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Romney on Obama Supporters

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Agreed Mav, it is the "US vs THEM" the two parties make. This way they do retain power.

I still cannot find in the Constitution, or the Bill of Rights, where a 2 party system is mandated in the U.S. Gotta be there somewhere.

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Agreed Mav, it is the "US vs THEM" the two parties make. This way they do retain power.

I still cannot find in the Constitution, or the Bill of Rights, where a 2 party system is mandated in the U.S. Gotta be there somewhere.

Same section as right to vote for president I think.

- OS

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Was in a discussion this week end at church about morality and how the government plays into it. I think there needs to be a safetynet but it needs to be strictly for those who can not do for themselves, not to provide for those who don't do for themselves. If you think the governments aid roles are not full of people that take government money but are able bodied or just criminal for taking tax dollars because the government makes mistakes then you are being disingenuous. There are plenty of people who "pay into the system" their entire life and die before they even see a dime back.

Until a month ago my mother in law was on disability because of a health issue from ten years ago. The last 5 years she has been more than able but when you get government money it is easy to take it if they don't turn off the faucet.

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Dolomite, everyone, even those on welfare, and those who are poor, and those who are weathy, and those in between, must be allowed to vote. Or we will become a cast society, where only those with wealth rule. No offense, but I would not want our nation to look like India.

This nation is founded on the principal "all men are created equal." Deny the vote to some due to their economic status, goes against this principal.

I think what Dolomite was getting as was that if you are going to vote, you need some skin in the game. If you don't contribute anything to the system, you shouldn't be able to vote in order to take more out of the system. My sister in law is irresponsible, makes poor life decisions, and her and her husband have no ambition or drive, do not try to better themselves, and make little money. She didn't pay in to the system and received $6000 back this year. That is your money that she is getting. Are you okay with that?

Elderly are a different set of people. We should absolutely provide for the generations that drove this country before us, but it should be on the money that they contributed, whether it be their personal retirement plan or what they paid in. It should not be on the back of our children or children's children.

Edited by piercedan
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There should be a flat tax rate for all Americans earning an income (since you know we'll never be able to get rid of the Federal Income Tax. The Democratic Socialists will never allow that to happen). :)

All able bodied folks earning wages should all share the bills our Government accumulates, unless you're physically/mentally disabled, temp unemployed, etc.,.

Then folks wouldn't be so quick to want to take from others what they have not earned for themselves and also would effect how America would vote on tax/spend issues. ;)

I'm not rich, but I'm not a socialist either. If I can't work and pay for it, I don't want it. Period. I'm not pissed at Bill gates or any other rich guy just because he has more than he needs, either. People need to stop acting like greedy little kids. You know, the ones who see another kid with something they want and they try to take it from them; this to me is the socialist mentality.

Edited by JohnC
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I have no problem with what Romney said. He's speaking in genralities and maybe a bit of hyperboyle. The message is clear and I think hits the nail on the head. The liberal media want to make a big deal out of this, as if he's abandoning the 47%. Even if this is true, so what? Both sides abandon groups of people on the other side (in their campaigns). I'm not seeing too many ads for either guy here in Memphis, because they both know this state is a lock for Romney.

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