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TGO Prez Poll Results & Last Predictions

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History of Ohio being Republican, and, the coal issue will take Ohio into Romney's column this time.

Have a compatriot there who is very active in the NRA and Buckeye Firearms, she keeps an ear to the ground on grassroots issues as part of her job. She has been telling me that the polls are way off in Ohio, and that the only place Obama is going to carry is Cleveland. she intimates that the rural areas are sick of Obama and his attacks on coal and resultant job losses there, with the certain knowledge that if he gets four more years then the budding natural gas industry will be knocked in the head too.

Carbon (and the current Administration's hate of it) will beat Obama in Ohio.

Plus, I think the mask slipped a little with the "Voting is the best Revenge" comment, along with the Savior's failure to wave his hand and cure the Northeast storm's problems are showing him to be a mortal more focused on photo ops and the election than balming their ills.

I think Romney by a big enough margin that Obama's legal challanges will simply make him look like the sore looser he will be. Edited by Worriedman
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[quote name='Worriedman' timestamp='1352119289' post='839312']
History of Ohio being Republican, and, the coal issue will take Ohio into Romney's column this time.

Have a compatriot there who is very active in the NRA and Buckeye Firearms, she keeps an ear to the ground on grassroots issues as part of her job. She has been telling me that the polls are way off in Ohio, and that the only place Obama is going to carry is Cleveland. she intimates that the rural areas are sick of Obama and his attacks on coal and resultant job losses there, with the certain knowledge that if he gets four more years then the budding natural gas industry will be knocked in the head too.

Carbon (and the current Administration's hate of it) will beat Obama in Ohio.

Plus, I think the mask slipped a little with the "Voting is the best Revenge" comment, along with the Savior's failure to wave his hand and cure the Northeast storm's problems are showing him to be a mortal more focused on photo ops and the election than balming their ills.

I think Romney by a big enough margin that Obama's legal challanges will simply make him look like the sore looser he will be.

According to the poll, you voted for Obama, correct?
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[quote name='Steelharp' timestamp='1352120032' post='839314']
According to the poll, you voted for Obama, correct?

In the first one, then changed in the second. Keep in mind, the original polls asked what I "thought" not what I wanted to happen. I see a change from then to now.
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[url="http://twitchy.com/2012/11/04/cnn-poll-reaches-new-heights-of-absurdity/"]http://twitchy.com/2...s-of-absurdity/[/url] Interesting sample?
[url="http://twitchy.com/2012/11/04/cnn-poll-reaches-new-heights-of-absurdity/"]I[/url]f only they could vote!

[url="http://washingtonexaminer.com/november-surprise-epa-planning-major-post-election-anti-coal-regulation/article/2512538#.UJbkMoW1-AI"]http://washingtonexa...38#.UJbkMoW1-AI[/url] This could make Ohio and other coal heavy states go far to the right tomorrow.

I'm sticking with my earlier prediction. :D

Edited by 6.8 AR
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[quote name='OhShoot' timestamp='1352061624' post='839011']
That's MrGrumpy, [i]Sir[/i], to you. :)

Believe me, I'm hoping to eat massive amounts of crow. Raw.

- OS

I hope there's a lot of folks eating crow and I hope Chik-Filet will be serving it. :wave:

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[quote name='Caster' timestamp='1351905219' post='838077']
I'd LOVE to be wrong, but I still think O will win. Why? Because Amerika is stupid and begs to screw itself.

[size=5]I TOLD YOU SO! [/size]
[size=5]AMERIKA, YOU FRIGGIN' IDIOT! [/size]

[size=4]We've made our communist bed. Time to lay down in it comrade. [/size]
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[quote name='Mike.357' timestamp='1352299568' post='840984']
oddly enough since last night it appears the sun has come up again and the sky did not fall.

Well, the sun didn't come up in Cleveland, TN... and stuff is falling from the sky...
But you can't blame it on the South... can you?
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