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Which should I pick up as my first smart phone?

Guest Smitty

First smart phone choice?  

64 members have voted

  1. 1. Which should I pick up as my first smart phone?

    • Any current Android phone
    • iphone 5

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iPhone for all of the same reasons everyone else mentioned. They just plain work. I have had iPhones And loved them. I have had 1 android phone and I will never make that mistake again. Unstable and buggy OS issues ruined it for me. In fact, it was so terrible that after 6 months with the android phone that I took my SIM card and put it back into my old iPhone 3G and continued to use that phone until I was eligible again for upgrade.


I am an Android guy here. I have only had droid phones. I have played around with several friends' iPhones and honestly, I just do not like them. I used to have the Motorola Droid X for a couple years and now I have the Droid RAZR Maxx and I love it. I'm running "Ice Cream Sandwich".


The LG preview is a good 4g phone at a better price point then most. Works great and the battery life last longer than most. 32 gig of sd storage.

Posted (edited)

As some of the other said it really depends on how you plan on using it. Iphones work well for basic function and are pretty reliable. If you want almost unlimited functions and options for custom software then a droid of some type is the way to go.

iPhone hardware is outdated, but it is almost bulletproof. There is no removable storage and no removable battery so if you want to add a lot of stuff or if your battery runs out, you're in a bad spot.

Droid's have removable batteries, most of them have larger screens (some still have full qwerty slide out keyboards), removable storage and a lot of companies have firmware upgrades to specifically fit your needs.

- bad thing about those bigger screens is that they suck up the battery, but you can carry a spare if there's enormous amounts of use. We bought the Samsung Epic 4g's back in 2010 and after dropping it about 453 times it finally broke a few weeks ago so I bought a used Samsung Galaxy SII for $150 on eBay, and this thing has nearly identical specs as the new $500 iPhone 5 (and the darn thing is a year old).

<edit> I also use an iPhone 4 for work, and for that limited function, it works great but we have enterprise restrictions on it that allow no other functions than basic things.

and finally, a lot of the droid's have a full satellite GPS on them so if you lose connectivity in the woods, you can still find your way out. from what I understand iPhones have a gps-r or assisted gps that require having a connection to a radio tower to transfer the data or gps doesn't work (that's why I switch from a 3gs to a droid in '10. Got lost for like 30 minutes when we first moved to TN thanks to that damn thing

Edited by Sam1

If you like to tinker and know what you are doing get the an Android based phone. If you want something that just plain works get the iPhone

Always trust people who like big butts because they cannot lie.


I vote iPhone and am a big Apple fan.

If you decide to go Android for whatever reason don't just get "any Android" like the poll says. Do lots of research, there are many differences in phones and which phone have bloatware or are even upgradeable to the newest OS. The new Google phones are pure Android and usually get the new upgrades so I would start there.

Another reason I like iPhones is the simplicity in model choice, capacity and color is about as complicated as it gets and that's great for me. I like simple and I know it will be a great product and work with my other Apple stuff.

Guest Smitty

I am leaning more towards an android phone specifically the galaxy s3 or maybe the note II by samsung. For the iphone users, can you easily convert mp3 and mp4 and other common video and music files to the iphone format and sync them to the iphone via itunes and vice versa? That's a huge bummer if you cannot put your music and videos you already have not downloaded from itunes to put on your iphone. I am tech savvy, but I am no expert. The customization with the android phones, the bang for the buck, and all the features they come with that iphone doesn't have are more appealling to me, but I like the size, shape, and build quality of the iphone more. I have never really cared for Apple's products, but I am keeping an open mind and willing to give it a shot if it turns out I like it more than the android phones after trying them out in person.

  On 10/2/2012 at 8:20 PM, uofmeet said:

I Vote Iphone. It is simple and it works.

Droid's are not a windows product. Just letting you know.

Didn't say it was. Just letting you know. ;-) I'm just saying I would expect that lack or reliability out of a Windows product, not a "Google" product.


I used androids for 3 years, but my wife just got her first smartphone the iphone 4s. And after playing with it Iphones are a lot more fluid and smoother. And the support is a lot better.

The app market is more of a pain in the butt cause you have to fill out all your personal info. With droids you just download.

