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A Last Minute Appeal To Libertarians And Non-Voters

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One Vote Makes a Difference

1714: One vote placed King George 1 on the throne in England and restored the monarchy.
1800: One vote kept Aaron Burr, later charged with treason, from becoming president.

1839: One vote elected Marcus Morton as the Governor of Massachusetts.

1844: A farmer in Switzerland County, Indiana named Freeman Clark was seriously ill on Election Day. He had his son carry him to the county seat so he could vote for David Kelso for state senator. Clark died on the way home from the polling place. David Kelso was elected state senator by one vote.
1844: Back when state senates elected U.S. senators, the Indiana state senate elected Edward Hannigan for U.S. senate by one vote; that vote was David Kelso's.

1845: The U.S. Senate passed a convention to annex Texas by a vote of 27 - 25. One of the two critical votes was cast by Senator Hannigan from Indiana.
1850: One vote made California a state.

1859: One vote made Oregon a state.
1868: One vote saved President Andrew Johnson from being removed from office.

1876: President Rutherford B. Hayes was elected by one vote. Here's the full story: His democratic opponent Samuel Tilden won the popular vote, but came up one electoral vote shy of a majority. Twenty electoral votes were under dispute because political tactics were so shady. Congress appointed a commission of eight Republicans and seven Democrats to resolve the issue of the disputed electoral votes. The members voted along party lines, and so the Republicans, with a majority of one, voted to give all 20 of the electoral votes to Hayes, thus making him the President.

1889: One vote made Washington a state.
1890: One vote made Idaho a state.

1920: Tennessee ratified the 19th amendment, which allowed women to vote, by one vote. Tennessee was the last state needed for ratification.

1941: One vote made the term for selective service 2 ½ years instead of 1.
1950: A state senator from Garrett County, Maryland was elected by one vote.

1955: In Huron, Ohio, the mayor was elected by one vote.
1959: One vote elected the mayors of both Rose Creek and Odin, Minnesota.

TNBrat :) Hiding in the woods… ;)

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[quote name='QuietDan' timestamp='1352163120' post='839680']
Actually, salvaging your one misbegotten vote is not worth more than 100 posts.

Take your biased wiki-facts and check the context. What was the job loss in Massachusetts prior to Romney? What was the job loss after Romney? You don't know. It's pertinent. You didn't check. That makes you ignorant in the original meaning of ignorant. What's more, you are willfully ignorant.

You were presented with facts. You ignored them. You know what your own mind is, additional facts to the contrary. It seems that your desire to be right over-rides your desire to understand. Do your homework. Pay attention. Otherwise, stick with your view in spite of being presented with evidence to the contrary by people who lived through the time and were actually there. Stick with your view. Live with it. Choke on it.

You have now demonstrated that YOU ARE NOT WORTH correcting. You are a child and will apparently remain a child. Throw your vote away. Stomp your little foot in your rightness.

Once upon a time, in a different century, they used to say "Don't trust anyone over thirty." One day soon, you will be over thirty, and you'll actually find out how ignorant and narrow your thinking is, and you won't pay any attention to yourself because you'll be over thirty.

I've been in the military for well over three decades, longer than you've been alive apparently, and overseas a significant portion of my life in a combat zone "defending the country." And then, with other folks like me, we come home, and we come across silly little punks that make us think -- WHY DID WE BOTHER? We'd like to continue to "save the country" to the extent that we can, and little know-nothing, smart-ass punks stand up on their hind legs and spout self-righteous nonsense and refuse to be corrected.

Fine. Throw your vote away. Vote for Obama for all we care. When we all sink into a Socialist, Marxist, Communist Hell-hole of ignorance, brutality and depravity, deal with it. We who defended your right to be a complete moron will probably be dead, either of old age or at some cross-roads barricade, and you can go through all the sweat and heartbreak and fight your own damn battles and learn the hard way, if you learn at all.

Thank you for your service.
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[quote name='strickj' timestamp='1352166641' post='839734']
Thank you for your service.

Thank you for your kind remark. However this is not about me, this is about you.

You have just now gotten ten years older in my estimation of you.

I don't know if you played sports in school, or whether or not a coach or a friend of your parents ever lit you up. If it's ever happened to you I imagine they didn't do it because they hated your guts or wanted you to fail but because they could see the promise within you.

