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Stand your ground? What do you think?

Guest 6.8 AR

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Right in your actions or not, if you are standing in a state that requires you to retreat and/or hasn't passed a version of "stand your ground" then a person thinking his actions are right won't keep him out of prison.

At last count, 25 states have passed some sort of castle doctrine/stand your ground law which means 25 haven't. As is always the case, you need to know the laws of the state you are in or going to be in if traveling as each has its own flavor when it comes to the use of deadly force to defend yourself just as each have their own version of what is and isn't permissible in terms of carry. Finding out each state's laws isn't that difficult if one wants to know!

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Another comment: he fired from inside the pocket and made a perfect shot? Wow. I would probably gut-shoot the attacker if I tried that.

Probably a femoral/pelvic girdle shot. You can be dead within a few minutes with a severed femoral artery. No amount of pressure or first aid is going to change that,

There are a lot of good reasons to aim for this region. A shot to the hip joint will end the attackers charge instantly. They might still be able to shoot but if they are wielding a knife the fight is over. And as I said a femoral hit will be deadly within a few minutes. I have read a bunch of studies that say a shot between the belly button and crotch area results in a pretty quick stop, even if it is only soft tissue is hit. And finally, a shot to the neither region keeps them from reproducing.


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A 'stand your ground' law makes as much sense to me as a 'breath the air' law. What rights my God has granted me, man may not put assunder. Requiring a stand your ground law violates my right to life and SCOTUS should ban it in all jurisdictions.

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Right in your actions or not, if you are standing in a state that requires you to retreat and/or hasn't passed a version of "stand your ground" then a person thinking his actions are right won't keep him out of prison.

At last count, 25 states have passed some sort of castle doctrine/stand your ground law which means 25 haven't. As is always the case, you need to know the laws of the state you are in or going to be in if traveling as each has its own flavor when it comes to the use of deadly force to defend yourself just as each have their own version of what is and isn't permissible in terms of carry. Finding out each state's laws isn't that difficult if one wants to know!

Exactly what I'm refering too....(well part of it at least)

Like was said by "Zort"....judged by 12, not carried by 6

Dave S

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A 'stand your ground' law makes as much sense to me as a 'breath the air' law. What rights my God has granted me, man may not put assunder. Requiring a stand your ground law violates my right to life and SCOTUS should ban it in all jurisdictions.

I'm not sure you understand the purpose of a "stand your ground" (also often known as "castle doctrine" laws)...the purpose is so that you CAN stand your ground and that you DON'T have a duty to retreat but can meet deadly force with deadly force. In states that do not have such laws, you can literally be found guilty of murder/manslaughter because you didn't jump out of an upstairs window. So....I sure don't want SCOTUS to ban such laws.

I agree, just as we shouldn't need permission to breath, we shouldn't need permission from a government to be allowed to defend ourselves but that is not the reality we live in today.

Edited by RobertNashville
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I'm not sure you understand the purpose of a "stand your ground" (also often known as "castle doctrine" laws)...the purpose is so that you CAN stand your ground and that you DON'T have a duty to retreat but can meet deadly force with deadly force. In states that do not have such laws, you can literally be found guilty of murder/manslaughter because you didn't jump out of an upstairs window.

I understand it perfectly. My point is that God has given me the right to defend myself, man has no right to restrict that. Stand your ground laws are only needed because some locales violate our God given (inalienable) rights. In America, imho, this should not stand.

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