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Opry Mills posted or not?

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A guy this year who was from Kentucky walked past the metal detectors at the Memphis airport and was charged among other things with that 500 dollar sign fine violation. He had a license in his state and the charge was dropped. He paid a fine and that was it.

Well, of course, even if he had been convicted of 1351, it wouldn't have tested the loss of TN HCP stipulation.

- OS

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  • 1 year later...

Doesn't prohibit carry just prohibits use to inflict bodily injury. IMO it not only doesn't meet the TCA definition of a correct sign it really doesn't say you can't carry either. "No weapons..........may be used in any way to inflict bodily injury.........."


Certainly sounds like a "weasle-matic" posting.

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My question is pretty stupid but I need to ask anyway. How could they have the Opry Mills parking lot posted as Gun Free Zone and have a gun store on the property. I mean does Bass Pro Shop not sell guns and is it not located on Opry Mills property parking lot? How could you purchase a gun and some ammo to use in the gun and not break the law trying to get back to your vehicle in the marked parking lot?

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...How could you purchase a gun and some ammo to use in the gun and not break the law trying to get back to your vehicle in the marked parking lot?


While you're carrying a long gun and ammo you're actually in violation of the unlawful carry statute, not just the postings one.


- OS

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Guest theconstitutionrocks

The code of conduct sign doesn't meet the provisions of TCA 39-17-1359 and therefore is not enforceable other than asking you to leave. Doesn't mean they might not ask to have you arrested. At that point it would be up to the LEO (legal or not). I DO know that Opryland IS posted (as of about 6 months ago or so). The entrance off McGavoc Pike as well as signage entering the parking lot is nearly verbatim with the posting requirement

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weasel-matic ?


Weasel-matic-- (adj.) 1.pertaining to the action of a weasel (human or otherwise). Intentionally using guile, deception, and/or ambiguous, confusing method of communication or action in order to disorient its prey or victim; generally with the intent to cause the unsuspecting prey/victim to make a fatal (figuratively) mistake due to unclear communication or "loophole". related: See also "catch-22", "gotcha", and "speed trap".

Edited by tartanphantom
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No case law we know of on non statutorily conforming signage.

- OS

If I had a nickel for every time I read you type this ...  :2cents:



Not saying you shouldn't continue ... whenever I start reading a thread like this one I think to myself: "how many posts before OS comes in"

Edited by npgunner
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If I had a nickel for every time I read you type this ...  :2cents:



Not saying you shouldn't continue ... whenever I start reading a thread like this one I think to myself: "how many posts before OS comes in"


It's the only realistic answer every time somebody asks about whether you can be convicted for it, or states that you can't.


I'll add the TN AG's opinion to my canned retort to make it a bit more comprehensive. :)


- OS

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