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Guest dfsixstring

I'm planning to. I hate politics but I also hate the direction our country is in too. Kinda feel it is my civic duty to watch it.





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Hate to say it but I think ole Barry is going to smoke Mitt tonight. I don't see the debates helping Romney because he spend every breath blaming Obama instead of convincing us what he will do differently.

Sure Obama blames Bush for a lot but Romney is doing the same thing.

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If memory serves, a lot of people thought Reagan would stumble and in fact, he did in the first debate. But...

He walked away with it in the following debates.

Whether Mit can pull it off or not I don't know but given where both our economy and our foreign relations stand, Obama doesn't have much to talk about that's positive other then "I'm the first black president and I need more time".

Edited by RobertNashville
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I guess I will watch. That's a good idea Garufa. I expect to be spitting, cussing, throwing stuff mad. We know O will say anything, true or not. I fear Romney is too nice, just like McCsin was. We'll see.

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Guest ThePunisher

Sure Obama blames Bush for a lot but Romney is doing the same thing.

Romney can rightfully blame Obama, and offer proven capitalistic solutions to correcting Obama's Marxist/communist policies. Obama blamed Bush because he had no answers to helping our country, only planned destruction of our country through his Marxist policies. If the Democraps keep telling a lie long enough, then the sheeple eventually start believing it to their demise, and the demise of the country. All Obama has done for 4 years is blame Bush; he's a real leader of our country, isn't he. Jimmy Carter is no longer the worst President ever. Obama has easily earned that tilte.

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I've learned two things from these post so far; Romney is going to tell the truth and Obama is going to claim to be a victimized black president. Two things that have never happened.

I expect a lot of finger pointing and out right lies from both of the clowns on display tonight. Neither will produce results. Its all about claiming a title.

Either way half the country will pretend to be happy for four years and the other half will start a new 48 month cycle of bitching.

Good luck !

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Is anyone going to watch the debate? I want too but I don't know if I can stand it.

I used to avoid listening to Obama's speeches. Now, I look forward to the next one. Here is something to help make Obama's speeches almost tolerable. Just print this page, distribute it to friends, then tune in to his next speech........

Rules for Bull#### Bingo:

1. Before Barrack Obama's next televised speech, print your "Bull#### Bingo"

2. Check off the appropriate block when you hear one of those words/phrases.

3. When you get five blocks horizontally, vertically, or diagonally, stand up and shout "BULL####!"


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Hmmm, the bingo could be fun. Be better if you did a shot every time he blames someone else for the last four years of FAIL. "course, you'd be too drunk to stand and shout when you won the Bingo game.

no one wins with Barack's bull#### bingo

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