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VEEP debate


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Quit watching it. Biden keeps interrupting. The moderator and Ryan keep letting him. Biden comes off like a jerk but I suspect the Dems are cheering. They have no class anyway, just like Joe. Ryan should have interrupted Biden more, in retaliation. Looked weak.

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Biden is doing well --- he may be lying and misleading but he is aggressive and has not been sticking his foot in his mouth. He even had a couple of good points --- I am 100% behind pulling out and letting the countries deal with their own problems. I would do it today, not in 2 years either. We simply cannot afford military spending abroad to help our enemies to run their countries.

Ryan blew several good chances. Right away he missed his chance to mention that Biden was against the strike on ossama. He missed his chance to give details on 3 different topics, making him look like he did not know or, worse.

At best, its a draw. But to the uninformed voter watching this mess, Biden's "im louder so im right" and general agressive attitude is making him look like he knows what he is talking about better.

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Hosts already claiming Biden won.

I think he did, too, but very narrowly, not enough to make clear diff in polls like first prez debate. Biden lost it in style points for all the mugging though and Ryan seemed more professional, as befits someone a heartbeat away from the presidency. So I revise the comment to call it a draw.

Thought Raddatz did credible job overall.

- OS

Edited by OhShoot
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I am sure his constant smiling and laughing by Biden isn't going to be viewed very well. The country is on the brink and everyone in the nation is being hard hit yet Biden sits there and laughs. I think those who are hit the hardest will speak the loudest about this.

And these debates do not matter. Those who are likely to vote for Obama are not going to be watching the debate and if they are they are not paying attention to what is being said. They are so indoctrinated to vote Democrat that Obama and Biden could have come out looking like idiots and they would still get votes.


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Ryan's closing comments were concise and to the point. Since O'Biden thinks filibustering and condescention

works, he may learn a lesson, some day. I don't think it worked this time.

I think Ryan held his own quite well. That's all he needed to do for me to consider him a winner.

Raddatz did fair, but she tried to segue for Biden a couple times. I don't think she helped him, any,


Edited by 6.8 AR
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I heard that. That was the result from the focus group. Anderson just said still waiting on the results of the poll.

48% Ryan, 44% Biden. A tie really. Pretty much like the overall race. Still coming down to those 5 or 6 states, period.

- OS

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does anyone actually think this debate will effect one vote? ( this is a serious question)

if you were going to vote Obozo could anything Biden did actualy change your mind? ( and vica versa)

Edited by Mike.357
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Per Michael Barone,

"The instant polls: CNBC had it Ryan 56%-36%, CBS Biden 50%-31%, CNN Ryan 48%-44%, AP Ryan 51%-43%. Not nearly as one-sided as the instant responses to the first presidential debate in Denver. My sense: Biden pumped up partisan Democrats, but failed to win over the voters who are taking a serious look at Romney at a point when he is up in national polls."

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does anyone actually think this debate will effect one vote? ( this is a serious question)

if you were going to vote Obozo could anything Biden did actualy change your mind? ( and vica versa)

Maybe a few. The dems have been painting Ryan as the devil. Anybody with a brain could see that he isn't. May not bump the polls, but it didn't hurt anything

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does anyone actually think this debate will effect one vote? ( this is a serious question)...

Probably little effect. But didn't know going into it. Huge swing from the first Mitt/Barack match up, perhaps biggest since Nixon/Kennedy, so this veep square off had more scrutiny than usual going in. Could have been another big lopsided shocker, but wasn't.

- OS

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