If you choose to use it while you are 18-22 then you can never get it again. Everyone gets to a point in their life in which they could apply for governement assistance. And that is what it is for and not for those who receive it their entire lives and enver work.

And finally, require an ID proving citizenship in order to receive anything. If you are not here legally you get NOTHING.


I agree. The system is being abused.
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[quote name='TLRMADE' timestamp='1352157830' post='839606']

Look at the very bottom of picture....still funny though!

I immediately knew that Tebow didn't tweet that. He has class!
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[quote name='Dolomite_supafly' timestamp='1352157006' post='839597']
What has happened is that it was given out to some, those who really needed it. And it slowly went from the poor needy people who are actually in need to those who don't need it but just want it and are willing to lie to get it.

It is the entitlement generation that believes they are entitled to the prosperity of those who worked hard before them. I have actually heard one of them say that someone else worked really hard so they didn't have to.

There are several things that need to be done to weed out the fat.

First, require them to take a drug test when they apply and then at least once annually. If you are so poor you need public money then the public has a right to ensure that money is not supporting illegal activities. 1st offense you lose the funds for one month. Next time is six months. A third time would remove you from the rolls indefinitely.

Second, they need to require them to perform some sort of public service. I know our highways could use a good cleaning of litter. Paint or clean up buildings or empty lots in their neighborhoods. Or maybe answer the phone of a government office to answer the most common question of all "Are you open".

Third, publish a by name list of those who receive public assistance. Nothing more than a name and the town in which they live. People should be embarrased to receive public money in lieu of working.

Fourth, get rid of the automatic renewal system. Make the recipients come down to have their cards refilled and maybe take a drug test. And remove the ability to get unhealthy foods when using public funds. I was in a fast food restaurant the other day that accepted EBT cards.

Fifth, set a lifetime limit of say 4 years. That is you can only receive 48 months of public assistance during your life. If you choose to use it while you are 18-22 then you can never get it again. Everyone gets to a point in their life in which they could apply for governement assistance. And that is what it is for and not for those who receive it their entire lives and enver work.

And finally, require an ID proving citizenship in order to receive anything. If you are not here legally you get NOTHING.

[/quote]That deserved an echo, Gordon.:D I couldn't agree, more.

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If there are riots, and they start to encompass my area... well, I live a good 25 minutes from cities, I should be fine. If not - just picked up a box of .22s today. Pew, pew, pew. 10/22 in one hand, mountain dew in the other!
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Guest ThePunisher
[quote name='Pat' timestamp='1352170729' post='839791']
If there are riots, and they start to encompass my area... well, I live a good 25 minutes from cities, I should be fine. If not - just picked up a box of .22s today. Pew, pew, pew. 10/22 in one hand, mountain dew in the other!

Yeh, I just picked up two boxes of 550 rd. federal .22 LR Saturday at Wal-mart, but I"ll stick to diet Dr. Pepper.
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[quote name='Dolomite_supafly' timestamp='1352157006' post='839597']
What has happened is that it was given out to some, those who really needed it. And it slowly went from the poor needy people who are actually in need to those who don't need it but just want it and are willing to lie to get it.

It is the entitlement generation that believes they are entitled to the prosperity of those who worked hard before them. I have actually heard one of them say that someone else worked really hard so they didn't have to.

There are several things that need to be done to weed out the fat.

First, require them to take a drug test when they apply and then at least once annually. If you are so poor you need public money then the public has a right to ensure that money is not supporting illegal activities. 1st offense you lose the funds for one month. Next time is six months. A third time would remove you from the rolls indefinitely.

Second, they need to require them to perform some sort of public service. I know our highways could use a good cleaning of litter. Paint or clean up buildings or empty lots in their neighborhoods. Or maybe answer the phone of a government office to answer the most common question of all "Are you open".

Third, publish a by name list of those who receive public assistance. Nothing more than a name and the town in which they live. People should be embarrased to receive public money in lieu of working.

Fourth, get rid of the automatic renewal system. Make the recipients come down to have their cards refilled and maybe take a drug test. And remove the ability to get unhealthy foods when using public funds. I was in a fast food restaurant the other day that accepted EBT cards.

