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A name for XD, Glock, M&P style guns...

Guest HunterH

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Guest HunterH

ok, So I asked Eddie what, if any, general designation for this group of guns would be. We could not come up with an answer. (and if Eddie doesn't know, then there is not one that exists:)). So my question is: what would you call this class of handgun? the polymer, stiker type, DAO, with no (or minimal) external safeties, etc. Basically the design first made famous by Glock that has now become one of the most popular class or style of defensive firearm. An example of other class of gun would be the 1911 style family of guns, etc. In that there are many type and brands, but the formula is basically the same.

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Guest HunterH
Or Tactical Tuperware

Hey Joe, I stayed out of the religion debate, but wanted to tell you how much I repect what you had to say. I am sad that religion has been such a force for hate rather than love in so much of the world, including the USA. Your point of view and how you presented it was right on and I wanted to say thanks for sharing it!! B)

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Guest HunterH

Are there no XD, M&P, and/or Glock lovers out there to stick up for our faithful sidearm of choice?? There is bound to be a name other than "plastic pop-gun" and such... :rolleyes:

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Are there no XD, M&P, and/or Glock lovers out there to stick up for our faithful sidearm of choice?? There is bound to be a name other than "plastic pop-gun" and such... :D

Sorry, but I think the terms "tupperware" and "plastic fantastic" are here to stay.

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My answer was pretty much in the first post here.

I just call them striker fired handguns. The polymer frame is just a variation of the basic handgun. I have a metal framed, striker fired handgun from the 1980s.

The basic design feature is that it is striker fired rather than using a hammer. It may have different materials for the frame; it may have more or fewer safeties; it may be SA or technically DA; it may have changeable backstraps; it may have more or less chamber support; you may or may not be able to field strip it without dry firing. All variations on a basic striker fired design.

Which one, among them, is better is a matter of preference and the importance placed upon different features in the design but that isn't the topic at hand.

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