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New Shooter to TGO (from Lebanon, TN)

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Glad to join the forum and the information available here is impressive. I've recently started handgun shooting as a hobby (owned long guns for a long time but no longer hunt) and obtained my HCP. I'm planning to train further (combat shooting and handgun self defense) to more confidently carry. I'm an Engineering Manager who works mostly out of town but I live in the Nashville area.


Walther PPS (9 mm) - Primary Carry

Ruger LC9 - Secondary Carry

Walther PPQ (40 cal) - Range / HD

Walther P22 - Range / Plinking

S&W 442 - Wife's Carry

Walther PPK/S - Safe Queen (just liked the gun)

Edited by mcrichar
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Regarding Walthers, I like the quality. I got "hooked" on them when I purchased my PPQ. It was my first purchase and a great shooting gun but I think it's a little too big for IWB concealed carry. I decided to carry a slim micro 9 (the PPS was next purchase) and I then purchased a P22 due to ammo costs. Thought my wife needed a semi-auto and purchased the LC9 but she didn't like the trigger and I ended up with it (she likes her snubbie). At 6 handguns, I've got enough firepower but I'd like to collect PPK's and I'm considering a West German unit as my next purchase (need to wait until the wife calms down since we originally agreed to 2 handguns).


Edited by mcrichar
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