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IDPA Classifier - Music City Tactical Shooters 10/6/12

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For those that need to update that classifier from NV to MM and above to be eligible for the Music City Cup, now is your last chance before one of the most exciting, challenging stage match in TN. The classifier tests all of the activity you will need to do at a normal match(head shots, shots on the advance or retreat, kneeling, cover, etc). This is the most basic match possible to guage your skills against other competitors. Only IDPA members will be classified.

IDPA Classifier Match - SATURDAY October 6th, 2012

Round count: 90 pistol minimum

Click Here for CoF Description

Click Here for CoF Stages

You need to shoot the classifier in order to have a random drawing chance at firearms, shooting bags, reloading equipment, bullets, Nighthawk Custom, Comp-Tac prizes.

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All safe shooters can come and shoot the classifier. Only IDPA members will get their scores recorded and sent into IDPA.

To shoot in the sanctioned event, "Music City Cup", you must be classed marksman or higher and be a current IDPA member.

The prize table at the Cup is giving away all kinds of prizes including Glock gun certificates. All prizes are by random draw.

Edited by Mechanic_X
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An amazing number of new shooters came out Saturday. Thanks to everyone. Especially Lagerhead who came just to help out and that was huge.

The weather was great and I am a little sunburned even.

It was great to see all the soldiers from Clarksville and the LEO's who made it down also.

Now sign up for the Music City Cup. And HERE is more info.

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