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Despite Sandy, Sentinels Stand Guard at Tomb of the Unknowns

Guest AmericanWorkMule

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I realize I could easily ruffle some veteran feathers here, and it is NOT my intention....but...I don't really understand their purpose. What are they guarding?

I'm not trying to say I am opposed to it, but I am confused by the need for manned guards who require pay and benefits when one could commission a beautifully handcrafted monument to serve as lasting reminder. Is there some national treasure buried there that only the elite know about?

I guess it's not in the scope of a lowly civilian to understand such things.

Edited by Caster
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Is there some national treasure buried there that only the elite know about?

Yes. The treasure is the greatest of all. The ultimate sacrifice that an ordinary man has given to his fellow Countrymen. His body was mangled or lost in time and cannot be identified. To be nameless is to not exist. The sentinel guard is the very least this Country can do to honor those that have given everything for the rest of us to carry on. Even though they may be nameless, their service will never be forgotten.

I believe we will guard that tomb, as we should, until this Country has fallen.

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Yes. The treasure is the greatest of all. The ultimate sacrifice that an ordinary man has given to his fellow Countrymen. His body was mangled or lost in time and cannot be identified. To be nameless is to not exist. The sentinel guard is the very least this Country can do to honor those that have given everything for the rest of us to carry on. Even though they may be nameless, their service will never be forgotten.

I believe we will guard that tomb, as we should, until this Country has fallen.

Yes sir, I understand WHAT they are doing and I understand why they say [as you did] they are doing it, I just don't understand why.

Don't hate me for saying it, I'm totally cool with it and it provides a good job for some seriously dedicated men. Fine by me. Unlike some some douche bags, I am ALL FOR preferential treatment for our soldiers. AND, contrary to what some of our soldiers say in modesty, I DO think they are better than the rest of us and deserve to be treated as such. They're the reason I get to sit behind this keyboard and type this.

God bless them and give them all a raise even if my taxes go up a couple of bucks for it!

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Yes sir, I understand WHAT they are doing and I understand why they say [as you did] they are doing it, I just don't understand why.

Don't hate me for saying it, I'm totally cool with it and it provides a good job for some seriously dedicated men. Fine by me. Unlike some some douche bags, I am ALL FOR preferential treatment for our soldiers. AND, contrary to what some of our soldiers say in modesty, I DO think they are better than the rest of us and deserve to be treated as such. They're the reason I get to sit behind this keyboard and type this.

God bless them and give them all a raise even if my taxes go up a couple of bucks for it!

Honor Guard. First word.

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I realize I could easily ruffle some veteran feathers here, and it is NOT my intention....but...I don't really understand their purpose. What are they guarding?

I'm not trying to say I am opposed to it, but I am confused by the need for manned guards who require pay and benefits when one could commission a beautifully handcrafted monument to serve as lasting reminder. Is there some national treasure buried there that only the elite know about?

I guess it's not in the scope of a lowly civilian to understand such things.

It's ceremonial. They're basically saying, "You stood for me, now I will stand for you." The fact that they do it 24 hours a day come rain, snow, sleet, hail, or whatever else nature throws at them is a testament to the fact that they are as dedicated in honoring our fallen heroes as those heroes were in protecting and fighting for our great nation. Why? Because they deserve it,

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Yes sir, I understand WHAT they are doing and I understand why they say [as you did] they are doing it, I just don't understand why.

Don't hate me for saying it, I'm totally cool with it and it provides a good job for some seriously dedicated men. Fine by me. Unlike some some douche bags, I am ALL FOR preferential treatment for our soldiers. AND, contrary to what some of our soldiers say in modesty, I DO think they are better than the rest of us and deserve to be treated as such. They're the reason I get to sit behind this keyboard and type this.

God bless them and give them all a raise even if my taxes go up a couple of bucks for it!

I'd say it's not just about honoring the fallen dead but also about educating the American people about how much importance we place, or should place, on our fallen soldiers. I imagine the average tourist knows nothing about what the tomb is for. But by visiting or even looking it up online, maybe they will be able to appreciate just what kind of sacrifice our soldiers are willing to make everyday. So I guess you could say the tomb not only honors the fallen with all the pomp and circumstance in the cermonies and guard, but also by educating the masses so that the unknown are never truly forgotten.

