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Guest Lester Weevils

Its genuine. The top one is United States of America in Cyrillic and the bottom one is Amerika.

Tennessee Gun Owners - ТеннеÑÑее Гун ОвнерÑ

Thanks TankerHC. I don't doubt you, was just trying to be funny.

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My family was from Cades Cove but was not a supporter of the Confederacy. I would imagine most families from East TN weren't either. What Heritage do you think you support by claiming a flag you have no familial ties to?

Edited by Daniel
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Daniel, I was born and raised in Indiana. Most of my family, on both sides, have lived there since the War of 1812. You might notice my avatar, however, is a Confederate flag. It is a First Confederate National, 11 star, after the admission to the Confederacy of Tennessee, but belonging to the 4th Texas Infantry, Hood's Texas Brigade, Army of Northern Virginia. It is the flag of one of my ancestors who went to Texas in the 1830's to fight Indians and settle a new republic before its admission to the union. He started the war as a Captain of Co. I, the Navarro Rifles. He fought throughout the war, surrendering with General Lee at Appomattox. At that time he commanded the regiment as a Lieutenant Colonel. After the war, he returned to Texas, practiced law and became the first Judge of the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals. His portrait hangs in the Texas Capitol in Austin. His name was Clinton Mckamy Winkler.

I say all this to show that locale does not determine heritage. By the way, while East Tennessee was largely proUnion, there were Confederate units raised there. Tennessee is an interesting state. It sent almost as many troops to the North as to the South. It has a rich heritage and all Tennesseans should embrace that whole heritage, including the Confederate Battle Flag. If it is suppressed, we all lose a bit of our real history for a sanitized, revised version of it to fit the whims of political expediency. I'm proud of both my Confederate and Union ancestors. They both fought as Americans for causes in which they believed, serving them with honor. Anytime we try to remove their symbols, to suit some vision of protecting the sensitive feelings of the ignorant, we diminish their honor and dishonor ourselves.

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Wonder what Hank Williams Jr. will think about that bullsheet? His latest album is awesome btw. Songs like Taking Back the Country, Keep the Change, and We Don't Apologize for America are some goodies. Album is called Old School New Rules.

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I did not say we should get rid of Confederate icons. I asked why people, you are obviously not one, who have no tie to the Confederacy would suddenly 140+ years after the fact be pro Confederate.

I'm not black, but I'm anti slavery.

How could you know that anyone who posted has no ties to the Confederacy?

I know people who participate in Highland Games that are not Scottish.

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I am not saying everyone here but I can't imagine that I am the only one. How many even know? I researched it through my families records. Luckily some got together in the 70s and 80s and made a book documenting our family back from NC.

Also I am not saying it is wrong to do so I am just asking why they would.

Speaking for me I have no reason to advocate for Confederate causes as I am an American not a Confederate. Why would I be an advocate for a force that tried to tear my country apart?

Edited by Daniel
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Guest Aces&8s

Speaking for me I have no reason to advocate for Confederate causes as I am an American not a Confederate. Why would I be an advocate for a force that tried to tear my country apart?

Many would argue that the Confederates were the ones fighting to uphold the nation as it was originally founded: a union of sovereign States connected under a federal government of limited powers. After the defeat of the Confederacy, Federal power has grown far beyond that which our founders intended.

As for my own heritage, I know of one ancestor who fought as a major with the Tennessee Cavalry, a Union unit made up of a lot of Washington and Greene county boys who staged out of Kentucky, and I am honored by his service to a cause he believed in. However, I still celebrate the heritage of my home state which chose to secede rather than roll over to Northern industrial domination without a fight.

Sent from my NookColor using Tapatalk 2

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Its genuine. The top one is United States of America in Cyrillic and the bottom one is Amerika.

Tennessee Gun Owners - ТеннеÑÑее пиÑтолет ОвнерÑ

There fixed it, or made a different version. Russians have many different words for guns. ;) Finally got to use my Russain lol. I need to hit the books again though and re-learn some.
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the War was not over Slavery

Many would argue that the Confederates were the ones fighting to uphold the nation as it was originally founded: a union of sovereign States connected under a federal government of limited powers. After the defeat of the Confederacy, Federal power has grown far beyond that which our founders intended.

i agree 100% with you Edited by TN Outlaw
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I understand your position, Daniel, and I certainly am not asking you to "honor" symbols of the Confederacy. What I am asking for is acknowledgment that there are those who do and that if we truly honor "diversity" and "tolerance" that they have as much right to their views and to honor their heritage as anyone else. The attempt to remove the Confederate Battle Flag from public view, to have it viewed in the same light as say the Swastika, is an attempt to silence and stifle genuine expression of cultural heritage. We should all be concerned about the attempt to stigmatize those who believe that their Confederate heritage is important and wish to celebrate it. These attempts are both wrong and, in my view, very short sighted. Reason people, regardless of their heritage, should oppose them.

For those of you who see the Battle Flag as a symbol of racism, let me tell you a brief tale. Here in Gallatin, we had a man who after the war became a pastor and founded churches all over Sumner County. He was originally from Kentucky and had served in the 6th Kentucky Cavalry. His name was Peter Vertrees. Peter was of mixed race. I had the honor of knowing two of his three daughters, the last of which died a few years ago. No one was prouder of his Confederate service than Rev. Vertrees. He was a member of the Donnelson Bivouac of the Untied Confederate Veterans. In his old age he received a Confederate Pension from the State of Tennessee. He taught his daughters that his time in the Confederate Army made him into the man he became. He founded the church I attend, First Baptist on Winchester Street here in Gallatin. His story is told here: http://www.amazon.com/Papa-Was-Gray-Mary-Schaller/dp/1577470680

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The movie is not the dukes, its a couple of guys and a random babe who are nothing like the original actors. I do not care what they do --- it was ruined before it got started, kinda like those guys trying to be the 3 stooges.

Hollywood needs to make something NEW instead of ruining old stuff. I mean really, a remake of total recall?? Batman # 184? Next up, dirty harry played by elijah wood (frodo..)????? (nothing against the guy, but some things don't fit).

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