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You get $1000.00 to spend on guns...now what?


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I seriously think the g19 is the glock that everybody wants/has regardless of their preferences of other guns. I am definitely an m&p guy, and still want a g19. Ever since I shot my friend's from work, I have wanted one. I just shot it so well, it was so easy to shoot accurate for me, it fit well, and it shot really soft. The g19 will definitely by my ONE glock.

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I seriously think the g19 is the glock that everybody wants/has regardless of their preferences of other guns. I am definitely an m&p guy, and still want a g19. Ever since I shot my friend's from work, I have wanted one. I just shot it so well, it was so easy to shoot accurate for me, it fit well, and it shot really soft. The g19 will definitely by my ONE glock.

I'm an M&P fan too. With that said, I swapped my M&P9 to Duce for a G19 in the Chili's parking lot :). I own a 19, 23, and 36. I'm happy with all 3, and plan to hang on to them. i liked my M&P, but don't miss it.

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Guest MidTNGlock

if I handed you $1000 under the condition you could only spend it on firearms (no ammo/gear) what would you spend it on?

I'd probably get a Marlin 60 and a Springfield Range Officer.

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I’ve owned my share of Glock pistol’s and believe that the G-19 is the best of the breed. I’ve also shot enough M&P pistol’s to consider the M&P 9c or M&P 45c the best of that breed as well. Then I went and bought a Ruger SR9 just to see how well it worked. I wish I hadn’t of done that because the darned thing run’s like a Swiss Watch. After handling the SR9c I’m beginning to believe that it might be best of the striker fired pistols I’ve encountered.

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I'd put the grand in my pocket and do a tour of local gun/pawn shops and see if anything just screamed "buy me"

Having a plan on spending money can be over rated, sometimes it's more fun to just shop around and see what's out there.

Having said that a Rock Island 1911 along with a Henry pump 22 would probably get the cash flowing pretty quick.

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