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I still can't believe the Benghazi story isn't on the front page of every newspaper in this country.

I can which is sad.

Our nation desperately needs news organizations that are willing to put bias aside (as much as in humanly possible) and actually REPORT the NEWS and will follow the truth no matter where it leads...we need that regardless of what party is in power or who is in the White House and for many years now, we just don't have that.

Say what you want about "personalities" but if not for the likes of Beck and Limbaugh and Fox News (even with all their faults), we would have lost this republic a long time ago.

What Obama did (or more to the point, didn't do) with regards to our Ambassador and the brave men who died trying to help fellow Americans should have Obama in front of firing squad rather than having a chance at re-election.

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What are the faults of Fox News? I hear them go out of their way to criticize Republicans just to counter the other networks' criticism of them being too far right. Chris Wallace holds back punches from no one.

I didn't mean to imply that the faults belong only to Fox news, all that I mentioned as well as others (Levin, Hanity, Valentine) have faults.

I think Fox is the only network that tries to be what all the new networks used to try and be 30 or 40 years ago but the networks weren't perfect then nor is Fox perfect now.

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We ought to know who our enemy is: The entire Obama administration, mainstream media and the ones like

George Soros.

Good men are being "sacrificed" for political agendas and the people responsible are getting away with it. The

mainstream media is also responsible.

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I had never read that before. Thanks. Most people don't acknowledge how evil Clinton was. They just think

of his sexual proclivities, which is immature of them, to say the least. He lobbed missiles just to keep the senate

from removing him from office.

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