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here is my favorite

Guest tlondon

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Guest tlondon

The Dept where I work traded in all service weapons for new one and let use buy the old ones. This is a ruger p94 in 40 s&w best $190 I have spent.:devil:IMG_1901.JPG

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Guest tlondon

2Old, No those of us in the jail aint issued sidearms but was able to buy the old ones. I have put about 300 rounds through it without cleaning it I am going for 500. Before I get a lashing, I am testing it out. I heard a while back that a test was done on one of the ruger p series of 5000 rounds before it was cleaned and it performed flawlessly.

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I had a P90 for about 10 years, I can't remember it ever having a FTF or jamming great guns. Differently a good buy at that price.

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Guest theolog

A friend of mine went through the academy with one and we always made fun of him for it. But they really are decent guns, and I'm surprised they haven't been more widely popular.

I remember one being featured on the front of my mother's "American Rifleman" when I was a kid...maybe 20 years ago, now? I wanted one something terrible and saved that issue of the magazines for years!

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