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TGO Prez Poll Results & Last Predictions

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[quote name='RobertY' timestamp='1351907908' post='838098']

[b]I sure as heck hope that a 3rd party can get developed enough to be taken seriously in 2016.[/b]

I believe the reason 3rd party candidates don't have a bigger following is because the media refuses to talk about them. I don't see that changing anytime soon unfortunately
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[quote name='Erik88' timestamp='1351908060' post='838099']
Mav, hate to say it but Americans were stupid enough to elect him once I have no doubts they will do it again. Hell, we're the country that finds entertainment in watching Jersey Shore...

what is wrong with watching Jersey Shore? I love that show. And I am an old fart. I love seeing kids out and living life, doing stupid crap I wish I still has the energy to do.
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[quote name='Erik88' timestamp='1351908060' post='838099']
Mav, hate to say it but Americans were stupid enough to elect him once I have no doubts they will do it again. Hell, we're the country that finds entertainment in watching Jersey Shore...

There is some true in that. However, the 2008 election was a little different. Obama was a pretty much an unknown in 2008 even though all a person had to do was a little research and they could have found a plethora of information on him. McCain was a very weak opponent with extremely hawkish views, and Americans were becoming war weary. You also have to consider that there were a lot of people who voted for Obama solely on melanin content to prove to themselves and others that they were not racist.

While none of the above are good excuses, I will give people a pass on 2008. In this election, none of those reasons are valid. Four years has been more than enough time to see who Obama is and what his views truly are. If they can't see that Obama has been a disaster, they are either stupid, on the take (personally benefiting from government largess), or they are partisan.
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[quote name='Erik88' timestamp='1351908060' post='838099']

Mav, hate to say it but Americans were stupid enough to elect him once I have no doubts they will do it again.[/quote]

We have the Bush administration to thank for that. They could have pulled Hitler from the grave, stamped "Democrat" on his forehead, and he would have beat any Republican candidate. There was no wa in hell this country was going to vote for a Republican after the **** Bush got us into.

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[quote name='Mike.357' timestamp='1351908152' post='838100']
votes cast is not top secret or at least it used to not be. In days gone by when I was younger and very politically active I worked for several election campaigns. One task I always worked to be assigned to was to go from poll to poll and find out how many had voted at selected precints. There was almost always some pushback the first time in the door when I asked how many ballots had been issued. But by law they had to tell me. By doing this the people in charge could better decide where to put their "get out the vote" efforts.
[/quote]Right, they know how many votes have been cast and by exit polling they can get close to who is winning.
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[quote name='TripleDigitRide' timestamp='1351911568' post='838143']

We have the Bush administration to thank for that. They could have pulled Hitler from the grave, stamped "Democrat" on his forehead, and he would have beat any Republican candidate. There was no wa in hell this country was going to vote for a Republican after the **** Bush got us into.

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[quote name='TripleDigitRide' timestamp='1351911568' post='838143']
We have the Bush administration to thank for that. They could have pulled Hitler from the grave, stamped "Democrat" on his forehead, and he would have beat any Republican candidate. There was no wa in hell this country was going to vote for a Republican after the **** Bush got us into.

Yup. Jesus himself would have lost in a landslide running under GOP.

- OS
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[quote name='6.8 AR' timestamp='1351912641' post='838162']
Right, they know how many votes have been cast and by exit polling they can get close to who is winning.

They can also get how many of party registered voters voted in states that have that. Apparently they can also get how many of just previously "primary registered" one like in TN and Ohio and etc actually voted.

That's pretty iffy though. Lots of Dems and Republicans cross over in primaries in states where you can do that -- I almost voted for BHO in Dem primary in 08 just to help nuke Hildebeeste. How little I knew, eh?

- OS Edited by OhShoot
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I've spent the afternoon flipping back and forth between Fox and MSNBC, and ignoring the middle (middle left of course) of CNN.

Ya know, one of those two are gonna be wrong. :)

But of course while a few on Fox positively aver it's Mitt in a walk, they're already inaugurating BHO on MSNBC, so they're got a much longer fall if they're wrong. Watching Chris, Ed, and Rachel over there for a while might be the most gratifying part of the whole shebang if lightening does strike and Mitt pulls it off!

If more folks actually [i]wanted[/i] Mitt as president, compared to the 95% who will vote for him just because they want BHO gone, he probably would indeed be a shoo-in.

- OS

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When I change channels, it is usually from History to Military channels. If I was watching FOX and then turned
to MSNBC, I'd have to rush to the bathroom. From what I've seen, FOX isn't calling this race. MSNBC is only the
screaming, tingling channel.
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Guest ThePunisher
[quote name='6.8 AR' timestamp='1351993091' post='838600']
When I change channels, it is usually from History to Military channels. If I was watching FOX and then turned
to MSNBC, I'd have to rush to the bathroom. From what I've seen, FOX isn't calling this race. MSNBC is only the
screaming, tingling channel.

That's why I don't watch MSNBC, I'm afraid I might get that tingling down my leg.
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[quote name='6.8 AR' timestamp='1351993091' post='838600']
When I change channels, it is usually from History to Military channels. If I was watching FOX and then turned
to MSNBC, I'd have to rush to the bathroom. From what I've seen, FOX isn't calling this race. MSNBC is only the
screaming, tingling channel.

Actually, quite a few on Fox over course of day are calling for Mitt to win, just not any of the anchors, unlike MSNBC where there's little difference who's doing the proselytizing and raving. I think it's healthy to get a dose there once in awhile, or you lose track of just how vile the left can be.

But all in all, I'm doing media blitz through the election -- as I've said before, I just don't know if even my love for day by day history can override the daily depression of four more with BHO. I've gotten where I can't hardly tolerate even [i]seeing[/i] or [i]hearing[/i] The CiC.

