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EAST Tenn. TGO members interested in a ______ get together?

Guest LiLBucket

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Guest Phantom6

French drains dug and filled. Road is laid in to the range now and the firing points will be set Tuesday. I checked with the property owner and the range is available that weekend (21 April). Porta-John to be delivered late this upcoming week. Still have a little bridge repair to do (I damned near dropped a little 10 ton truck load of gravel into the creek. That ride was more thrilling for me than any ride at Dollywoood! :rolleyes:)

I'll be running practical shooting exercises out there this upcoming weekend. I'm holding off some cowboy shooters for Saturday, 21 April until y'all let me know for sure. So what's the concensus? Do I need to reserve the range that day?

If we have a crew coming to Oak Ridge, I'll post the directions and a map. If not, I'll need directions and a map to where ever we are meeting, shooting and eating please. Makes no difference to me. I'd just like to get together.

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Guest Boomhower


I'd say book it. The only other place that's been mentioned is tower's brother's place, and that's still a maybe. Sounds like their wanting to break off a little bit smaller anyways, so I'd say book it and the guys that's around here handy or other's that want to join in from abroad, can.

BTW guys, I saw a sign tonight advertising a gun show at the Knoxville expo center for the 21st and 22nd. Isn't that off of Clinton Hwy? If so, would anyone like to finish off the day by dropping in there? I'd be interested in going with someone that could so me things to look out for or items that are a good deal. I've got the dough now to purchase, just haven't made my mind up yet. I don't know wheather to buy and have for the meet or wait and see if any of you guys have something that catches my eye.


hahahah boom...make no mistake..all of these guys have something that will catch your eye!

My sister is out of town until after Easter weekend, so I wont be able to get in touch with her until she gets back, my brother is out at sea, but thats ok too...

If Sue and Mark are ok with it, then I'll post directions and a phone number.

I won't be able to make it though..going to be working my butt off...I MAY be home next week though!! just for a few days.


so if when I'm home, I'll post up and you guys are welcome to meet/greet and shoot when I'm there...will work on the 21st. as well

Guest Boomhower

That's what I'm worried about......I'll take one of each please!!!:rolleyes:

Guest macho999

I've been working a lot of 6 day weeks lately so I can't really say anything for sure. Norris range or something around Knoxville would work good for me, although tri-cities isn't all that much further if I go through VA.


We are getting close enough to the target date, and I can't see anything going on in the Tri-Cities that will get us together this month for a shoot up here unless we do Scioto. I'd say go for Oak Ridge and try to get something going for the Tri-Cities on May 19.

I think towerclimber37 needs to be at the first shoot at his brother's place, if he and his wife are agreeable. Meantime, we can try to find some other locations too.


I will be calling on tuesday...we're finishing up a site here in baudette, mn..and I'm going to have a few days off..I'll call when I get back to minneapolis and go see them about it when I hit town.

Guest Boomhower

So are you looking to get something together for next weekend or for the following? (April 21st)

Guest LiLBucket

Alrighty, from what I can tell, Knoxville (Oak Ridge) seems to be the most feasible for this month (Sat the 21st).

We should plan for next month (May 19th?) to be in the Tri-Cities. Hopefully by then we can either have a place figured out, someone with a farm between Tri-Cities and Knoxville will join TGO (haha), or Tower can grace us with his presence and brother's property!! :up:

Phantom6-It sounds like you've got Sterling lined up pretty nicely. Can you give us some more info on that please? Sterling is okay with me. Anyone else have input concerning this?

That famous pizza joint was mentioned earlier, is this still preferable? We could arrange to meet for pizza around 11:30-12:30 and plan to be at the range by 1. To late, to early?

Boomhower-I'm interested in the gun show! I don't need to be around the temptation, but I won't turn down the opportunity!! :D

Me-"Sweety, I just need some ammo and it's cheaper at the shows!!"

Said Sweety- "*Siiiiiiighhhh*"

My "Sweety" can't join us this month, she's had plans with her girlfriends for a few months apparently! She does however want to make it out to shoot though. Hopefully one of you has a .22lr pistol she could try out. She's been contemplating one, but wants to shoot one first (I want one as well so BONUS!!!:D ).

Okay, long enough post!!!........:lol::)

Guest salb3039

Ok, I'm out. Hopefully next month though.

Guest LiLBucket

Salb, you make me make a :lol: face!

Guest dotsun

Count me and my fiance in. Where's the range at?


Just read thru this thread and hope to get with you guys in the next month or so. Working on April 21st though.

A word of warning however. Towerclimber is trying to get everyone to his brother's place at Sensabaugh Tunnel. That is the only certified, genuine haunted tunnel in the Tennessee region. The story goes that many years ago a woman and her kids were killed at the tunnel and now if you park your car in the tunnel at night with your motor off and lights out, you can see her walking by the end of the tunnel while she's calling out for her kids. I've done this myself and while I didn't see her I know I heard her holler. I didn't wait for an appearence. I got outta Dodge. So if you go there to shoot, be sure you're out of there before sundown. Remember, bullets don't hurt ghosts!!!


Half of ETSU's buildings are haunted. What's one more ghost? But since the April shoot is in Oak Ridge, I'll have to pass. I can't make it out that day, I'm going to go see about bidding on a shotgun in one of the TWRA auctions that day. Too good of an chance to save a good bit of money on one to pass up.

