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Islamist radicals find warm welcome at White House

Guest TNBrat

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I've read similar articles on several sites…




My questions are

1. Is this true?

2. Is it important to what we should know about O?

3. Does it say something about him personally or are these common sense political moves?

4. Is this normal for the POTUS to have these kinds of people visit.

5. Or are people just trying to stir the pot?

Sent from iPad in the woods.

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White House visits are evidently public record. Obama or someone in the administration tried to block

those records when Andy Stern, Van Jones and some other thugs were found to be the most frequent

visitors in the early part of his term. Sure, it's probably true.

CAIR has visited many times. Hillary's aide is muslim woman who is the daughter(?) of a member of the

Muslim Brotherhood. There are probably many connections and people we don't know about that have


Why would you not believe it? Israel does have a vested interest in it getting out, since it should indicate

how much help an Obama administration would actually help Israel if Iran started slinging nukes.

In that debate last night, while Obama said he would defend Israel, I was thinking "When? Two weeks

after it started? So there wouldn't be much left?"

If you recall, Obama said he would meet Iran's president Achmadiditinhispants, and have talks without

preconditions. I'm sure he sent his minions and clerics from the Muslim Brotherhood to meet in the

White House. Many things go unreported.

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My questions are

1. Is this true?

2. Is it important to what we should know about O?

3. Does it say something about him personally or are these common sense political moves?

4. Is this normal for the POTUS to have these kinds of people visit.

5. Or are people just trying to stir the pot?

1. Probably

2. Yes

3. It says something about his agenda.

4. I don't think so, not outside of highly publicized "peace negotiations."

5. Probably not. When you look at how Obama had a free pass in 2008 and now in this campaign about who he really is, you cannot rely on the mainstream media to tell us what is going on. Those that questioned his ties to Jeremiah Wright were called irrational/etc. He has probably gotten by with more secretive actions than any modern president.

If the economy was doing okay, he would be waltzing into a second term.

If a Republican president had a comparable issue hidden from the public, it would be front page news. "George Bush has had behind-closed-doors meetings with the hard-right members of Israel's anti-Palestine *regime*. We will be nuking he Middle East as soon as Israel barks the order. We must impeach this unstable president in order to maintain world peace."

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White House visits are evidently public record. Obama or someone in the administration tried to block

those records when Andy Stern, Van Jones and some other thugs were found to be the most frequent

visitors in the early part of his term. Sure, it's probably true.

CAIR has visited many times. Hillary's aide is muslim woman who is the daughter(?) of a member of the

Muslim Brotherhood. There are probably many connections and people we don't know about that have


Why would you not believe it? Israel does have a vested interest in it getting out, since it should indicate

how much help an Obama administration would actually help Israel if Iran started slinging nukes.

In that debate last night, while Obama said he would defend Israel, I was thinking "When? Two weeks

after it started? So there wouldn't be much left?"

If you recall, Obama said he would meet Iran's president Achmadiditinhispants, and have talks without

preconditions. I'm sure he sent his minions and clerics from the Muslim Brotherhood to meet in the

White House. Many things go unreported.

I believe Obama said that he would stand for Israel; not defend them. I do not recall him every saying anything about using the military to defend Israel.
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As much as they have members who are associated with radical terror groups, for some reason CAIR is mainstream enough that having open relationships with the organization is not cause for alarm. I'd equate CAIR with the NAACP. While most members of the NAACP are normal folks with an agenda of furthering the advancement of Americans of African descent, there are some closely associated with that organization that would and should be classified as radical militants. So does a few bad apples spoil the bunch? I would say "yes" if those organizations choose not to distance themselves from such personalities. CAIR has not, and therefore should not be legitimatized by the White House. In a perfect world....

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Very good responses, but my reply is that it is always #5 when you are the opposition. Otherwise, there would only be one political party and we would all coexist in harmony.

While everyone else is stocking up on guns and ammo I'll be stocking up on Splenda. It's going to take a lot of sweetener to help me digest the next four years regardless who wins.

By 2016 I hope that everyone is so fed up that they will actually vote for a candidate with substance and realistic policy.

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....While everyone else is stocking up on guns and ammo I'll be stocking up on Splenda. It's going to take a lot of sweetener to help me digest the next four years regardless who wins.

Assuming BHO squeaks it out, I may well have to enter political junkie 12 step. Gonna just have to tune out to preserve last vestige of sanity.

- OS

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Very good responses, but my reply is that it is always #5 when you are the opposition. Otherwise, there would only be one political party and we would all coexist in harmony.

While everyone else is stocking up on guns and ammo I'll be stocking up on Splenda. It's going to take a lot of sweetener to help me digest the next four years regardless who wins.

By 2016 I hope that everyone is so fed up that they will actually vote for a candidate with substance and realistic policy.

I'm stocking up on Bacon, myself. I have enough of the former. But I do need to stockpile brown sugar. Gotta admit

I'm spoiled on that stuff. :D

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