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Meth addict accused in burglary sues 90-year-old homeowner shot in jaw

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We've heard of these stories happening before, but this is just sick.

Quick Summary:

Meth Head breaks in, put a gun to a 90 year old mans head, and ties him up. He starts rummaging through the house. 90 year old man free's himself, grabs a firearm from his bedroom, shoots the Meth head in the jaw. Meth head starts shooting back. Both end up in hospital. Meth head sues home owner.



A 90-year-old California man who was shot during an alleged burglary has reportedly been sued by the admitted methamphetamine addict who allegedly shot him.

The Marin Independent Journal reports that Samuel Cutrufelli' date=' 31, claims Jay Leone “negligently shot†him during a January confrontation inside Leone’s home in Greenbrae. Authorities have said Cutrufelli entered the home and put a gun to Leone’s head before binding the elderly man with a belt and rummaging through the residence for valuables.

Leone said he was able to wriggle his hands loose before convincing Cutrufelli to let him use the bathroom. He then grabbed one of the five handguns from his bedroom and spotted Cutrufelli in his closet. Cutrufelli, in turn, allegedly fired his gun, striking Leone in the jaw. Leone then fired back before Cutrufelli wrestled his gun away and put the gun to Leone’s head and pulled the trigger — but no bullets remained in the gun.

Both men were hospitalized for an extended period following the gun fight. Cutrufelli claims Leone caused him “great bodily injury, and other financial damage, including loss of Mr. Cutrufelli’s home, and also the dissolution of Mr. Cutrufelli’s marriage,†the newspaper reports.

Cutrufelli, a father of two who has been charged with two counts of attempted murder against Leone, is nearing the end of his criminal trial. The negligence lawsuit was filed on his behalf by his father and his criminal defense attorney, who said Cutrufelli is addicted to meth.

"He's the one who busted my door in," Leone told the newspaper when informed about the lawsuit. "I'll just countersue him then. That's what I'll need to do."


Read more: http://www.foxnews.c...s#ixzz2ALB2JKYs[/left]

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This stuff truly pisses me off to ne end.In any case like this where the one doing wrong sues or thier family sues and gets any gain from it is total BS. Look stupid if you werent somewhere where you shouldnt have been doing something you shouldnt have been doing then you wouldnt have been shot

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It's a real shame that the victim's aim wasn't better but kudos to him for getting lose and planting one in the thug's jaw.

I'm hoping for a jury that has people with some common sense (which can be difficult to find in CA).

Even if it was better, and the meth head was put out of his misery, his father would have still sued. If you go to the 2nd link, the father is the one that made it happen.


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Even if it was better, and the meth head was put out of his misery, his father would have still sued. If you go to the 2nd link, the father is the one that made it happen.


Oh...well...considering that the father raised a meth head I'm not surprised that he would be looking for an easy payday from his son's victim!
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I'm sure the meth head "was a good kid" growing up according to the father who probably wasn't around. Harsh assumptions I know but I'm probably right. Everybody wants an easy payday and we have a justice system that support it.

Of course he was a "good kid"...I'm sure at trial there will be plenty of pics of the a**ho** when he was 13, cute and innocent.
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Knowing that this is in California I don't understand why anyone would be shocked at this. They do NOT have a Castle Doctrine. In fact, it's quite the opposite. In California the old man would be expected to flee from his home; not shoot the intruder.

Man, I hated being stationed in that state in the 80's!

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It's a real shame that the victim's aim wasn't better but kudos to him for getting lose and planting one in the thug's jaw.

I'm hoping for a jury that has people with some common sense (which can be difficult to find in CA).

I'm pretty sure that it was the burglary victim who was shot in the jaw, not the meth head burglar.

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Cutrufelli claims Leone caused him “great bodily injury, and other financial damage, including loss of Mr. Cutrufelli’s home, and also the dissolution of Mr. Cutrufelli’s marriage,†the newspaper reports

Yea, it sounds like Curtufelli had so much going for him, all he needed was more 1 hit of meth and then he was going to clean up and turn his life around I guess.

I am glad to hear that Leone had 5 guns and was able to get to at least one of them.

Edited by vontar
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If drugs were legal they would be cheaper and the meth addict would not have been burglarizing the old man’s house. No one would have been shot and no one would be going to prison.

At least that’s what I’ve read on the interweb. rollfloor.gif

Edited by DaveTN
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If the old man had had a 12 gauge would have turned out differently. This really infuriates me, could you imagine someone doing this to your papaw. Not to mention if the method heads gun wasn't empty he would be dead right now. This is just ridiculous.

Sent from secret underground bunker

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I guess I missed this thread yesterday when I posted about it in the civil liability thread. In any event, I suspect the lawyer is using this civil suit to build his criminal defense. This was filed by the guy's criminal lawyer. It probably has something to do with getting discovery through the civil case that might not be available in the criminal case.

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