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Romney and Paul Ryan has plenty of current information out there IF you care to read it. And this blame the lair-in-chief don't fly. Both of them have been very clear of why BHO's policies haven't worked, they are offering a solution but need to explain why. I think they are doing that but I'm not getting my politics off of TV.

BTW, we are not hearing policy solutions from the LEFT, blaming is ALL that we are hearing, that and R&R are going to kill everyone if they get elected.

I can't believe I'm taking up for Mittens :wall: but it's the only viable solution at this time. When a 3rd party can get 50% of the vote then I'll be encourage to support them, till that happens we have to deal with what we got. It's too late to hope GJ or RP can win anything at this point.

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I'm convinced that no matter who was elected as the republican candidate you guys would swear up and down they are the savior for this country. A few months ago the attitude on this forum was that we all hated Romney, but not as much as Obama. Now you guys are actually buying into it.

Let's continue to vote the party lines, it seems to work out so well. I should also point out that ole George was the one who set this massive debt in motion. It really got going under his watch.

I have yet to hear what Romney's big plan is to fix the economy. All he seems to do is remind everyone how bad things are and how it's all Obama's fault.

Romney and Obama have a lot in common, neither one has a effing clue how to fix our problems. Now Romney has come out saying he actually likes part of the health care law.

I think Romney would earn more votes if he actually laid out a plan for us instead of blaming Obama for all our problems. Let's be honest, Obama is a jackass but he can't blamed for all our issues.

Erik, get out a decent history reference, one that doesn't have GW's name in it. This country has been deficit spending

way before you were born.

There are a few tidbits in the ACA that a lot of folks like, but that doesn't mean much. Putting something good in a bad bill doesn't make it a good bill. I doubt he was wanting to keep the ACA intact, since he has pledged to repeal it with Congress' efforts.

i guess there something to this context thing, after all.

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Are you done now? :) I've learned more about Romney, and yes, I'm more convinced. So tell me there, Eunice... who are you gonna vote for? Obama, Romney, or the guy that can't win?

I've already said I'm voting for Romney. I'm just not convinced he truly knows how to fix the problems.

Does it really matter at this point though? We spend all our energy fighting with the liberals nothing ever gets done. This country is split down the middle and neither one is prepared to give an inch.

Since you guys claim Mitt has a plan can you please share it with me? I'm being dead serious. I've been trying to educate myself on the issues and all I've seen so far is finger pointing from both sides. If I've missed something please send me a few links.

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I can't believe I'm willing to entrust the most powerful office in the world to a Mormon.

Should give an idea how much I fear and detest BHO.

- OS

I'd rather have an honest Mormon in office than a douche that lies about being a Christian..... :whistle:

The fact that Mitt is a Mormon bothers me a lot less the other stuff.

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I've already said I'm voting for Romney. I'm just not convinced he truly knows how to fix the problems.

Does it really matter at this point though? We spend all our energy fighting with the liberals nothing ever gets done. This country is split down the middle and neither one is prepared to give an inch.

Since you guys claim Mitt has a plan can you please share it with me? I'm being dead serious. I've been trying to educate myself on the issues and all I've seen so far is finger pointing from both sides. If I've missed something please send me a few links.

Seriously, the information is available. My response would be a long one. Mitt will make the country friendly to business growth again. That's not hard to understand if you've spent as many years in big business as I have. Just getting some business growth back will be a dramatic improvement. You need to do your own research on the rest. Don't be like I was when I was your age. Invest a little time. Too complicated for short answers.

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Seriously, the information is available. My response would be a long one. Mitt will make the country friendly to business growth again. That's not hard to understand if you've spent as many years in big business as I have. Just getting some business growth back will be a dramatic improvement. You need to do your own research on the rest. Don't be like I was when I was your age. Invest a little time. Too complicated for short answers.

I have been doing just that. But you guys are also ignoring my points. Freaking Trump could be the nominee and you guys would be salivating at the chance to line up at the polls. Let's not let our hatred for Obama cloud our judgement.

Mike, I sincerely hope you are right about Romney but I think the republicans could have picked a far better candidate. If they had chosen a more moderate nominee they could have crushed Obama by gaining all the independent votes.

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I'd rather have an honest Mormon in office than a douche that lies about being a Christian..... :whistle:\\

So far, a presidential contender has no choice but to claim some sort of Christian belief. I just further recoil from the absolutely lunatic overlay Mormonism adds to the mainstream mythology.

- OS

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Guest ThePunisher

It's a fact that we have never had a person of Muslim faith and heritage to be President of US before Obama perpetrated this hoax off on the dumbass American people in 2008.

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Since you guys claim Mitt has a plan can you please share it with me? I'm being dead serious. I've been trying to educate myself on the issues and all I've seen so far is finger pointing from both sides. If I've missed something please send me a few links.

Seriously? Really? You have the web at your fingers don't you? :shrug:









That took all of 5 minutes.