Guest Phantom6

Ok folks, here are the directions to Big Ed's and then on to the Sterling Range for the "meet, greet and shoot on 21 April. I would submit that we should meet at Big Ed's at 1200 for lunch :lol: and then head to the range by 1300 . sniper.gif

Give me an idea how many to expect and I will get to Ed's early and pull a bunch of tables together.

BTW if anyone should get lost getting to Big Ed's their phone number is 482.4885. Actually, most folks in the county should be able to give you directions

From Knoxville

1. Turn RIGHT (North) onto TN-162 N/PELLISSIPPI PKWY. (I-140)


3. Continue to follow TN-62 W. (Illinois Ave.)

4. As you cross R.R. tracks (Y-12 Credit Union will be on your right), turn RIGHT on Lafayette Dr.. Follow Lafayette to Oak Ridge Turnpike/Hwy -95 (4 lane rd.)

5.Follow O.R. Trnpke/95 north to Georgia Ave.

6. Turn LEFT on Georgia Ave. Follow Georgia through next light (Tennessee Ave). You will see Big Ed’s on next corner on LEFT

Big Ed’s to Range

1.Take Georgia Ave. down hill to second light (O.R. Trnpke.).

2. Turn Right onto OAK RIDGE TURNPIKE/TN-95.

3. About 10 miles out, at the TN-95/Hwy 58 split, stay on 58 West toward Kingston

4. Travel about .5 mile West and turn RIGHT on to Route 327

5. Turn LEFT onto Poplar Creek Rd. Follow to “T†and turn RIGHT onto Sugar Grove Valley Rd.. 5th. Drive on LEFT (Drive has bridge across the creek).

From Kentucky

1. I-75 S. toward KNOXVILLE

2. Take the HWY 61 exit- EXIT 122- toward OAK RIDGE and Clinton

3. Stay straight, going through Clinton, keep straight onto OAK RIDGE TURNPIKE/Hwy-95

4. Turn RIGHT on Georgia Ave. Follow Georgia through next light (Tennessee Ave). You will see Big Ed’s on next corner on LEFT

(See from Big Ed’s to range above)

From Morgan and Scott Counties

1. Follow 127 to Wartburg

2. Take HWY 62 toward Oliver Springs and OAK RIDGE

3. Turn LEFT on OAK RIDGE TURNPIKE/ Hwy-95 and continue to Georgia Ave. 4. Turn LEFT on Georgia Ave. Follow Georgia through next light (Tennessee Ave). You will see Big Ed’s on next corner on LEFT

(See from Big Ed’s to range above)

From Nashville

1. Travel I-40 E towards Knoxville

2. Take the TN-58 N/GALLAHER RD exit- EXIT 356- toward OAK RIDGE.

3. Follow 58 to Hwy 95 and take 95 to Oak Ridge.

4. Stay on 95 (Oak Ridge Turnpike) through town and turn LEFT on Georgia Ave. Follow Georgia through next light (Tennessee Ave). You will see Big Ed’s on next corner on LEFT (See from Shoney’s Restaurant to range above)

(See from Big Ed’s to range above)

From Chattanooga

1. I-75 N toward KNOXVILLE

2. Take the US-321/TN-95 exit- EXIT 81- toward OAK RIDGE

3. Take TN-95 N toward MELTON HILL DAM/OAK RIDGE. Travel about 13.1 miles

4. Stay on 95 (Oak Ridge Turnpike) through town and turn LEFT on Georgia Ave. Follow Georgia through next light (Tennessee Ave). You will see Big Ed’s on next corner on LEFT

(See from Big Ed’s to range above)






Guest LiLBucket

Thanks Phantom!!

Uhhhh, GHOSTS?!:confused:

10-4 on ETSU buildings bringing the creep!! The Physical Plant at night is cccraaazy!! Especially from the top of the tower, but I can't say why I know that!!


I'm sorry. I went brain-dead for a moment. My anniversary is next month. I even thought about buying a Glock....

But I still can't make the get-together this month.

  Marswolf said:
I'm sorry. I went brain-dead for a moment. My anniversary is next month. I even thought about buying a Glock....

But I still can't make the get-together this month.


Say it ain't so!!!

Guest LiLBucket
  Marswolf said:
I'm sorry. I went brain-dead for a moment. My anniversary is next month. I even thought about buying a Glock....

But I still can't make the get-together this month.

Seriously just had someone poke their head in my office in response to my bellowing laughter!!!:confused:

Guest Volfan

I will returning from vacation on the 21st. As for next month, I'm in. My dad has 168 acres in rogersville. I will try to convince him to open it up for us.

Guest dotsun

2 please maitre de. I can't wait to meet everyone. BTW, Big Ed's serves alcohol if I remember correctly, so no guns. :confused:

edit: I would like to bring my ar, but I'll be in a pickup. Anyone volunteer to let me lock it up in their trunk at Ed's? I'm not too keen on the guncase laying in plain sight on the front seat.


Well, I spoke to my sis in law for the EAST E. TGO members that don't want to make the trip to Oakridge..

She said it was perfectly fine by her to shoot down in the glenn..but we have to police our brass and the place needs a good mowing.

I will talk to my brother and see what he says about it...I'm pretty sure if Sue's ok with it, he will be too but we'll see.

I unfortunately won't be able to make it...but I just spent 1000 bucks on a plane ticket (1 days' notice) and am home now!!! so if anyone wants to shoot this saturday, give me a holler and we can meet up and go shooting at the property!!!:D:confused:

my contact info is


I'll be home till sunday (fly out monday afternoon)!!!!

Guest Archimedes

Who's in so far?





dotsun +1



Anyone else?


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