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Early voting

Guest HvyMtl

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I know exactly who I will vote for president, too. I've had 4 years to decide, and I've never been more sure about my decision.

I will vote early because I can't take the chance that I might have to work out of state on election day. I don't mind standing in line this time around, though. It's worth it.

Edited by Batman
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I voted today. South Nashville, Library on Edmonson Pike. In and out super fast. The only problem was deciding who to vote for for president........

I was curious how busy the library on Edmondson Pike was for early voting. I am going on Saturday but it could be a different story with some long lines. I'll just try to get there early. I have no doubts for whom I plan to vote for.

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I told Corker 3 years ago that he wasn't fit to be a Senator and I wouldn't vote for him again. This week I voted for his democrat opponent and then emailed Corker and reminded him. Love it when a plan comes together. :D

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Wish someone had organized a write in, as Beth Harwell has been a big disappointment.

The reason I posted my little story is this: It was not to brag, and not to pat myself on the back. I want everyone who wishes to vote, and has the right to vote, to get their fair chance to. When you see an opportunity to help someone, so they can vote, all I ask of you is take the time to help.

So, if you know someone who needs a ride, or assistance to get to vote, please make sure they get their chance.

Besides, if you vote early, you do not have to listen or watch all the political clap-trap being thrown around. Quite liberating.

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Voted this morning. Edmundson Pike Library. 13 minutes from the time I got out of my truck until the time I got back in, including the time spent changing my address.

I did notice a gentleman standing in the corner who kind of looked out of place. Looking at the tag he had on, he was a "U.N. Election Observer". I can attest to the fact that no one was oppressed, repressed or otherwise kept from voting while I was there.

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Voted this morning. Edmundson Pike Library. 13 minutes from the time I got out of my truck until the time I got back in, including the time spent changing my address.

I did notice a gentleman standing in the corner who kind of looked out of place. Looking at the tag he had on, he was a "U.N. Election Observer". I can attest to the fact that no one was oppressed, repressed or otherwise kept from voting while I was there.

That really chaps me for some reason. I'm going to vote a Hickory Hollow, probably in a little while. I expect to be slightly intimidated.

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I have always voted on election day. Just a habit, I guess.

I like that there is early voting, though.

I was going to do the same, but with two small kids it was very convenient to do it early. No way would we be able to stand in line for long with the two of them. I was surprised at how many campaigners were in the parking lot at the library. That was obnoxious.

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Todat at 8:30 I owned the place, And I had trouble deciding on whether to vote for Romney or write in Jimmy Buffet.

Well...for your kid's sake, I hope you didn't write in Jimmy Buffet (any write-in is for 0bama, no matter what name is entered).

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That really chaps me for some reason. I'm going to vote a Hickory Hollow, probably in a little while. I expect to be slightly intimidated.

I did some checking. Our two "election obersevers" in Nashville are from France and Armenia. That's rich!

It's a sad day when we have someone "checking" our polls, and yet the elections in Venezuela are called the "freest and fairest elections in the world." Seriously. Some folks need to check the chemical content of their breakfast cereal.

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I did some checking. Our two "election obersevers" in Nashville are from France and Armenia. That's rich!

It's a sad day when we have someone "checking" our polls, and yet the elections in Venezuela are called the "freest and fairest elections in the world." Seriously. Some folks need to check the chemical content of their breakfast cereal.

I'm about 2 seconds from slapping a Frog on a good day :). Today ain't a good day. I'm so upset about this thing in Libya that I might just need to stay away.

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I was going to do the same, but with two small kids it was very convenient to do it early. No way would we be able to stand in line for long with the two of them. I was surprised at how many campaigners were in the parking lot at the library. That was obnoxious.

That's where I used to vote. Remember it well. I got moved a block away to the church on Golf Club Lane. Last time there were

maybe five voters. That was on the primary. I imagine it won't be bad again, even on election day.

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Starting to look like Storm Sandy may make early voting more important than usual.

Unfortunately, polling seems to indicate a much higher participation by Dems in both early voting and absentee ballot requests so far.

There's also speculation already of having to extend election period by a day or two and etc in the North East.

Is SCOTUS gonna wind up picking the president again?

- OS

Edited by OhShoot
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