My next phone will be the iphone 5. My droid x is getting dated.

Guest uofmeet
  On 10/3/2012 at 1:41 PM, LagerHead said:

Didn't say it was. Just letting you know. ;-) I'm just saying I would expect that lack or reliability out of a Windows product, not a "Google" product.

Ok. wasn't sure what you meant when I read it.

  On 10/3/2012 at 2:42 PM, glowdotGlock said:
As far as battery life goes, my RAZR Max is one of the best offered now. I am very impressed with it over just the RAZR.

That and the rugged build is why I'd pick your phone if I had it to do over again. I drag my charger to work everyday. It gets old.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

  On 10/3/2012 at 12:41 PM, Smitty said:
I am leaning more towards an android phone specifically the galaxy s3 or maybe the note II by samsung. For the iphone users, can you easily convert mp3 and mp4 and other common video and music files to the iphone format and sync them to the iphone via itunes and vice versa? That's a huge bummer if you cannot put your music and videos you already have not downloaded from itunes to put on your iphone. I am tech savvy, but I am no expert. The customization with the android phones, the bang for the buck, and all the features they come with that iphone doesn't have are more appealling to me, but I like the size, shape, and build quality of the iphone more. I have never really cared for Apple's products, but I am keeping an open mind and willing to give it a shot if it turns out I like it more than the android phones after trying them out in person.

Yes all your mp3 and mp4 will load just fine. You just import into iTunes. You don't have to buy music from iTunes. If you have another source just use that and then import to iTunes, it's easy.


I've been using "smart" phones for years. The first two used the Windows Mobile OS. They were buggy, but worked. Then, I went to the iPhone 3 and it was the most stable, user friendly smart phone I've ever used. My staff went with the iPhone at the same time. Unfortunately, that stuck us with the AT&T network. So, we had great phones, and sucky coverage. We finally got sick of all the dropped calls, and fired AT&T (my department only).

When we went back to Verizon, we got stuck with the Android. Even though they work better as phones (because of the better network), the OS is a little buggy. Android sticks you with a bunch of crap applications that you can't remove, is not capable of VPN connectivity with our business network (huge deal), and integration with multiple email accounts sucks. PC integration and adding applications sucks, if you can find your new app in the pile of junk apps. IMHO, the Android is a cheap knock-off of the iPhone. I don't care if it's more open. I want my phone for business.

So, yesterday my IT guy got fed up and checked into an upgrade to the iPhone. He and I jumped as soon as we found out that it would only cost us 200 bucks each to end our pain.

I will say that if I had never used an iPhone, I would probably be ticked pink with the droid. Having used both, it's a clear choice for my guys and me. FWIW, a big part of our jobs is IT work in a very large company. Can't wait for my iPhone to show up, so we can finally get a VPN connection again.

  On 10/3/2012 at 12:41 PM, Smitty said:

I am leaning more towards an android phone specifically the galaxy s3 or maybe the note II by samsung.

If you do decide android, seriously look at the Razr Maxx due to it's water resistance and long battery life. It comes with a 3300 mAh. As anyone will tell you that has a smartphone, battery life is a big deal. I can go two days on a charge with average web browsing, talking, and texting. My wife's HTC does good to last full day.


My thick Gould & Goodrich belt arrived today. I am now walking around the office open-carrying my big ole Samsung Galaxy Nexus holstered in an Otterbox Defender case. I am intimidating all of my iPhone-carrying co-workers. Life is good. :bat::stir:

Life is good as long as my phone doesn't go back into Freeze and Reboot mode...

Guest Lester Weevils

I dislike apple and google almost equally as companies (not the product per se). A little more bad attitude toward apple just from developing apple software off'n'on for 26 years and tired of their crap. A little more bad attitude toward google (android) because they seem even more likely to be evil big brother than apple or microsoft.

And I truly hate iTunes and refuse to install iTunes on my pc's (gotta have it on the Mac). Though I finally grudgingly started installing quacktime on the pc's because some softwares use the file conversion utilities in quacktime.

