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Guest 6.8 AR

Hate to say it but I think ole Barry is going to smoke Mitt tonight. I don't see the debates helping Romney because he spend every breath blaming Obama instead of convincing us what he will do differently.

Sure Obama blames Bush for a lot but Romney is doing the same thing.

Boy, were you wrong. I hope you watched it. You would have changed your mind.
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Guest 6.8 AR

Lehrner had very little control over the whole thing, really. Fortunately.

I thought Mitt hit about the best blend of pit bull and courteous statesmanship and flat out knowledge that could be expected. BHO seemed slow and defensive.

Just heard the Bill Maher tweeted during it something like "I can't believe I'm saying this but I think Obama needed a teleprompter tonight".

But my money's still on the Anti Christ to be in the White House again.

- OS

You confuse me, Mac. You have been very forceful and rational in your arguments when proposing

and promoting Romney, yet you still show these doubts. Even if we see the same cards being played,

and have similar desires for this time, don't let this pessimism get in the way of a possibly gentlemanly horse

race put the Republic back on the right course.

I know. We both have our moments. But you know, Romney might make a fool out of a lot of the media types

by his taking the high ground so well. He taught Lehrer a lesson or two, also. Hang in there, friend!

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Hate to say it but I think ole Barry is going to smoke Mitt tonight. I don't see the debates helping Romney because he spend every breath blaming Obama instead of convincing us what he will do differently.

Sure Obama blames Bush for a lot but Romney is doing the same thing.

Still feel that way

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You confuse me, Mac....

Oh, I hope I'm wrong. But if I had to bet, I'd still put it on BHO's nose.

I don't think Mitt can beat the media this time around either. Plus he's just not likeable. Hell, I don't much like him myself. But I sent him money, which is pretty ironic if you think about our respective net worth. Also greased NRA-ILA more then usual.

- OS

Edited by OhShoot
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Guest ThePunisher

Romney exposed Obama and his agenda, and he had never been exposed before by the media or anyone else. Obama just can't run on his record in the debates because Romney easily exposes his dismal record.

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Guest 6.8 AR

Very possibly the case, but he may be able to master the "end run" around the media like he pleasantly

surprised me tonight. I've caught myself getting the pessimism blues here, lately, and if romney stays on

the offensive like he did tonight, the conservative base in this country will be able to dwarf all the piss and

vinegar coming from the louder bet smaller group known as the liberals, ahem, commies, ahem, Democrats.

We haven't gone off the end, yet, and with the way Romney sounded tonight, He's in the race to win. That was

something I was worried about, too.

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Guest 6.8 AR

Oh, I hope I'm wrong. But if I had to bet, I'd still put it on BHO's nose.

I don't think Mitt can beat the media this time around either. Plus he's just not likeable. Hell, I don't much like him myself. But I sent him money, which is pretty ironic if you think about our respective net worth. Also greased NRA-ILA more then usual.

- OS

But you're getting there. I see it. There it is. I see that grin. I told you so :D
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I thought Mitt did well. Clearly better than Barry. Folks, please get out there and vote for Mitt. Staying at home or voting for some 3rd party is just giving Obama your vote. We cannot have another 4 years of Obama.

That's what it all boils down to. Pure and simple.

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I have been channel surfing to try to get a little better idea of how it was perceived on all sides. The consensus on the left is that it is Jim Lehrer's fault that Obama got his tail kicked. Finally we have found something that they don't blame on Bush.

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I have been channel surfing to try to get a little better idea of how it was perceived on all sides. The consensus on the left is that it is Jim Lehrer's fault that Obama got his tail kicked. Finally we have found something that they don't blame on Bush.

I've been rubbing it in on Facebook. Doesn't matter what the tards say. All the polls give the debate to Romney by a big margin.

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Guest ThePunisher

A Capitalist will always win in debates against a Marxist when you're talking about growing jobs and the economy. Marxist Utopia just is not realistic for our way of living, and the expectations of the "American Dream".

I believe some of our Democrate friends here are really in shock just like Bill Maher. Bill may ask for his one million dollar donation back.

Edited by ThePunisher
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Guest 6.8 AR

I always keep a low profile on FB, but come

a Romney win in November, I will politely

remind some of my friends some of their more

dumb remarks.

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Boy, were you wrong. I hope you watched it. You would have changed your mind.

I did watch it. I think you need to realize that at this point they are fighting over such a small amount of the voting populace it really doesn't matter unless Romney does something so impressive we are all left with a jaws on the floor. That has yet to happen.

I admit he did much better than I expected but I don't know that it was enough to sway the undecided voters just yet. I hope you guys can tell me I'm wrong again, I really do.

When is the next debate?

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Guest 6.8 AR

Erik, there enough votes in play on either side

to determine this election. You can say it is a

small percentage, but that small % is fought to

the end every time. Look back in thirty or so

years and see how my statement adds up.

Admit it, Romney surprised you. He did me, too.

No complaint here.

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