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caster my good friend i write this with tears in my eyes .the reason for this is when you are in the military you are handing the cic a blank check with the amount payable as your life.each and every american owes all who served more than they can repay. like was said in my time all gave some some gave all and some just dont understand

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Guest Aces&8s

My family went to D.C. many, many years ago for vacation, and I am thankful that we were at the tomb for the changing of the guard. At the time (I was like 8 or so), it did not compare to the museums, but as I have gotten older, it has taken on much more significance. God bless our servicemen and women, may we never forget nor forsake you.

Sent from my NookColor using Tapatalk 2

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Honor. They still enforce a proper attitude there as well - disrespectful folks will be challenged. It is a memorial for all of the fallen of our brothers and sisters to ensure that proper decorum is maintained.

I am so proud of my Army and this post that they stand.

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Hey guys, I never said or implied anything to the negative. It just seems like what we spend to guard the unknown soldier might be better spent helping the here and now. I know the two SEAL/CIA operatives overseas that lost their life could have certainly used the dedication these guards are showing.

DON'T MISUNDERSTAND ME GUYS! I'm 110% behind our troops in every way. I never EVER want to neglect or minimize the sacrifice any of them have made. EVER! I guess I'm just a sorry son of a bitch for a realist because I would rather see every dime we have supporting the men here and now. How many troops are fighting depression or dismemberment right now? Have we done all we can do for them? Somehow I think not. We owe the ones that are alive MORE than we are giving them.

Unless he does something to dishonor himself, a combat veteran should NEVER walk in a bar and have to buy his own damn beer. It's a crime!

Sorry for being me.

Edited by Caster
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Hey guys, I never said or implied anything to the negative. It just seems like what we spend to guard the unknown soldier might be better spent helping the here and now. I know the two SEAL/CIA operatives overseas that lost their life could have certainly used the dedication these guards are showing.

DON'T MISUNDERSTAND ME GUYS! I'm 110% behind our troops in every way. I never EVER want to neglect or minimize the sacrifice any of them have made. EVER! I guess I'm just a sorry son of a bitch for a realist because I would rather see every dime we have supporting the men here and now. How many troops are fighting depression or dismemberment right now? Have we done all we can do for them? Somehow I think not. We owe the ones that are alive MORE than we are giving them.

Unless he does something to dishonor himself, a combat veteran should NEVER walk in a bar and have to buy his own damn beer. It's a crime!

Sorry for being me.

I get what you're trying to say. Just rest easy with the knowledge that the relatively few Soldiers tasked with performing these duties is a drop in an Olympic size swimming pool. It doesn't reduce readiness or is it a drag on our military resources. There are plenty of obsolete and wasteful jobs in the military that should go before we abandon this honorable tradition.

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I'm all about their ultimate sacrifice not being forgotten, and sentinels are a small price to pay to remind us that their sacrifice was made. This country has a danged short memory as I discovered shortly after October 23, 1983 - which is why I carry tattoos concerning 9-11 to remind everyone that reads them.

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I'm all about their ultimate sacrifice not being forgotten, and sentinels are a small price to pay to remind us that their sacrifice was made. This country has a danged short memory as I discovered shortly after October 23, 1983 - which is why I carry tattoos concerning 9-11 to remind everyone that reads them.

Yep it sure does. I'll be honest and say that I'm frequently guilty of taking things for granted and constantly have to remind myself of why I have the freedoms that I have. Memorials such as these only help to remind me even more of the sacrifice and blood mixed into the foundation of our country. I look at the money invested in things like this as an investment into educating people about our country's heritage, one of which I look forward to teaching to my sons. Plus I know of a TON of worse ways to squander our tax dollars. But don't get me started. :)

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yes we owe all veterens more than we can pay but they didnt do it for pay most do it for god family and country.

i guess its a soft spot in me i cannot watch the guards at the tomb of the unkowns without tears .

if you have never been there you should go it is something else

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  • Admin Team

I'm guessing that even if Congress in their ineptitude were to strip funding for this, that our soldiers would still find a way to honor the memory of their brothers who never came home - even if that meant doing it on their own time and finding another way to pay for it.

I'd certainly donate to the cause.

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I have no shame in admitting that every time I read and think about the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and the Sentinels who stand guard, I weep. I weep for the sacrifices made, and I weep for a nation that no longer values the liberty those sacrifices were for.

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