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USPS in Farragut

Guest Nunya

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You cannot ship ammunition, primers, or powder through USPS. Let me revise that, you can ship it, but you see what may happen when you don't follow their rules.

You must have bought it through an individual who didn't know the score, no reputable company would try to send ammo through USPS.

Even using UPS or FedEx, it must have an ORM-D notation on outside, don't try to slip it past them without it.

- OS

It was suppose to say ammo brass, I have edited it to say that sorry for the error.
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Which is why stamps are almost 50 cents and it costed my wife $10-$15 everytime she sent me a flat rate care package on deployment.

If the post office was to "privatize" in the full sense of the word and be allowed to operate for a profit like a private business, you would be paying 2$ for stamps and 50$ to mail those flat rate boxes.

If y'all get bored sometime, research other countries mail systems and you will be thankful we have what we have now.

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I'm thankful for what we have now, however, I don't need someone to drive by my mailbox everyday... I think if they cut mail service down to twice a week, it would save them a TON of Money.

Yes, it would make some things a little slower, but they could stil do the priority every day, and it the word "Priority" would actually make sense in that model.

So what if my bills only come on Tuesday and Thursday

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Privatized or not, our postal service doesn't need to be populated with lazy, shiftless and rude scumbags who have no fear of being fired. Lots of people need jobs. The postal service need to clean house and start hiring people that appreciate being employed.

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I'm thankful for what we have now, however, I don't need someone to drive by my mailbox everyday... I think if they cut mail service down to twice a week, it would save them a TON of Money.

Yes, it would make some things a little slower, but they could stil do the priority every day, and it the word "Priority" would actually make sense in that model.

So what if my bills only come on Tuesday and Thursday

None of my bills come through the mail.

Actually, there is almost zero need for actual mail delivery today. What little might actually need to be physically delivered can be handled by the private sector; everything else can be done faster, easier, and more inexpensively by electronic means; that is, of course, whey the USPS is losing money in HUGE amounts.

I don't blame the post office for this; not just the USPS has been caught between a rock and a hard place by the huge societal changes we've seen over the past 20 years or so (although the USPS, given its bureaucratic mentality has probably been the slowest to respond to the changes).

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USPS isn't going anywhere and nor is daily mail delivery.

Direct mail is big BIG business. Direct mail is the reason USPS is reducing and cutting offices in rural areas and not in populated areas (that can't be compensated by fewer workers). Not as much junk mail get's delivered to rural areas so it just doesn't make cents to keep those running.

Non-junk residential mail only makes them a couple of bones per street. Hardly even enough to cover gas in those Jeeps.

And as already mentioned, USPS has the small to medium sized package market cornered.

Businesses are not going to let their cheap shipments and advertising go away that easily.

Edited by strickj
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USPS isn't going anywhere and nor is daily mail delivery.

Direct mail is big BIG business. Direct mail is the reason USPS is reducing and cutting offices in rural areas and not in populated areas (that can't be compensated by fewer workers). Not as much junk mail get's delivered to rural areas so it just doesn't make cents to keep those running.

Non-junk residential mail only makes them a couple of bones per street. Hardly even enough to cover gas in those Jeeps.

And as already mentioned, USPS has the small to medium sized package market cornered.

Businesses are not going to let their cheap shipments and advertising go away that easily.

I'd would bet that they are going to go away unless USPS bigwigs can pull some money out of their asses or the businesses that like their cheep mail are willing to pay a LOT more for it. ;)

Even the USPS can't go on bleeding cash indefinitely.

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None of my bills come through the mail.

Actually, there is almost zero need for actual mail delivery today. What little might actually need to be physically delivered can be handled by the private sector; everything else can be done faster, easier, and more inexpensively by electronic means; that is, of course, whey the USPS is losing money in HUGE amounts.

I don't blame the post office for this; not just the USPS has been caught between a rock and a hard place by the huge societal changes we've seen over the past 20 years or so (although the USPS, given its bureaucratic mentality has probably been the slowest to respond to the changes).

I need the USPS almost every day. Without it, my business would fail.

Also, please link the info you are quoting that "the USPS is losing money in HUgE amounts".

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I need the USPS almost every day. Without it, my business would fail.

Also, please link the info you are quoting that "the USPS is losing money in HUgE amounts".

I've no idea what business you are in but I would think you could find an alternative to the USPS couldn't you? I mean, to a large degree, it's those alternatives that is causing much of the problems at the postal service.

Anyway, I guess "HUGE" could be a matter of one's perspective ;) but I'd say it's huge...

This was reported in early August...

The U.S. Postal Service’s announcement yesterday that it lost $5.2 billion in its third quarter added to calls for Congress to help the agency that’s supposed to run itself like a business and in many ways can’t.

The Washington-based service yesterday reported its 11th consecutive quarter of losses and said it may lose $15 billion in the fiscal year that ends Sept. 30. The loss was more than any quarterly net deficit in the past 12 months among companies in the Standard & Poor’s 500 and the Nasdaq Stock Market, according to data compiled by Bloomberg.

Source: http://www.businessw...5-dot-2-billion

Edited by RobertNashville
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The post office is "losing" money they are mandated to spend, by order of congress, to front load its retirement fund. Cost of that mandate is 5 billion per year. 12 quarters = 3 years. 15 billion in losses is three years worth of mandate that they are being forced to pay. The post office no longer has the ability to pay its bills AND the mandate during a down economy. Congress refuses to stop the mandate because they are taking that retirement fund money and writing IOU's like they are for SS.

So it's not so much miss management of the company as it is the ridiculous government regulations and mandates the post office has to follow. The news reports are somewhat of a smoke and mirror act to get the public upset to step in and put pressure on the congress to lift the mandates. The post office is the single, sole business that has to follow this mandate. Why?

It's funny. Everyone wants to complain about the post office and its relevancy but try and close a single branch office and the whole county goes berserk and starts protesting and calling senators.

The Saturday delivery deal and closing processing plants is needed to stay afloat, UNLESS, congress drops the mandate.

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