Fifth, set a lifetime limit of say 4 years. That is you can only receive 48 months of public assistance during your life. If you choose to use it while you are 18-22 then you can never get it again. Everyone gets to a point in their life in which they could apply for governement assistance. And that is what it is for and not for those who receive it their entire lives and enver work.

And finally, require an ID proving citizenship in order to receive anything. If you are not here legally you get NOTHING.


[size=4][font=Times New Roman][color=#000000]I think the major problem with the way government is currently set up is it operates upside down. Saving money and operating efficiently is not only discouraged but not expected and punished. The higher your budget the more power you have. If you create red tape to increase cost and raise expenses you get a budget increase and more people groveling at your feet i.e. power. Increasing the people receiving the benefits is job security. The more you spend the more you get to spend. That is upside down from the way it should be. Until our government employees become motivated to save our money it will continue to get worse. We can raise the standards, make it harder to get the freebies but until those giving out the benefits become motivated not to waste our money they will continue to slip people through that should not be.[/color][/font]

[color=#000000][font=Times New Roman]These agencies should be rewarded as much for what the do not spend as they currently get for spending it all and more. Surely someone can come up with a compensation package that would encourage our government agencies to operate more efficiently and still allow those that need a service to get it. [/font][/color][/size] Edited by 45guy
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Guest ThePunisher

[quote name='mikegideon' timestamp='1352167471' post='839744']

It's easy. Need to get into casting too. I figure we'll have some teeth to melt down when it's all over :)

Are you talking about those gold dental grills? That's funny.

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[quote name='45guy' timestamp='1352174853' post='839832']

[size=4][font=Times New Roman][color=#000000]I think the major problem with the way government is currently set up is it operates upside down. Saving money and operating efficiently is not only discouraged but not expected and punished. The higher your budget the more power you have. If you create red tape to increase cost and raise expenses you get a budget increase and more people groveling at your feet i.e. power. Increasing the people receiving the benefits is job security. The more you spend the more you get to spend. That is upside down from the way it should be. Until our government employees become motivated to save our money it will continue to get worse. We can raise the standards, make it harder to get the freebies but until those giving out the benefits become motivated not to waste our money they will continue to slip people through that should not be.[/color][/font]

[color=#000000][font=Times New Roman]These agencies should be rewarded as much for what the do not spend as they currently get for spending it all and more. Surely someone can come up with a compensation package that would encourage our government agencies to operate more efficiently and still allow those that need a service to get it. [/font][/color][/size]
[/quote]It's not that government is set up wrong, but that there's too much of it. We have allowed it to get too big.
Government employees need to be drastically reduced. I don't consider the military to be government employees,
just so you know. :D

Every time a program is added, government grows, taxes go up, wealth is transferred, bums are created, and
politicians gain power. Something called soft tyranny. Debt causes the same problem just like the debt a family has.
It has to be paid off, eventually, and politicians concoct devilish ways to get that money out of us without paying
the revolving credit card government has. It started as soon as the ink was drying on the Constitution and hasn't let up.

We would do so much better with the limited government our founders intended.

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The "programs" are not about helping the people. They are all about control. I have said that for a very, very long time. They do not care about us, how we live or what our wishes are. All our representatives want is control. They use welfare, tax codes and laws to control us. If you think it isn't about control look at all the representatives who spent more on their campaigns than they would ever get back. There was one in I think Wisconsin or Minnesota who spent over 50 million dollars to get elected. That person whould have to live, and remain in office, for over 280 years to break even. It is not about salary or benefits as most are multi millionaires before running for office.

Want to reduce the budget? Do this. Freeze the budget for all sections of government. Then tell all the members of that section that they will split 1/2 of what they save from the previous year. People's individual greed will take over and the budgets will begin to drop.

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[quote name='6.8 AR' timestamp='1352176729' post='839862']
It's not that government is set up wrong, but that there's too much of it. We have allowed it to get too big.
Government employees need to be drastically reduced. I don't consider the military to be government employees,
just so you know. :D

Every time a program is added, government grows, taxes go up, wealth is transferred, bums are created, and
politicians gain power. Something called soft tyranny. Debt causes the same problem just like the debt a family has.
It has to be paid off, eventually, and politicians concoct devilish ways to get that money out of us without paying
the revolving credit card government has. It started as soon as the ink was drying on the Constitution and hasn't let up.