- OS Edited by OhShoot
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[quote name='OhShoot' timestamp='1351994173' post='838607']

Actually, quite a few on Fox over course of day are calling for Mitt to win, just not any of the anchors, unlike MSNBC where there's little difference who's doing the proselytizing and raving. I think it's healthy to get a dose there once in awhile, or you lose track of just how vile the left can be.

But all in all, I'm doing media blitz through the election -- as I've said before, I just don't know if even my love for day by day history can override the daily depression of four more with BHO. I've gotten where I can't hardly tolerate even [i]seeing[/i] or [i]hearing[/i] The CiC.

- OS

If that is to be the reality you will get over it quickly by just sticking to your daily routine. I thought that it was the end when "w" won a second term.
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[quote name='LINKS2K' timestamp='1351997567' post='838658']
If that is to be the reality you will get over it quickly by just sticking to your daily routine. ....[/quote]

Yeah, likely. I admit I've lost too much of my dispassionate objectivity in the last year, probably just need to get back in that mode.

- OS
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Actually, History has a good series about the supposed robber barons.
That name still bugs me.
If they would just play it more often.
Even the secret Hitler programs are
pretty cool, even though probably
reruns I must have missed.

Mac, I don't have the need to be reminded about liberals. :D

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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OhShoot, is this what you meant?

I think O will win. (As I was my mouth out with soap after throwing up)...
- Too many people enjoying his redistribution won't want to see him go.
- The mainstream media is pulling for him.
- People aren't taking the time to research.
- It's the pc way to vote.
- R has too much money.
- Religion (a friend said "I'd vote Romney if he didn't belong to a cult")
- "He got bin Laden"
- I could go on with what I'm hearing people say as the reasons they're voting O but they just make me sick!!

TNBrat :) Hiding in the woods… ;)

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[quote name='TNBrat' timestamp='1352049348' post='838910']
OhShoot, is this what you meant?

I think O will win. ....

Yep, all of that is part of it.

What's interesting about this election is that I agree with several pundits in that both sides really do believe they're gonna win this. They have made the point that public words aside, reporters can usually get a feel for the confidence level from top aides, especially the imbedded ones that travel with the campaign, and how there will usually be various tells of one kind or another when they think they've probably lost it. But none of that on either side this time.

It really is quite the horse race. But I still think history will out on Ohio this time. No Republican has [i]ever[/i] won without winning Ohio, and I don't think Mitt will.

I must say his latest constant harping on the Jeep/China thing there, which does indeed seem to be fallacious, may have been the last straw.

- OS
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To give us all heart, Michael Barone, well known polling expert and pundit, just today is predicting decisive win for Mitt. And btw, like me, he cites decrease in landline ownership as major reason all polls are suspect anymore.


Of course there's plenty of pushback on that, and not just from leftish side either:



- OS Edited by OhShoot
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I think Romney/Ryan are going to win and win big. I don't believe the polls.

People are sick of this clown with his hype and blame. People are sick of this economy and too many are unemployed, hungry and disgusted. They took that frustration out against him during the 2010 election and it will happen again.

BHO has made too many mistakes and has too many broken promises that real Americans with even a slight clue of what's going on will vote to keep him from continuing them.
The constant lying, the excessive waste, his forcing obamacare down our throats, home values have lost 30-50% of their former values, the scandals (green energy bankruptcies, the massive debt., F&S and above all Libya). Everything this president does is against traditional american principles and values, same goes with most of his administration. He does not see the USA as a land of opportunity and wants to transform it into a socialist country. People are not blind to this.
Plus, his VP is an idiot.

Something we are also not seeing is the massive crowds BHO turned out in 2008, instead Romney is bringing in those crowds. We've even seen some of the MSM turn against him and several newspapers are not endorsing him this time. We also don't see the hope and unity BHO displayed (lied about) in 2008 during this campaign, just blame and slander. The HOPE is gone.

I'm very optimistic and before MrGrumpy dissects my rant let me just say that I will ignore it, I'm remaining positive. :usa:

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[quote name='kieefer' timestamp='1352061033' post='839007']
I'm very optimistic and before MrGrumpy dissects my rant let me just say that I will ignore it, I'm remaining positive. :usa:

That's MrGrumpy, [i]Sir[/i], to you. :)

Believe me, I'm hoping to eat massive amounts of crow. Raw.

- OS

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[quote name='OhShoot' timestamp='1352061624' post='839011']

Believe me, I'm hoping to eat massive amounts of crow. Raw.

- OS[/quote]

Me too.

TNBrat :) Hiding in the woods… ;)

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Guest ThePunisher
I wonder if the 21 newspapers that have crossed over to Romney will start reporting the truth about Obama and his corrupt administration if Obama were to squeak out an election win. Wonder why they have betrayed the savior; could it be just to get new subscriptions they been losing because of their liberal biases.
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I am trying hard to remember, but didn't we have similar polling numbers out of Ohio in 2004? I know it was a tossup until the election but the rural counties turned out for GW. I hope we see a similar thing happen Tuesday, and if enough folks in the state care enough about the country, we might. I think it's mitts only chance

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[quote name='OhShoot' timestamp='1352061624' post='839011']
That's MrGrumpy, [i]Sir[/i], to you. :)

Believe me, I'm hoping to eat massive amounts of crow. Raw.

- OS

Raw won't be necessary. And I'll even clean and cook it for you! :yum:

Seriously. I believe the election will be Romney's. Not that I think he's the "savior" or some such nonsense. But at least there will be a small chance of saving our Republic because he can be dragged, kicking and screaming, to the right if we can get enough Tea Party, conservative, libertarian, freedom-loving people in Congress.

Edited by Clod Stomper
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