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Sons of Anarchy!


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That was terrible...I could see it in Opie's eyes though, that he was contemplating doing it from the moment Jax told him what had to happen.

And anyone wanna comment on what a b!tch Gemma is? She can go sleeping with whoever and Clay can't? Then that crap she is pulling between Tara and the junkie. I really do not like her this season.

Edited by Ramjo
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I reckon Gemma's got to die this season. Too much twisted history regarding JT & Clay & now trying to upset Tara & Jax. The look on her face when Tara confronted her last night was priceless!

Can't believe Ope's gone :( He's been my favorite character since day one.

That line that Tara said to Gemma was great. I will not kill you, but my husband might.

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Opie needed to be the one, after all the MC killed his wife and his father. Only fitting that Opie took charge and sacrificed himself. He knew that eventually his pals would have killed him anyway.

And is it just me or does anyone else see all the "man hugs" as a bit over the top?

When the boys get out of county it will be man hugs all around.

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And is it just me or does anyone else see all the "man hugs" as a bit over the top?

When the boys get out of county it will be man hugs all around.

That's actually pretty close to reality. I was involved with a club back in the UK (In my formative years) & there's a lot of hugging, backslapping, handshaking & shoulder-bumping goes on.

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Opie was my favorite character so I am quite pissed today. I could see it coming the entire episode so I wasnt surprised. I'm pretty sure we havent seen the last member death this season. Poor Juice cant buy a break, gets laid then gets gut shot.

That wasn't Juice. That was one of Nero's random guys.
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Ok. I missed last week's episode.

Can someone fill me in on the cooler at the end of tonights episode?

Jax was supposed to kill the hooker. The guys from Nero's crew wanted a tit and thumb as proof that she was killed.

I will never be able to look at Boyd Crowder the same again.

Same here. Tig was hilarious looking like a love starved puppy staring at her/him.

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Guest BungieCord

Without his Kaintuky drawl (and spikey hair-do), I couldn't make him for Boyd Crowder. I knew I knew that face and voice from somewhere, but the boobs had me stymied. It wasn't until this morning that I was able to find who it was making that "cameo" appearance.

I thought the cooler was really weak. Somebody with as many enemies as Jaxs has would have to be a gold-plated idiot to let "some guy" drop off a package and have it end up in his house with his family without having it x-rayed or having some probie open it first to check it for booby-traps (pun intended).

Edited by BungieCord
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