We would do so much better with the limited government our founders intended.

Man you nailed it IMO. Every time I think about / talk about politics I always come to the same conclusion ... our government is WAAAAY too big.

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I haven't read this whole thread and I'm not gonna... but I had a neat idea.

If Obama wins, I want to see a bunch of middle aged, over-weight, balding white guys looting the Quickie Stop on MLK Blvd. Kicking in the windows and stuffing the back seat of their bimmer with cases of frappuccino and Gardetto's. Some others gasping for breath on the verge of a heart attack about a block away because that's as far as they could carry the case of diet coke. That would f-ing ROCK!

That is all. Carry on.


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[quote name='peejman' timestamp='1352238206' post='840319']
I haven't read this whole thread and I'm not gonna... but I had a neat idea.

If Obama wins, I want to see a bunch of middle aged, over-weight, balding white guys looting the Quickie Stop on MLK Blvd. Kicking in the windows and stuffing the back seat of their bimmer with cases of frappuccino and Gardetto's. Some others gasping for breath on the verge of a heart attack about a block away because that's as far as they could carry the case of diet coke. That would f-ing ROCK!

That is all. Carry on.


I'd like to see Will Ferrel in that movie.

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[quote name='TLRMADE' timestamp='1352229043' post='840160']
I mean it's everywhere. You have to be blind to not see it!


It's hard to take anything you read on the internet seriously, there's just too much of it. Twitter and internet forums are perfect for sad pathetic people who just want attention and try to make themselves seem big or important, most all who make these lame threats are probably not capable of carrying them out and too chicken sh!t to try. I would guess the clown who wrote that threat would pee his pants if an actual riot broke out close to his house, he's not in much danger while sitting behind a moniter.
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[quote name='K191145' timestamp='1352246378' post='840426']

It's hard to take anything you read on the internet seriously, there's just too much of it. Twitter and internet forums are perfect for sad pathetic people who just want attention and try to make themselves seem big or important, most all who make these lame threats are probably not capable of carrying them out and too chicken sh!t to try. I would guess the clown who wrote that threat would pee his pants if an actual riot broke out close to his house, he's not in much danger while sitting behind a moniter.


Somehow I just seriously doubt that anyone who would ever actually riot even knows how to use twitter or have any interest in Facebook beyond hooking up with hood rats. I also have my doubts that potential rioters are in any way politically active to begin with.

Maybe I'm just behind the times but that's just me.
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They'll only riot in the inner cities where their numbers count. They know that taking their crap out into the country would be a huge mistake. They'd get obliterated within a few days. It'd be just like hunting really, but much easier because the prey would be out in the open running around and screaming incomprehensible obscenities.
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When my father-in-law was visiting a few weeks ago, He happened to see my small stock pile of .22 shells. I think he was mildly concerned until I told him my wife and I go to the range and go though a minimal of 500 a trip. A large number of .22 shells is nothing.

Found on the web. related to the riots, pretty sure it is a joke but funny anyways.

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[quote name='vontar' timestamp='1352254202' post='840518']
When my father-in-law was visiting a few weeks ago, He happened to see my small stock pile of .22 shells. I think he was mildly concerned until I told him my wife and I go to the range and go though a minimal of 500 a trip. A large number of .22 shells is nothing.

Found on the web. related to the riots, pretty sure it is a joke but funny anyways.


That's funny stuff there, I wore a black hoodie to the polls today along with a hat with a less than bent brill. Didn't even realize the faux paux
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[quote name='vontar' timestamp='1352254202' post='840518']
When my father-in-law was visiting a few weeks ago, He happened to see my small stock pile of .22 shells. I think he was mildly concerned until I told him my wife and I go to the range and go though a minimal of 500 a trip. A large number of .22 shells is nothing.

Found on the web. related to the riots, pretty sure it is a joke but funny anyways.


Yep, it's either a joke or a very poorly edited paper published on Tueday, Noverber 6.

Wait. Are there still clothing manufacturers in the US?
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