In my opinion, this is the most critical election of our times. At some point, probably after November 7, we ought to drink a beer and laugh about this.

God Bless You in your voting decision.
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Guest Lester Weevils
I hope if Romney wins he turns out a fabulous president. Suspect him being brighter than Bush, Gore, or Kerry. But have been fooled before. And smarts isn't the same as judgement, leadership, or having a knack for "doing the right thing". Carter was a pretty bright dude ferinstance. Lots smarter than some other presidents. Which didn't prevent him from screwing it up. I personally have a very low opinion of the native intelligence of Obama, though he was smart enough (along with his minions) to sell the USA a bill of goods in 2008.

However, as best I can honestly estimate, the most likely outcome is that Romney will screw us just as bad as Obama. Merely in a different fashion. Mistakes equally egregious as democrat mistakes, just in a different style, causing things to screw up in a different fashion.

Given that I can't realistically develop confidence that Romney will make it any better, I'd rather avoid embarrassment having to admit I voted for the fella, a couple of years from now after he starts screwing up.

I voted G.W. Bush against my better judgement in 2004 when I should have voted libertarian as is my habit. Or possibly I should have even voted for that clown Kerry. Kerry would have been a screw-up, but on the other hand G. W. Bush hadn't managed to single-handedly destroy the republican party by 2004. If Kerry had won, there would have been an R president in 2008 and no President Obama (yet) unless whichever R would have beat Kerry in 2008 would have screwed up enough by now to give Obama a chance in 2012.

Just sayin, not only did I vote the perceived "lesser evil" in 2004, I contributed a bunch of money to elect the lesser evil in 2004, and it was a mistake and a waste of money. And kinda suspected so at the time, but got fooled.

So here's hoping Romney turns out fabulous if he wins, but "it just don't feel right" and I'm voting libertarian as is my habit. Romney and Ryan say some good things, and then they say some stuff that rubs the wrong way if not slightly "frightening". It could go either way once they are in there, insulated from reality by an army of like-minded butt-kissers and yes-men.
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[quote name='Lester Weevils' timestamp='1352172895' post='839813']
I hope if Romney wins he turns out a fabulous president. Suspect him being brighter than Bush, Gore, or Kerry. But have been fooled before. And smarts isn't the same as judgement, leadership, or having a knack for "doing the right thing". Carter was a pretty bright dude ferinstance. Lots smarter than some other presidents. Which didn't prevent him from screwing it up. I personally have a very low opinion of the native intelligence of Obama, though he was smart enough (along with his minions) to sell the USA a bill of goods in 2008.

However, as best I can honestly estimate, the most likely outcome is that Romney will screw us just as bad as Obama. Merely in a different fashion. Mistakes equally egregious as democrat mistakes, just in a different style, causing things to screw up in a different fashion.

Given that I can't realistically develop confidence that Romney will make it any better, I'd rather avoid embarrassment having to admit I voted for the fella, a couple of years from now after he starts screwing up.

I voted G.W. Bush against my better judgement in 2004 when I should have voted libertarian as is my habit. Or possibly I should have even voted for that clown Kerry. Kerry would have been a screw-up, but on the other hand G. W. Bush hadn't managed to single-handedly destroy the republican party by 2004. If Kerry had won, there would have been an R president in 2008 and no President Obama (yet) unless whichever R would have beat Kerry in 2008 would have screwed up enough by now to give Obama a chance in 2012.

Just sayin, not only did I vote the perceived "lesser evil" in 2004, I contributed a bunch of money to elect the lesser evil in 2004, and it was a mistake and a waste of money. And kinda suspected so at the time, but got fooled.

So here's hoping Romney turns out fabulous if he wins, but "it just don't feel right" and I'm voting libertarian as is my habit. Romney and Ryan say some good things, and then they say some stuff that rubs the wrong way if not slightly "frightening". It could go either way once they are in there, insulated from reality by an army of like-minded butt-kissers and yes-men.

