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Ron Paul endorses Mitt Romney.

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Thank you MH. I just wish the game hadn't been given away so early, lol. Of course I don't think Mikey appreciated the rickroll, lulz.

It's all good. Maybe Gary Johnson can get weed legalized when he goes to work for Obama :). I'm sure he'll offer him a gig if he wins.

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Guest ThePunisher

Three commies - Chavez, Castro, and Putin endorse Barack Hussein Obama, another commie for Presidential 2nd term.

Birds of a feather flock together.

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Yeah not quite sure what Punishers talking about there, maybe replied to the wrong thread?

Anyway, who doesn't like getting Rick rolled every now and again? The video has everything; skinny young white dude that sings like a big old black dude, 80's babes, it's got it all.

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Guest ThePunisher

Since this was an endorsement thread, I thought it was appropriate since Drudge reported today those endorsements for Obama from three commies.

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Don't forget the Honey Boo Boo endorsement :squint: BHO probably values that one more.

Didn't you hear him chuckle at that in the second debate? I'll bet Honey Boo Boo changes her mind. :D

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