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Obama's Mask Slips

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American Thinker

by Pamela Geller

October 5, 2012

Much is being made of the devastating blow that Mitt Romney administered to President Obama in the first presidential debate Wednesday night. Romney was masterful; Obama was incomprehensible. Romney was presidential; Obama was incoherent. Romney schooled Obama; Obama responded by doing the hand motions to "The Wheels On the Bus Go Round and Round." Republicans and conservatives alike were cheering. Even Romney skeptics like me happily conceded that Romney was the right guy all along. There will be an October surprise from the Obama camp, but they got one themselves Wednesday night.

Obama was rambling, fumbling, stuttering. He was terrible. This was a great night for freedom-lovers. If sixty million Americans were watching, freedom has a shot at resuscitation. Even Obama's own camp was crestfallen. Bill Maher tweeted: "Obama made a lot of great points tonight. Unfortunately, most of them were for Romney." And: "I can't believe I'm saying this, but Obama looks like he DOES need a teleprompter." Maher is noticing only now? Andrew Sullivan tweeted in dismay: "This is a rolling calamity for Obama."

But is Obama worried? Not for a second. He doesn't care. Because that's not his job. Obama is merely the pretty face for the über-left monster. Let's face it: Obama is merely a figurehead. A happy face for the anti-American, anti-individual, anti-capitalist revolution. He's a movie star, nothing more. He's an impressive façade with nothing behind it, like a Hollywood set. But the American people should be concerned about his puppet masters: Reverend Wright, George Soros, Bill Ayers, and a cabal of Islamic supremacist Muslim Brotherhood operatives. That's who's running the country.

Obama is implementing and instituting everything on the radical, socialist, and Islamic supremacist wish list, without compromise. As far as Obama is concerned, it's up to them to deliver him. It's up to the culture, it's up to the media, it's up to J-Lo and the other soulless airheads in Hollywood. Obama is merely the face that the monster is wearing.

So is he worried? Not on your life. His contempt for the American intellect has been demonstrated. He doesn't think his constituency is even watching. They get their talking points from the mothership -- whether it's Media Matters, the Center for American Progress, or MSNBC. Goebbels-style talking points devoid of logic, accuracy, and fact. Obama goes on The View, Letterman, and Jimmy Kimmel, and he would even go on Romper Room if it were still on the air, exuding cool, hip, and groovy vibrations. And all is right with the world, even as U.S. embassies are attacked, our ambassadors are killed, jihadi revolutions overthrow our secular allies, and the economic machine that empowers this magnificent nation is routed, and the Saturday Night Live band plays on. What, me worry?

As soon as the bell rang on the close of the debate, the leftist/Islamic machine went into huddle and started hammering on an imaginary inconsistency in Romney's flawless performance. And they've been jackhammering ever since. Obama knows this going in: he's counting on America watching Real Housewives of...pick a city. But sixty million people watched. Can they be talked out of what they saw? Chris Matthews and the rest of Obama's media and civilian army are counting on it.

Obama doesn't have to worry because the media will provide for all his deficiencies. As far as the left is concerned, the debate doesn't start until after it's over. The media is like the man with the shovel following behind Obama the circus elephant. Ever since the debate ended, they've been in fifth gear, spinning a completely new narrative. America, don't believe your eyes; believe the leftist lies. They are busy answering points Romney made and impugning the accuracy of Romney's assertions.

And if miraculously Romney pulls it out, Obama will not accept any of the blame. Instead, the blame will lie squarely on the shoulders of the enormous leftist machine.

Is it true that it doesn't matter? That as brilliant and in command and presidential as Romney was, it's a fait accompli? That remains to be seen. There's no question about it: the first presidential debate was a game-changer. The question is: is the game already over? That question will ultimately be answered by the American people.

Is Obama right, and we are beneath contempt? Unworthy of respect? And this great constitutional republic that millions before us fought and died for is also unworthy of respect and beyond redemption? Or will the wheels on Obama's bus come off before the finish line? That's the question.


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Guest 6.8 AR

Good article, but I believe that everything that she described applies to politicians on the right and left. We, the American people are only puppets of the puppets.

I won't go as far as everything, but there several some the right could be pegged with.
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