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This is why we can't have nice things.


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A friend sent me a link the other day about a potential of Bucky Balls, the magnetic magnetic balls that you can build things with. Watching Nightline tonight made me facepalm. A mother of a child who swallowed 18 of the stated "I didn't see the warning label saying don't give them to children." I'm sorry, but how clueless do you have to be to realize that small magnetic balls are not something you give or leave around small children? It's just really tiring hearing of people saying "well I didn't read the warning" on things like that. Common sense is just something people lack now.

Rant off.

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Oh, man...don't get me started!

I am a relatively new parent (20mo) and with that comes all of the safety gear like car seats, strollers etc. all good stuff but my son learned the best of my vocabulary when I found out these companies have to SEW the warning labels onto the fabric of these items. I mean, how is Darwinism supposed to work if we keep warning the dummies of their impending doom?

Also...Bucky balls are really fun. They taste horrible, though...

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I say we let natural selection choose the smarter ones.

I honestly think people are just getting dumber and looking for our nanny state to do their parenting for them. And when someone gets hurt they blame everyone else.

When I was a kid we didn't have child locks, safety caps, bicycle helmets and our windows rolled all the way down. Yes kids did get hurt from time to time but not like today with all the safety measures in place. I am not saying those things are bad, just saying a little bit of self preservation can go a long way.

Hell, when I was a kid we could walk in to the store and buy dangerous chemicals in the form of a chemistry kit. I carried a gun at age 10 and never got seriously hurt.

Maybe the kid will feel amazing now. All those magnetic bands supposedly have some amazing results.


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Safety this, safety that. Years ago you could build IED's with chemistry sets. Lawn darts had points on them too. If you were too slow or too dumb your family tree ended there. Brutal, yet effective.

With all the safeties in place over all these years, the end product is 100% pure stupid people. They have been breeding for awhile and I present this mother as evidence of that.

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When I was 18 months old my family was at Disneyland (or Disneyworld I can never remember, but it's the one that's in Florida). I was walking around on top of a table with neither parent paying attention to me, until I walked off the table and smashed my head open on the concrete. There was no talk of lawsuits or settlements or any of that nonsense. Hel they didn't even give us a ride back from the hospital. My parents realized that they had nobody to blame but themselves and if they weren't divorced they would STILL be arguing over which one was supposed to be watching me. Also, interesting fact about the Disney places, they have a vast system of underground tunnels specifically designed for getting people out during emergencies.

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Safety this, safety that. Years ago you could build IED's with chemistry sets. Lawn darts had points on them too. If you were too slow or too dumb your family tree ended there. Brutal, yet effective.

With all the safeties in place over all these years, the end product is 100% pure stupid people. They have been breeding for awhile and I present this mother as evidence of that.

"Jarts". Yep that was a good idea. We played them as kids. Let's throw big giant metal darts towards each other!

Who thought that idea up?

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I'm old enough to have used real McCoy cherry bombs and M-80s, too. The kind that would blow up toilets and gutters, all kinds of neat stuff.

- OS

And you could just walk into the store and buy them at 9 or 10 yrs. old. The same for buying a box .22's. No questions asked, of course they knew me and my parents.

Edited by bvarnell
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And you could just walk into the store and buy them at 9 or 10 yrs. old. The same for buying a box .22's. No questions asked, of course they knew me and my parents.

Yup. The hardware store was the garden of all earthly delights.

Mumbly peg, called root the peg where I grew up, cause you had to root the stick out of the ground with your teeth.

All the boys had their fav knives for all the tricks, a few girls too. What were we when that started, I guess 9 years old? I remember doing it on the school yard. Marbles and root the peg. Hell, you probably can't even have marbles in school now, throwing and swallowing hazard or some sh-t.

- OS

Edited by OhShoot
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Yup. The hardware store was the garden of all earthly delights.

Mumbly peg, called root the peg where I grew up, cause you had to root the stick out of the ground with your teeth.

All the boys had their fav knives for all the tricks, a few girls too. What were we when that started, I guess 9 years old? I remember doing it on the school yard. Marbles and root the peg. Hell, you probably can't even have marbles in school now, throwing and swallowing hazard or some sh-t.

- OS

Heck, OS, my neice is 13 and the school she attends will not allow students to have pointed scissors, and they use a different kind of compass in math class that does not have the sharp point on the center arm. Condoms, they can have by the handful, however.

Sent from my NookColor using Tapatalk 2

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