I have a Motorola Xoom pad (android) and an iPod touch that is basically an iphone without the phone, so am acquainted with both android and apple and ain't that crazy about either one. I personally enjoy using the android pad more, but part of that may be refusal to use iTunes and screw with apple's software store to do every little thing.

As far as phone specs, my ideal requirements include--

1. Works excellently as a phone-- Good connection in "fringe" areas and no dropped calls.

2. Good contacts, tasks, and calendar software on the phone.

3. Hardware keyboard.

4. Works as wifi hotspot.

5. Will run "as long as possible" between recharges.

6. Huge screen if consistent with other features. I don't care about the physical size of the device (but not as big as a pad of course).

Perhaps an artificial imposed restriction-- I don't love sprint but they haven't abused me any more than other companies might have, and I know sprint and dunno other carriers. So it would be easiest to pick something supported on sprint.

Am still using an ancient palm 700 windmobile phone. It is a little slow, especially starting up the "tasks" application if you have hundreds of tasks in the list, but usable and works great. Calendar and contacts also works great. The keyboard is easy to use even by touch. Has great battery life and the many-years-old phone is still running on the first battery and still runs a long time between recharge. And it is a powerful phone that has good connection most everywhere I go. I don't recall the last time it dropped a call. Hardly ever drops a call. Maybe it has crashed sometime or t'other, but if so it was so long ago I can't recall details.

It has a small screen and no wifi hotspot feature. But aside from those lacks, my only reason to get a new phone is that eventually this old WinMobile tank will die, and it would be better to get another phone before the old one dies. Been shopping for a replacement for a couple of years now.

Maybe my problem is paying too much attention to user reviews. Every potential replacement phone I check out, has too many user complaints about dropped calls, poor phone coverage, poor phone audio quality, bad battery life and routine crashes. Maybe only disgruntled people post user reviews and they ain't really that bad. Though the impression from the reviews, seems that maybe a lot of the smart phones are game machines that play angry birds, mp3 player, video player and camera, which also might have a half-assed telephone and weak productivity software grafted on. Shoot me and put me out of my misery if I ever install and play angry birds.

So reviews on win mobile phones aint that great nowadays either, but leaning toward a win mobile phone. Motorola usually makes great radios and in the past powerful phones. But the user reviews ain't even too complimentary toward newer versions of the motorola phones. Maybe the phones are fine but the networks keep getting worse?


I DO like the hotspot feature on the Droid. In fact, it's a necessity for me, since I have to tether a laptop to get into our company network via VPN. Never tried it on the iPhone, because I could just connect via VPN, and VNC into a machine on the network. I'll miss the hotspot feature if it's not available on the iphone.

Posted (edited)

what ever you feel comfortable with. I have had a droid for 3 years and have loved it. I however am about to assimilate and go i5. Just because my wife has one and my kids have ipods with face time. My wife face times with the kids while she is out and quite frankly, that is pretty cool. To be honest, I like how my droid incredible works much better than the iphone. All my contacts are easily combined between my work, FB and personal contacts. My email works great and up until a bit ago when I dropped my droid in the water, but it still works, just not as good :)

What I like most is you can by the base line Gigabite droid and then spend $30 bucks for a 32 gb SD card. If you want a 32 gb iphone, the cost goes from $200 to 300. Iphones do not expand in memory unless you buy a new iphone.

the only thing I will say is not every droid is equal, and that is where people get fed up, just like with PCs. When you buy a computer, you either buy a windows box or an apple. WHen you buy a windows box you either buy a dell, HP, Acer, etc. (just like if you buy a droid you buy a HTC, Samsung, etc) They are all windows but based on the manufacture the parts and quality of the PC may differ. But with Apple, no matter what color, shape or size, it is all Apple all the time. if you buy a cheap droid device you tend to get what you pay for so I would recommend the nicer models. They may cost more but just as computers, the cheaper they more likely it is not going to work for you the way you would like. Case in point,I bought a galaxy tab instead of an Ipad. The tab has been awesome but I spent more than my friend who bought the same type of tablet just an off brand. He hates his because it is not working well but mine has been a rock.

Long story short, play with both and pick what is more comfortable. There are actually more droids in the hands of people than Iphones (or were) so just go for what you like form/function and price wise.

Edited by 1pointofview

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