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Feeling guilty.... Glock AND XD lover now....

Guest HunterH

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Guest HunterH

Ok, so I am feeling guilty and I need to confess to someone.. you you guys are it. I just this past minute ordered another carry gun for myself. It is a XD 40sc with Trijicon night sights. (I passed on the laser for now, thanks for the suggestions all).

Why am I feeling guilty? for two reasons.

1. I have been and am still a Glock guy. I have a G27 that I LOVE and will continue to carry as my primary, but I have fallen for another gun I must admit. I am having an affair with an XD. I am "that guy" with no allengence.... I am like the people who love both Ford and Chevy, Fender and Gibson, Auburn and Alabama, the list goes on for shame....

2. My wife is going to kill me. :hiding:I was allowed to get another gun (barely) with the money I am getting from the sale of my Bersa. I am about $300 short of target based on what I am getting from the Bersa. I could not help myself. This TGO thing has made me an addict..... Need intervention before I go get an G23 also..... ahhhh! :D

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As far as wives go, you never buy a new gun, you always trade something and make a few extra dollars. Either that or your letting a buddy try your gun while you try his for a while. It can save a beatin!

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You will be happy, but not complete. Soon you will find other's to love. Monogunmy is not a life we can lead. ;)

BTW I have only bought one gun in my life :D...... but I've traded a lot. I'm always amazed at how I can trade one for two or more!:bat:

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Guest HunterH
XD 40SC, Nice. Congrats. Buy your wife one. That's working for me. I'm also gonna have to buy her a nice Cannon digital camera. Thanks for that btw.

oops... sorry about that Brian!! :rolleyes:

I am trying to rationalize the purchase of the XD as beliveing it will be her gun when she decides to carry some day....

now I need to sell my .40S&W Witness to pay for the difference or maybe a Glock 23. I want carry guns, not match guns. I will try to find the Glock 23 second hand if I can.

Edited by HunterH
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Guest HunterH
i am glad you finally pulled the trigger and upgraded. Just kidding on the upgrade part (even though it is in my opinion). i believe you will be very pleased with it.

you know this is your fault don't you.... :rolleyes:

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Guest mjwehrman

You will be very happy with the XD. And I guess I am one of the lucky few. The more guns the better according to my wife. As long as I buy her a shiny one every now and then shes happy. Though she has been bugging me for a Desert Eagle lately. I told her if she gets a second job to pay for it, she can have it.

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Guest HunterH
You will be very happy with the XD. And I guess I am one of the lucky few. The more guns the better according to my wife. As long as I buy her a shiny one every now and then shes happy. Though she has been bugging me for a Desert Eagle lately. I told her if she gets a second job to pay for it, she can have it.

Wow, you married well!! My wife is open to having a gun, but not quite there yet. I hope to bring her to some eat and shoots with the other TGO guys, gals, and wives and hopfully she will finally be ready.

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Guest HunterH
oops... sorry about that Brian!! :D

BTW, I got mine on amazon and it was a great deal. about $200 less than retail and you don't have to pay tax. let me know if I can help on the camera thing.

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Wow. Sounds like some of you have some pretty controlling wives. As long as there is money for bills in the bank, my wife doesn't say one word about what, or how many guns (or anything else) I buy. I guess I'm lucky.

To the OP.....I like 'em all too. I also agree about the 27 being a good little carry piece.

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