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Guest ThePunisher

I have been doing just that. But you guys are also ignoring my points. Freaking Trump could be the nominee and you guys would be salivating at the chance to line up at the polls. Let's not let our hatred for Obama cloud our judgement.

Mike, I sincerely hope you are right about Romney but I think the republicans could have picked a far better candidate. If they had chosen a more moderate nominee they could have crushed Obama by gaining all the independent votes.

Erik, my friend... I have butt hairs that are older than you :). My judgement doesn't cloud easily. Yes, Trump is probably better than Obama at this point. We need a ground level business guy.

The system really does regulate itself well. We just need a guy at the top that can head things in the right direction. Obama is so not it, that it's not that hard to replace him.

Edited by mikegideon
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So far, a presidential contender has no choice but to claim some sort of Christian belief. I just further recoil from the absolutely lunatic overlay Mormonism adds to the mainstream mythology.

- OS

I have to agree with you. The Mormon faith meets the definition of a cult.

Saying that, I am a Catholic, and am fully aware of the connotations that generally elicits around here. If Romney is a true believer in his faith, I respect that. There are aspects of the Mormon beliefs that we could learn lessons from - emergency preparedness, individualism, mission, ect. There are other aspects that are just hokey compared to my beliefs.

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I wonder how many elected officials are as Christian as they like to act. My guess is not too many.

I don't care. I'm pretty sure that Romney is a Boy Scout, but that's not even a big deal right now. Anybody with enough friggin sense to stop the war on business will probably help bust us out of the turd quest.

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So far, a presidential contender has no choice but to claim some sort of Christian belief. I just further recoil from the absolutely lunatic overlay Mormonism adds to the mainstream mythology.

- OS

In my experience, their business dealings/life ethics are as good as I've seen. Don't care about the finer points of the fairy tales. They're definately more solid than the average.

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In my experience, their business dealings/life ethics are as good as I've seen. Don't care about the finer points of the fairy tales. They're definately more solid than the average.

Yeah, I know. Just bothers me on an intellectual level -- I have to vote for a purported Christian each time, but Mormonism adds even a higher level of mondo bizarro, right up there near alien abduction and skin-walking.

- OS

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Yeah, I know. Just bothers me on an intellectual level -- I have to vote for a purported Christian each time, but Mormonism adds even a higher level of mondo bizarro, right up there near alien abduction and skin-walking.

- OS

Doesn't get more bizarro than some of the stuff Obama believes. I WISH he only had religious quirks.

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Gotta agree with you, Mac, but I've known too many Mormons to come to the conclusion that they

are pretty decent folks.

I don't understand much of anything about their religious faith, but they know how to get things done and

they put their britches on just like you and I, I think. :D

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Doesn't get more bizarro than some of the stuff Obama believes. I WISH he only had religious quirks.

True dat.

On the religious side, I'm somewhat surprised that nationally the Christian fundamental faithful haven't united against BHO on the basis that he's quite possibly the frigging Anti Christ. Unfortunately, most have only railed against Mitt's cult status.

The media on both sides have tiptoed around the Mormon issue, polls too apparently, but I'd opine that if he professed a mainstream denomination he'd be well up in the race.

- OS

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In '68 Nixon won as a result from the Vietman war fatigue. In '80 Reagan won as a result of the economic blues under Carter. In '92 Clinton won because the republicans voted for him as a result of Bush breaking his pledge not to raise taxes. In '2008 Obummer the commie won as a result from the terrorist war fatigue, and the promise of "Hope and Change". In 2012 Romney will win because of the results from the commie's "Hope and Change" that has fundamentally transformed the country on a path toward communism, and nearly put America on the brink of total economic collapse.

Um. If I remember correctly, from my old Poli Sci classes, Nixon won by default. LBJ didnt run, and Robert Kennedy was assassinated. There were no other real candidates on the Democratic side.

Clinton was not supposed to win. He was running to get his name out there, for 4 years later. Remember Bush Senior, was the only President to blow his election after garnering a 97% approval rating. The Dems, at the start of the race, assumed Bush Sr would win, so all the big name Dems sat on the sideline.

In the case of this election, one can argue the same, the GOP assumed O would win reelection, so all the big name GOP candidates stayed out. So the GOP now has Romney. Unlike Clinton, Romney is not easily likeable, and reminds me (and others) much more of Senator Kerry, than Clinton. Kerry was assumed to win, becuase Bush Jr was well hated. However, he came off as wishywashy, and out of touch with the middle class. Same lables Romney has.

I think O will win. Not because he deserves another term, but because of Romney. And OS, unlike you, I cannot, in good faith, vote for a Mormon.

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Having lived in Utah and known plenty of Mormons, I have to say that Romney's faith is one of his better qualities. I may not agree with much of the theological tennants of the LDS church, but they are generally good people in my experience.

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