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The Walking Dead Season 3!!


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If you stayed up for Talking Dead, you may have seen the extended trailer for next week. Merle, in some way, appears next week. I couldn't tell if it was at the prison or in town, or a chuppachabra, however. Well I could, but I don't want to spoil too much =P

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  On 10/22/2012 at 2:51 PM, monkeylizard said:

I don't think the peeping-Tom is in the prison. I think he/she is watching from the tree line. It could be Merle, but I think they'll save him for later in the season.

I'd like to see the 2 remaining prisoners hook back up with the group. They've lost Shane, Merle, Dale, Otis, the couple of farm hands, and the guy whose name I can't recall that got scratched when they fled the quarry for the CDC (left him under a tree with a revolver to ease his pain). The group now has 3 solid fighters with Rick, T-Dog, and Daryl. Glenn isn't there yet, but is getting better. Frankly, they need the muscle and at least one of the two convicts could bring it if they could be vetted to not be psycho-killers like their now deceased leader.

Man it's hard to believe they've been through so much already. Seems like it just started yesterday!


I think we are starting to see the brutality it will take to survive in an EOTWAWKI situation and I think it will be great for the show and really open some eyes. It has been discussed on here many times and the sheep will be food. For a moment I thought Rick was going to let that convict walk and I was going to be pissed. One thing I liked was that it showed Rick with his hand on his gun the whole time he was interacting with the prisoners. That showed that he was serious about protecting the group at all costs.

Sent from iPad in the woods.


They are saying on The Walking Dead Forums the stranger could be Axel,a seemingly nice guy who turns out to be a psycho killer.

  On 10/22/2012 at 5:45 PM, Grout said:
They are saying on The Walking Dead Forums the stranger could be Axel,a seemingly nice guy who turns out to be a psycho killer.

Spoiler!!! I think the guy who said I like my drugs but I ain't no killer is going to fall into that role.

Sent from iPad in the woods.


My daughter is a typical zombie movie liking teenager, lol. We were watching this show last night and I noticed something...at one point one of the characters was telling the 'prisoners' that "we are all infected...all survivors are infected. When we die we all will come back as one of them" If so, then why all the concern about being bitten?

Guest The Dude

I knew from last weeks talking dead that the convict leader had to go. I like to see Daryl stepping up and becoming Ricks right hand man. I think that if any of the prisoners would be worthy to contribute to the group, it would be the black dude. He seems to have much more self control and have more respect for whats going on around him. If anything, Rick would likely see that in him, and give him a shot. As for the junkie white dude, I dont see him making it. Theres no room for someone who whines and is quick to spill the beans. Randal did the same thing.

They could def. use the extra man power though. Thats for sure.


Putting a guy out to be eaten alive was a pretty brutal move. I'm really digging where this is going. I hoping to see a dark character change in Rick, similar to Breaking Bad season one. Oh, and his kid is way less obnoxious this season, which is a plus.

What I'm looking forward to is the upcoming conflict between Darryl and his brother. I can kinda tell where that is going to go, so hopefully they throw in a little twist to make it interesting. I think it will culminate with Darryl killing his own brother when bro tries to enact a little revenge for being chained to a roof.

Guest The Dude
  On 10/23/2012 at 1:25 AM, TMF said:

Putting a guy out to be eaten alive was a pretty brutal move. I'm really digging where this is going. I hoping to see a dark character change in Rick, similar to Breaking Bad season one. Oh, and his kid is way less obnoxious this season, which is a plus.

What I'm looking forward to is the upcoming conflict between Darryl and his brother. I can kinda tell where that is going to go, so hopefully they throw in a little twist to make it interesting. I think it will culminate with Darryl killing his own brother when bro tries to enact a little revenge for being chained to a roof.

I thought this as well. I think that Daryl will kill his brother as well. In season two, they touched base that Daryl likely has bad blood with his bro. The simple aspect of Daryl using his brother as motivation to overcome obstacles says a lot about what their relationship was really like.

Guest Lester Weevils
  On 10/22/2012 at 8:55 PM, maroonandwhite said:

The bite gives you a fever and makes you die.

Yeah the bite toxins cause death from toxic shock or something, but even if a fella was to die in his sleep from a heart attack, or die from pneumonia, he would come back a zombie because the zombie bug is already in all the living.

