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If You have not seen this Video, You Should!

Guest FroggyOne2

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Guest TNDixieGirl

You must have missed all the links posted in the rebuttal where the information can be found. Doesn't really matter who wrote it when you can verify the given information for yourself.

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Guest FroggyOne2

Yeah.. well I may have.. but then.. I am suspicius of anything that has lots of prob and stats in it.. it is too easy to skew to make your point of view seem viable.. what it really boils down to.. is that there was an increase after the ban.. and I don't know about population increase or not.. last information I had been told was from a PH, is that Aussieland is having a hard time finding enough ppl to fill jobs down there.. humm wonder the folks have gone tooo?

Oh.. I know, your scratching your head.. "What is a PH?".. Professional Hunter..

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  • 4 weeks later...

All that info was from 2001.. there must be newer info/stats out there. After all that buy back was in 1997.

Thanks for the vid by way... it really makes you think, when they start taking rights away where will they stop?

Edited by BrasilNuts
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it is a lesson that should be well learned here.

GB will be the first "western" country to succumb to Sharia law, you just wait and see if I am not right.

agreed. the muslim population, especially the radical islamic segmet of their society, is growing obscenely fast.

and yeah, that could very well be us if we don't stand up for our rights.

hell, look at what's happened already in the last 200 years with gun laws. then consider how complacent most americans are. our forefathers rebelled against taxation and control by a king far away on principle. look how a government system now taxes us exponentially more, controls us to an absurd degree, and dictates so many aspects of our lives. if americans had the balls and spirit we did in the middle-late 1700s, we would've put a stop to this long ago.

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Guest FroggyOne2

True True!!! But also Americans must take the responsibility to become informed and use that knowledge to make good choices.. like in voting.. this voting because a person looks good or has a pretty smile, or is a slick talker.. one must learn to see through that.. take the time to really look a person that is running for office and find out what they are really about.. but of course we can not depend on our nations media, for they have skewed the realm of reality to the point it is hard to find the correct path for all the yellow brick roads that they make.

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Guest airbornefox

Its about time the Brits started to protest! :screwy: For years there government has been trampling on they're individual rights and they pay the price in blood, literally!! I remember reading an article an 80 year old farmer going to jail for life for shooting to robbers doing a home invasion, AN 80 YEAR OLD MAN!!! :bs: If that nonsense starts to happen here in our country, people would be in the streets protesting.

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