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Zombie Match - Music City Tactical Shooters

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Upcoming MATCH: Zombie Match (Head Shots Only) - 7 Stages SATURDAY October 20th, 2012

Round count: Unknown pistol minimum

Bring any pistol caliber handgun or carbine. 1 shot to the head necessary for designated Zombie targets. 3 shots anywhere for "infected" targets. All handgun competitors are heads up regardless of caliber. Carbines will be in separate division.

Most competitors at Music City Tactical Shooters for a local match is 87(Last year's Zombie Match).

You can dress up in a costume as long as it does not interfere with your drawing from a holster for handguns. Free match for the best costume!

Hope to see you there!

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Excellent idea.Back in 06-07 I mentioned a Zombie head shots only match to the MDs at Cleveland HRPC and Chattanooga Rifle Club,they just kinda chuckled under their breath and gave me a funny look

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Guest rbrooks65

You can dress up in a costume as long as it does not interfere with your drawing from a holster for handguns. Free match for the best costume!

I may wear a costume with a ponytail and a red bandana for a doo rag. Oh wait...that one's already taken...

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  • 3 weeks later...

Bay 3 drainage has been fixed with culverts placed under the berm which was raised in the back part. Sorry no more boat stages in the future. Just in time for the 122 minimum round count for the Zombie(head shot and body shots transitions galour) match this weekend!

Will be at the range this Sunday to finish cleanup on NTPS side and begin putting stages up for the Music City Cup!

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If I actually knew what to do with those bumps on my slide, I would come shoot this. :D

With some coaching and long practice days in your future, I think we can find a use for the bumps on the loud fire cracker in your hand. Don't hold your breath, we have our work cut out.

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Dale, John and that guy with the pony tail whose name I cannot rember put on a great match. We had about half experienced shooters and half new shooters in my squad, and the old folks made the new ones feel welcome. The Ft. Cambell contingent entertained us all with their gas masks. Even the USPSA loyalist had a good time even though this old fart beat him a couple of stages. Thanks guys!

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