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Edible things in the woods

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After learning a new fruit the other day, I got to thinking about wild edible foods. Perhaps we could get some pics up of things that are edible that are found in the Tennessee wooded areas. My 1st find: passion fruit. I learned that these are the state wildflower and are edible. They have a tart taste but not too bad.



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One widely available species in our woodlands right now is the common persimmon. Pick the real ripe mushy orange ones from the tree or pick them off the ground. They are delicious eaten fresh, used in cooking or made into wine. But hurry though, or the Deer will beat you to them!

Dave S

Edited by DaveS
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After learning a new fruit the other day, I got to thinking about wild edible foods. Perhaps we could get some pics up of things that are edible that are found in the Tennessee wooded areas. My 1st find: passion fruit. I learned that these are the state wildflower and are edible. They have a tart taste but not too bad.



Which part of this is edible?

Dave S

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Persimmons.. YUMMY.. just make sure you peel them first.. otherwise you think you ate a wad of wet wool

That stuff stick onto your teeth.Its the most awful feeling ..you inside of your mouth get coated with .. ewwh.. just stuff..

There are also Ramps

Wild Onions

Wild Asparagus

Wild rice

All need to be washed .. of course

The fresh shoots of fern.. called Fiddleheads.. ( come up in spring time) ONLY eat small curls tho..

Cattail roots..

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This is a fantastic topic. I will add wild strawberries. Small, bright red and grow low to the ground in clusters. they look nothing like store strawberrries, more like mutated raspberries.

I tried to add a pic form the interweb but when I click post it only shows a bazillion lines of code instead of the pic :shrug:

Edited by gunwhatgun
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Not found in "the woods" but you can eat any clover, red or white. Raw, cooked, flowers can be dried and ground for a crude flour or cooked into a mush.

Grass won't hurt you, but you can't digest hardly anything from it, but we can digest clover.

- OS

Edited by OhShoot
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This is a fantastic topic. I will add wild strawberries. Small, bright red and grow low to the ground in clusters. they look nothing like store strawberrries, more like mutated raspberries.

I tried to add a pic form the interweb but when I click post it only shows a bazillion lines of code instead of the pic :shrug:

Wild Strawberries


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I thought watercress is European & Asian when this is about Tennessee...am I wrong?

Watercress is usually found in cool spring feed waters in TN.

One thing I would like to bring up, half the battle is not finding edible plants but weeding out the poisonous plants. And while something maybe edible it may not be palatable and may actually upset ones digestive system due to not being accustomed to eating natural foods.

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Basically, this thought came across my mind about this thread:

Find edible things in the woods, or become the edible thing in the woods.

Keep the info rolling!

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Watercress is usually found in cool spring feed waters in TN.

I don't know when or how it got here, or how it naturally propagated, but it was around when I was a tyke.

You don't find it everywhere, but where it is there is often a lot of it. It stays green year round too.

- OS

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I don't know when or how it got here, or how it naturally propagated, but it was around when I was a tyke.

You don't find it everywhere, but where it is there is often a lot of it. It stays green year round too.

- OS

When I mow part of the yard down by the stream I think I hit some with my mower.It has a real distinct smell .. very good smelling tho and you can tell its the cress that grows wild here.

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