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AMC back on Dish!!!

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Well, it appears that someone there actually does have a brain! ;)

It's my understanding that they don't have a lot of customers as it is...I apologize for any out there who love Dish Network but after having them and then moving to DirectTV a few years ago I wouldn't go back to Dish for any offer they could come up with! Just my $0.02 of course.

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We very rarely watch TV. JTMaze & I both have just a few shows that are a must like NCIS & Bones. Anyway, when we moved we decided to cut our Direct TV back. We only need CBS, Fox, AMC, & ESPN. But the next package down didn't include AMC so it was a deal breaker. You men & The Walking Dead! I agree what another member said…a soap for men!

TNBrat :) Hiding in the woods… ;)

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I spend far too much on DirectTV and I wish I could just order the specific channels I want instead of all the stuff I never watch but but accountant/financial professional inside of me knows why that can't work for these service providers. :)

Most of the TV shows and really all the movies I watch I get from online services (Netflix, Amazon, PlayStation)...as far as actual TV channels I can count on one hand the ones I actually watch with any regularity.

In my own defense, however, I do read at least one non-fiction and usually one fiction book per month to make up for all the crap on TV. ;)

Edited by RobertNashville
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You'll never see them...even if Dish knows and/or kept track of people who left claiming that was the reason, they'll never release them.

I suspect they lost some but I'd say that there are more people who will complain about something like that than actually go through the hassle of changing providers so in the end, it probably had more to do with wanting to attract new customers than keep from losing existing ones.

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I dunno Robert. I agree we will never see those numbers but I imagine a lot of people left. Comcast is very accommodating to new customers (and old ones) if you start barking demands. I know some disagree but I have had very good service from them.

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I had Dish from Oct-98 to Oct-11. I never had any issue with them.

I miss the NFL Network and the luxury of MNF on ESPN. Otherwise, I'm 100% glad I dropped it.

I would consider getting some form of cable again if all of the providers didn't use gimmicky introductory offers. It's a PITA comparing features and pricing apples to apples. In the meantime, I'm over $600 richer now than i would have been. That will buy a lot of ammo! Hehe.

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a soap for men!

Put some undead on The Young & the Restless* and we'd watch that too. Shoot, I'd probably watch Grey's Anatomy with my wife if the hospital morgue got reanimated.

*Here's some sample dialogue: Chet, I'm afraid you won't be takling over your father's company after his death. Not unless you put this fire poker through his eye socket. <<queue dramatic pause and music...camera pans away>>

Edited by monkeylizard
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Put some undead on The Young & the Restless* and we'd watch that too. Shoot, I'd probably watch Grey's Anatomy with my wife if the hospital morgue got reanimated.

*Here's some sample dialogue: Chet, I'm afraid you won't be takling over your father's company after his death. Not unless you put this fire poker through his eye socket. <<queue dramatic pause and music...camera pans away>>

Heck! We'd even watch "The View" if some of those skanks got eat by walkers!

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I dunno Robert. I agree we will never see those numbers but I imagine a lot of people left. Comcast is very accommodating to new customers (and old ones) if you start barking demands. I know some disagree but I have had very good service from them.

Comcast is against my religion! :)

I would go back to rabbit ears before I'll ever be a Comcast customer again...about 15 years ago I had Comcast and then cancelled them altogether for a while. I returned their "receiver" to their office in Murfreesboro but the clerk was too busy/didn't have a receipt book to give me a receipt for it (that was, of course, my mistake)...even today, some 15 years later, Comcast still thinks I owe them money for their receiver and every now and then I get the occasional call form a debt collector threatening to take me to court if I don't pay immediately.

My usual response goes something like..."please do, at least then I might have a chance of talking to someone about this issue that actually has a couple of working brain cells". ;)

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I would go back to rabbit ears before I'll ever be a Comcast customer again...about 15 years ago I had Comcast and then cancelled them altogether ;)


I had an issue with local channels told they me 3-4 weeks before they could check it. Told them "come get your sh**," been lovin' direct ever since

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Dish dropping AMC was the best thing that ever happened to me IMO. It was the catalyst that inspired me to look at other options. I went to an outside antenae and streaming TV off the computer. Now with Netflix for $8 month I am quite happy and saving $100 a month a was spending on Dish. I am paying $2 an episode to watch Walking Dead on Amazon.

Edited by pcrc11
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All i need is the History Channel, Discovery, ESPN, Fox and NBC.

New season of Gold Rush tonight!

I do like the History & Military channels. If I'm really bored I can always find something interesting.

Sent from iPad in the woods.

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Let's be honest; we (our entire country) would probably be far better off if there were no such thing as television; at least as an entertainment device. It reminds me of a quote from the Arnold Schwarzeneggar movie The Running Man...The game show host, Damon Killian (Richard Dawson's character) said...

This is television, that's all it is. It has nothing to do with people, it's to do with ratings! For fifty years, we've told them what to eat, what to drink, what to wear... for Christ's sake, Ben, don't you understand? Americans love television. They wean their kids on it. Listen. They love game shows, they love wrestling, they love sports and violence. So what do we do? We give 'em *what they want*! We're number one, Ben, that's all that counts, believe me. I've been in the business for thirty years.

Don't get me wrong, there are shows I love to watch (or have loved to watch) and I know that TV can do good things (inform, educate, enlighten, etc.) but on the whole, I think we would all be better people if we turned off the TV a lot more than we do and read a books a lot more often than we do...there is a reason why the most successful people in life tend to be readers!

As Thomas Jefferson said (and this is hanging in my library)..."I cannot live without books". :)

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Let's be honest; we (our entire country) would probably be far better off if there were no such thing as television; at least as an entertainment device. It reminds me of a quote from the Arnold Schwarzeneggar movie The Running Man...The game show host, Damon Killian (Richard Dawson's character) said...

Don't get me wrong, there are shows I love to watch (or have loved to watch) and I know that TV can do good things (inform, educate, enlighten, etc.) but on the whole, I think we would all be better people if we turned off the TV a lot more than we do and read a books a lot more often than we do...there is a reason why the most successful people in life tend to be readers!

As Thomas Jefferson said (and this is hanging in my library)..."I cannot live without books". :)

Goes back to my post about only having the outsida antenae. Almost feels liberating not to be a slave to the TV anymore.

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