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The Deciding Factor!


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I know what you are talking about. I had a neighbor get a job transfer to Denver. He and his wife decided that the wife would remain in their home in Memphis while he completed his two year assignment because of housing cost. That assignment cost him his wife (Jody got her) and his job, because he went to jail after returning home unexpectedly and finding Jody living in his house.

Friggin Jody, man. Scum of the earth.

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I don't want to participate. I'm forced to. I will suffer the wrath of our wonderful government if I tried to circumvent paying that.

ANY system that takes from one person, against that persons will, and gives to others is theft. You are absolutely

I go against some people by saying that we need assistance programs but they should be on a temporary basis only, ZERO EXCEPTIONS. Here's a bit of my breakdown:

If you drop out of high school weeks before your graduation, to be eligible for welfare then they should make it a 12 month wait where you get not a single benefit. If after the 12 months, you claim you are still inept, then you start working general labor jobs for the state/local government with no benefits at minimum wage.

If you get pregnant, there are 2 years of WIC or other support. Once that runs out, if you are not able to provide for the child, social services steps in with planning. This is a one time deal, you get pregnant again and you get a swift kick on the ass and no check in the mail.

If you become disabled, you should get a whole lotta nothing if you haven't paid into the system. If you have paid in, then funding should go for retraining in sedentary career fields or something the person is able to handle. There are a bunch of us on here that have become disabled and that just means we work harder to prove we can still do the work we were able to do prior to the incident.

Gov. needs to get out of the student loan market (not talking about grants), I have dealt with various private lenders since 2005 and the paperwork was easy to complete and submit. Recently I just started back on my way to a PhD (in IT field) and the amount of paperwork required and the speed (or lack thereof) of getting anything finished is ludicrous. Cant' say much about the grants because I get too pissed off. The fact that I could get grants for saying I am African American, and wouldn't be eligible for any of those if the caucasian box was checked is just :rant: Grants should be based on previous performance and nothing else.

Put these bums that are capable of working to work making license plates, moving, picking up trash and cleaning our government buildings. If they want to eat, they will start working... I find it absolutely reprehensible that we make it so easy for generational welfare (of any kind) to be acquired and at the same time, a poor person that is down on their luck and has worked all of their life, is almost ineligible to receive any benefits.

Gonna stop now, it's too early to get fired up!

entitled to what you paid in, but most people will draw far more than they ever paid in. Can't convince me that it was profits for wise investments that allow people to get more out than they put in. Even if I'm wrong and it IS working that way the fact remains I DON'T WANT TO PARTICIPATE but I am being forced. You might as well called it armed robbery because if I refuse to participate and hold out long enough there will be an armed response by our wonderful government.

The system is communist crap.

Thankfully for you my friend, you're at an age where the likelyhood of you getting you money back is reasonable. My chances are a joke.

You make a reasonable argument to only want what you paid in. I'd be happy to make an equally reasonable offer. The crap system can HAVE the money I paid in if they will agree to go away and leave me alone.

So, what's wrong with getting rid of all of it? What's good for the goose...

We all know we won't get anything near to what we paid in, we should call it for what it is: communism, and stomp the Hell

out of it, and anyone who keeps bringing new and improved versions. I kind of expect to hear someone say I am a cold

hearted bastard, but hwen you take money from one to bureacratize, then pay a "benefit" to another, at the point of a gun,

you haven't solved any problems. It was never intended to fund 75% of what it funds.

And just so you know, folks, G.W.Bush brought it into the level of a dialogue during one of his two terms. It was an opt-out

program, and the pols were scared to do anything like that. Re-election was much more of a priority.

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