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Report: Obama gives up, Buys Hawaii Retirement Estate as Internal Polls Indicate Victory Impossible

Guest Smitty

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It's nothing sensational. I'm certain that every first term president makes these preparations. After all there is a fifty percent chance that he will lose.

I don't think that he will lose. There are still some freedoms that he hadn't taken and lots of country left to be destroyed.

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Guest mcgyver210

If he does loose I believe we should have a National Holiday in honor of his Brand of Dictatorial Change coming to an end, If he wins he will finish his agenda to destroy what freedom we have left.

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Interesting. You guys catch the price tag?

DuJan reported billionaire Pritzker herself may contribute up to half the $35 million purchase price of the future Obama residence.

Sounds a whole lot like the residence that a 1%'er would have. Oh wait...maybe he's going to invite the occupy crowd to come live with him.

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Doesn't really matter. He can afford that place on his own and like Links said, its probably normal.

He's moving on up! :D

I would probably do the same.

Edited by 6.8 AR
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Guest Lester Weevils

Whether he has another 4 years or no, wonder if he is counting on post-presidential million dollar speaking fees to pay the bills, ala Reagan or Clinton?

Will be interesting to see the money market for the guy reading "yes we can" off a teleprompter. I suspect his fees won't jibe with a Reagan or Clinton. But who knows. Clinton is actually interesting to hear on occasion. I was kinda bummed Reagan picking off big money for talks on foreign soil. Almost seemed like payback for "unilateral economic disarmament" with his one-sided free trade policies. Seemed illogical that japanese would be eager enough to hear the man speak, to pay a million bucks for the priviledge. OTOH, if it was payback for services rendered, it would be about the same pay due to Obama from various nations. Arabs, russians, chinese, USA captains of industry who got bailed out, might be stumbling all over themselves hiring the fella to read a teleprompter for a million bucks a pop.

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Interesting. You guys catch the price tag?

DuJan reported billionaire Pritzker herself may contribute up to half the $35 million purchase price of the future Obama residence.

Sounds a whole lot like the residence that a 1%'er would have. Oh wait...maybe he's going to invite the occupy crowd to come live with him.

At least for a publicity shot. Then back on the boat.
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