Haven't read the last year or so of the comix (which are many TV seasons worth ahead of the TV show). Maybe this idea has been mentioned in the comix since I last kept up with them. Or maybe it is a BS idea-- From various hints and symptoms of how the zombie bug works, I wonder if maybe the zombie bug would keep a living human from getting old-- Make a living human live a very indefinitely long time without getting any older, assuming the human can manage to stay alive, avoid getting killed one way or t'other. If the bug keeps dead people from degenerating, then it stands to reason that the bug might also keep the living from degenerating. Maybe the bug was a long-life treatment or anti-cancer treatment that went all wrong. Those are just my suppositions, nothing in the comix or TV show has mentioned that angle that I know about.

Neither darryl or his bro were in the comix, so it is completely "up in the air" what will transpire between those two. Though the TV show diverges quite a bit from the comix so far, but not in a bad way so far. IIRC in the comix there were a couple of convicts who turned out real good eggs, IIRC one guy that was kinda a biker dude, maybe like the drug addict convict that hasn't died yet.

There was another memorable character who should have showed up by now if he's gonna be in the TV show, but might show up yet. It was a big black guy who in his youth had been a pro football player, injured and then took up selling cars or some other middle-class lifestyle. That fellow is in a lot of the comix. A strong warrior and leader in the group. Until he eventually gets it. Most all of em get it eventually.

Posted (edited)

Look for the Daryl v Merle to involve Carol in some way. Come to think of it, that would make sense if it was indeed Merle watching Carol.

Edited by monkeylizard
  On 10/23/2012 at 2:35 AM, Lester Weevils said:

Though the TV show diverges quite a bit from the comix so far, but not in a bad way so far.

I think the show is a lot better than the comic. What works in a comic doesn't always work so well in live action, and vice versa...different demographic.

The comic is much more brutal than the show.

  On 10/23/2012 at 2:21 PM, atlas3025 said:

I think the show is a lot better than the comic. What works in a comic doesn't always work so well in live action, and vice versa...different demographic.

The comic is much more brutal than the show.

He ain't lying folks! However, the comics are some of the best I've read. Highly recommended.

  On 10/23/2012 at 3:03 PM, gnmwilliams said:

He ain't lying folks! However, the comics are some of the best I've read. Highly recommended.

I have never read comic books in my life(even as a child) and I was glued to these for several seasons.

Sent from iPad in the woods.

Guest Lester Weevils

Yep I don't read comix and the first gen of the tv show was motivation to look up online versions of the comix. Never heard of the comix before the tv show.

Original authors often lose control of the product when it goes to movie or tv. Hollywood ignoramuses typically brutalize the original work. "Experts" mangling translation to the screen. When hearing of a favorite book ported to video it is almost disappointing because they so routinely butcher good works.

The original author in this case apparently retained some control over the walking dead plot line. Perhaps a rare opportunity to revise-improve the story line given benefit of hindsight. The original author-- Presumably having been smart enough to think up something original-- Might be most likely to do a good video adaptation. As compared to the butchery of unimaginative hollywood hacks. Easy to suspect they may be the most idiot offspring of prior-generation entertainment bigwigs-- The least talented offspring-- Insufficiently bright for gainful employment sweeping floors or flipping burgers-- To keep em off welfare daddy had to hire em as tv/movie producers. :)

  On 10/23/2012 at 2:42 AM, monkeylizard said:

Look for the Daryl v Merle to involve Carol in some way. Come to think of it, that would make sense if it was indeed Merle watching Carol.

Spot on. I look for Merle to pose a threat to Carol or belittle her at the least, Then I look for Daryl to finally make know that he cares for her and knock his brother down for it.


Does anyone know of a good online resource for the comics? I found the first one online that was about it :/



Go there and it has 1-94 right now. Scroll down to Walking Dead, open the archive. It'll show 15 sub-series. Each sub-series has the books in them. The first sub-series "Days Gone Bye" hold books 1-6. Open them and it'll show them in image form on the website so you won't even have to download anything.

  On 10/24/2012 at 4:57 PM, Il Duce said:

Go there and it has 1-94 right now. Scroll down to Walking Dead, open the archive. It'll show 15 sub-series. Each sub-series has the books in them. The first sub-series "Days Gone Bye" hold books 1-6. Open them and it'll show them in image form on the website so you won't even have to download anything.

Thanks !

Posted (edited)

Looks like the link changed they put up a new one though

Edited by sL1k

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