You should post more often. The emotional parrots have been killing me.
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[quote name='LINKS2K' timestamp='1352173141' post='839815']
You should post more often. The emotional parrots have been killing me.
[/quote]But what would you without hearing my voice? :D

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[quote name='SlapChopDonkey' timestamp='1351962781' post='838390']
Choosing the lessor of two evils, is still choosing evil.
That depends on how you define "evil". A lesser choice between two or more candidates doesn't by definition make
it evil. That's the most incorrectly used cliche, especially around election time. But I'm not criticizing you, okay? :D

I just don't understand where Romney could be considered "evil". He has succeeded his entire life. Is that evil?
If so, that will beg more questions, like "is wealth evil?"

What I usually refer to when comparing good and evil is "Whenever you compromise between good and evil, evil
always wins". That's an approximate quotation by Ayn Rand. I was too lazy to steal the exact one.

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[quote name='6.8 AR' timestamp='1352177384' post='839871']

That depends on how you define "evil". A lesser choice between two or more candidates doesn't by definition make
it evil. That's the most incorrectly used cliche, especially around election time. But I'm not criticizing you, okay? :D

I just don't understand where Romney could be considered "evil". He has succeeded his entire life. Is that evil?
If so, that will beg more questions, like "is wealth evil?"

What I usually refer to when comparing good and evil is "Whenever you compromise between good and evil, evil
always wins". That's an approximate quotation by Ayn Rand. I was too lazy to steal the exact one.

I don't think that Romney is evil. I just don't believe that he is anymore a man of his word than Obama. With that being said, none of it matters at this point in the game. The point of no return is less than 24 hours away.

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[quote name='LINKS2K' timestamp='1352178544' post='839884']

I don't think that Romney is evil. I just don't believe that he is anymore a man of his word than Obama. With that being said, none of it matters at this point in the game. The point of no return is less than 24 hours away.[/quote]
I would say the point of no return passed decades ago. We're just riding this ship down to the bottom at this point.

Speaking of ships, this showed up on my fb and I think it sums the situation up nicely.

"Voting for Obama is like the Titanic backing up and hitting the iceberg a second time. Voting for Romney is like the Titanic backing up and hitting a different iceberg. "
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Oh, I know who I am voting for. I am voting for Gary Johnson. It is no longer enough for me to vote against someone. I'm sick of pinching my nose to vote and then still being left with a bad taste in my mouth afterwards.

Voting for the major parties is reminiscent of being a prison bitch. You don't want what either one wants to give you; all you get is a choice of which one is going to #### you. Either way you are left with a sore ass.
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No Mark, I actually believe in the ideals of the Libertarian Party. Gary Johnson is the candidate who most closely aligns with my views, therefore I am voting FOR him, not against someone else. I vote my conscience, regardless of the ability of the candidate to win.

Here's the thing, even if Johnson won this race in some alternate universe, it wouldn't change anything. The American people have lost the will to be independent. They do not have the intestinal fortitude to be able to stomach the harsh medicine this country needs to right itself and prevent collapse. New Rome is a tinderbox just needing the right spark, and my only wish is that I am around to see the carnage as it all burns to the ground.
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[quote name='Chucktshoes' timestamp='1352187616' post='839900']. New Rome is a tinderbox just needing the right spark, and my only wish is that I am around to see the carnage as it all burns to the ground.

Careful what you wish for, you just might get it.

About the only thing that keeps me awake at night is the thought of my 4 grand children terrified and helpless before that fire. If you have progeny, can't understand wanting to watch them consumed in that conflagration.
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[quote name='LINKS2K' timestamp='1352215586' post='840002']
Like others have said, if nothing else there are other local issues to vote on.
[/quote]Unfortunately, the majority of people who are eligible to vote won't bother to do so. It's very sad that a freedom purchased as so high a price is ignored with little regard for the blood and misery that purchased it.

What I find truly amazing (and reprehensible) is that research shows that a majority of conservatives and libertarians who profess to be concerned with public policy and the direction or country is heading aren't registered or don't vote if they are registered. :(

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[quote name='OhShoot' timestamp='1352231943' post='840219']
Close. About 55% probably will.

- OS
[/quote]In 2010, 90,732,693 voted out of a total of 217,342,419 eligible voters so that works out to about 41.7%...in 2008 it was 62.2%...I guess we'll see what happens this time!

Interesting stuff here: http://elections.gmu.edu/index.html
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