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Coolest Hi point ever!


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That is pretty cool! I wish the pics were in color, but even in black & white it looks good. I had a Hi Point JHP .45 for a while, and shot it quite a bit when I first got it, but after the newness wore off I didn't shoot it much and it took up valuable space in my safe, so I sold it to a friend who wanted it more than I did. They aren't the prettiest guns to look at, but they are accurate and reliable...and this treatment does make them look pretty cool anyway.

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That is pretty cool! I wish the pics were in color, but even in black & white it looks good. ...

It is in color. Just to be sure I checked it in PhotoShop, but could already see magenta shading in the shadows. None of the values are neutral, so it's not gone from color to grayscale and back to color either.

- OS

Edited by OhShoot
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I love the grip panels. And the finish is nice too. The only thing wrong with it is........... its not a .45. Just kidding. I'd love to have a .45 Hi-Point. Thats gonna be my next handgun buy. A lot of people put down the Hi-Point but, its cheap, reliable, and the warranty is awesome. Did I say its made in U.S.A. You can send Hi-Point your gun thats wore out and they'll fix it or replace it free. It don't matter if your the original owner or 10th.

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Interesting look creates an allure of sophistication and money. But then some people like to shellac buffalo excrement and set it out on display too. None of that matters though; sometimes you have to overlook the gloss to find the real deal. HPA might make some homely firearms but: A. People buy them by the truck load. B. They have a fan base that rivals all others. C. For their cost your getting a lot of gun.

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price of the pistol: $75

price of the paint job: $150

price of the grips: $25

total cost: enough to buy a used glock

being the coolest pimp in the hood: priceless.

Where can you get a used glock for $250, because I want a bunch of those at that price.
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Second time I've had occasion to post this pic today.

This is me with HP C9 in tactical gansta mode. Just think how much cooler I'd look if it only had that paint job!


- OS

Can't see the pic :/

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Tapatalk is why lol did webview and it worked. Some people think that's shooting gangsta when in reality the upper bulk of a hi point is just hard to support :P

Edited by sL1k
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actually that hydrographic job will cost way more than the gun...i priced it before and it runs 200+ ...not sure what high points run but yes u can buy a used police trade in glock 2nd gen for 3 and some change

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Second time I've had occasion to post this pic today.

This is me with HP C9 in tactical gansta mode. Just think how much cooler I'd look if it only had that paint job!


- OS

Wasn't that up at BigJ45's place?? I coulda swore I had one of you doing it one handed.

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