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New toy for someone else


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Recently had the opportunity to return the action that has been bestowed upon me more times than I'm worthy - purchase a gun and promptly give it away to someone much more deserving.

The story goes that my brother-in-law, who enlisted with the Navy in 1993, very recently was promoted to the rank of Chief Petty Officer. For those in his immediate family, this was great news for a man who has given the better part of his life to serving his country and a wonderful honor to receive. Upon learning of this my mind promptly went to how we could possibly commemorate this occasion as well as show our, his family, respect and appreciation for his sacrifice.

I spoke to my wife who initially wanted to purchase a shadow box for him to display his medals. I quickly countered with the notion knowing he was wanting an AR for some time now. However, I knew he didn't have a 1911 in his modest gun collection and thought that any service man or woman holding such a title should have this staple weapon in their closet.

I reached out to 'Retired Navy GMC' who operates D&T that is a sponsor of TGO. Given his handle here on TGO I thought he'd be the best person to make a recommendation or tell me what he had in his stock available for such a gift. And man, did he knock it out of the park. Not only did David produce an amazing Springfield 1911 pistol for me to purchase, he made it personal and threw in some grips that he had out of his personal collection.

Today was the first day ever I was able to take a gun that I purchased, that the rest of the family chipped in on as well equally, and give it to someone else. When the new Chief arrived back home he had been kept awake for over 48 straight hours and he feet were demolished from the last two weeks of what I believe they reference as induction.

Through his tired eyes he quickly realized what his family had done for him and the added touch of the CPO insignia on the grips pushed it that much further over the top. This will be a piece that will be cherished for a good deal time to come.

Not only did I want to share the awesome feeling of being able to give away such a great piece and the pride I carry knowing my brother-in-law made Chief with the Navy, I wanted to point out the extent to which the D&T staff went to make sure that we were able to provide a proper commemorative item for this occasion. Thanks guys!

Excuse the dishes in the backgroud - I opened it when I got home and never looked at it again until today for fear I'd just keep it myself.




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