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Got a call from school today....


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....to pick up my youngest son immediately. Here's what the problem was.


As I understand it, he fell off some sort of playground equipment. We meet with an orthopedic surgeon tomorrow. At least it isn't baseball season!

Edited by gregintenn
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My 7 year old son had something similiar, but not as nearly bad though. He came home from school, nurse had sent a note, likely a sprang. I told him to suck it up, rub dirt on it, and move on. Bless his heart, he tried. 2 days later, swelling, and a mild complaint of pain, we took him to the doctor, and he had mild a breakage in the same area as your son's arm. I felt really really bad.

Hope your son heals quickly.

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Sorry to see it. I had a kid on my Fall baseball team do also exactly the same thing about a month ago. Looked like he had two elbows. Really bad, but evidently, it didn't require surgery (not sure why). Doctor told his dad that he kid was likely in shock almost immediately. he doesnt seem to remember much pain.

But he was only the third player (including my son) to get a cast this past Fall baseball season. Maybe it's in the water.

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[quote name='Sam1' timestamp='1351856796' post='837653']
Weird thing is, when those specific bones break, it hardly hurts at all

Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk 2

I broken one arm once and the other twice....hurt like hell when I did it.

He has surgery at 2pm today. They call it surgery, but I believe they will sedate him and set the bones, most likely without actually cutting them. The surgeon is a nice guy. He also was a surgeon for the Air Force in Afghanistan.
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[quote name='gregintenn' timestamp='1351875626' post='837818']
I broken one arm once and the other twice....hurt like hell when I did it.

He has surgery at 2pm today. They call it surgery, but I believe they will sedate him and set the bones, most likely without actually cutting them. The surgeon is a nice guy. He also was a surgeon for the Air Force in Afghanistan.

Hope everything works out well! As for it hurting, that is surprising. Last year after my wreck, I went a full month before knowing one of those bones was completed severed (literally broken in two like your son's). This is the xray, they had done the previous plates end of May, and I went around like this until the beginning of July before finding this (was a result of them doing xrays from the wrong angle and overlooking it)


Your son will be fine, the technology and people behind that we have now to patch people together is simply astonishing. Edited by Sam1
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It really didn't, obviously it ached a wee bit, but figured it was just part of the plates. Am guessing that's what they'll be putting in your son's arm? The biggest issue he'll have is that he'll want to use it as soon as it's patched up just make sure he doesn't overdo it and he'll be at or near 100% before he knows it.
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mine looked almost exactly like that and they did not have to do anything special. He knocked me 100% out to set it but no plates or screws or other stuff, just set and splint. It was the LEAST painful serious injury I have ever had, it just broke, no real pain when it happened or afterwards. Itched in the cast, but that was the worst of it. I think I hit the ground at 15-20 mph (bycicle, big hill) but apart from that I was fine, walked a 1/2 mile to someone with a phone to get mom to come for me, walked all that holding it with the other hand. Hopefully this one will also be pain free and heal fast.

I broke my foot later, and that one HURT.
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[quote name='gregintenn' timestamp='1351822664' post='837515']
....to pick up my youngest son immediately. Here's what the problem was.


As I understand it, he fell off some sort of playground equipment. We meet with an orthopedic surgeon tomorrow. At least it isn't baseball season!

OH....NOT GOOD!!!! I hope he recovers well. That's a bad break in anyones book! Poor guy. Best wishes to him!

Dave S Edited by DaveS
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He's doing great. They put him to sleep and set the breaks and put in cast. You always hear bad things about the medical community, so here's something different:
Everyone wet met at Sumner Regional Medical Center were very kind, helpful, professional, and went out of their way to comfort him and answer all questions to assure he wasn't any more scared than necessary.
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