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Guest ThePunisher

Next thing you know they'll stop putting swastikas on Nazi toys. ;)

Next thing you know, they'll start flying the sycle and hammer flag, and re-spell America as Amerika.

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Guest Aces&8s

No flag, then it is not the General Lee. It needs to be reinvented for our more enlightened times. Why not just make it a Chevy Volt, put a white flag on top of it, and call it the "President Obama." Of course, they would have to change the sound of the horn, too... how does that Arabic call to prayer go again?

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Guest Lester Weevils

Next thing you know, they'll start flying the sycle and hammer flag, and re-spell America as Amerika.

Been meaning to say sumpin about that thar 'Amerika' spelling-- Ya'll need to get it straight whether 'Amerika' is the official dictionary spelling for fascist, or nazi, or commie, or some combination thereof.

Maybe the 'k' spelling is older than me, but I believe the 'k' spelling was long ago thunk up and trademarked by lazy smelly draft-dodging dope-smoking commie hippies. Check with OS if you don't believe me. He's old enough to know.

Back in the 1960's the commie hippies trademarked the spelling 'Amerika' to define a USA under the control of violent rightwing nutcase redneck nazi fascists. In the 1960's and 1970's 'Amerika' was the standard spelling used in hippy leaflets and underground newspapers to refer (or was that reefer?) to a USA controlled by warmongering, redneck, militaristic, racist right-wing fascist nazis. The republican party back then was of course more redneck racist fascist nazi than the democrat party, but the hippies started spelling it with a 'k' under that abominable redneck fascist nazi Lyndon B. Johnson. The dominant old-guard warmongering racist democrats were not quite as evil as republicans though even the democrats of that era completely deserved the 'Amerika' spelling. The 'Amerika' spelling underwent popular revival during Reagan's reign of terror. The spelling didn't begin to fall out of favor until well into the utopian golden age of Clinton.

If you mis-use the 'k' spelling to describe an ideal peace-and-love utopian communist USA-- That is clear infringement on traditional commie hippy intellectual property. In fact, you owe hippies royalty payments for repeated systematic criminal mis-use of this trademark traditional spelling which has ALWAYS defined a racist redneck right-wing fascist nazi USA, NOT a utopian commie USA.

Really, if you must insist on infringing the hippie trademark spelling, at least have the decency to buy the trademark from the hippies! It's only right! :)

Edited by Lester Weevils
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Guest 6.8 AR

Well, Lester, there are those who

say Hitler was right winged, also.

The hippy commies got just about

everything wrong. Too much pot,

I Guess.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Guest ThePunisher

Those commie hippies can kiss my conservative redneck a## and that includes the Clinton hippies and the one in the WH that thinks he's cool, and all his Marxist hippie cronies from Chicago.

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No flag, then it is not the General Lee. It needs to be reinvented for our more enlightened times. Why not just make it a Chevy Volt, put a white flag on top of it, and call it the "President Obama." Of course, they would have to change the sound of the horn, too... how does that Arabic call to prayer go again?

We have a Thread winner

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They own the rights so they can do whatever they want with it.

This. And I still can't believe people are getting all butthurt about the merchandising decisions for a third rate tv series. Are we going to argue about who shot JR next?

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Steelharp that is seriously BA.

On the subject of WB, I'm not surprised but definetly disappointed.

This shows a serious lack in desicion making, they probably think people in the south will turn out for the movie just because its TDoH and they can get some more action from "civilized" folks by removing that "racist" flag. How stupid can they be? Said "civilized" folks aren't going to magically love the Dukes just because they change the car, and hopefully most southerners won't show up to see something that denies them their heritage.

I hope this tanks. I also hope they go way over budget on it and that it hurts when it tanks.

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Guest Lester Weevils

Well, Lester, there are those who say Hitler was right winged, also. The hippy commies got just about everything wrong. Too much pot, I Guess.

Hi 6.8. Hitler never met a nutty idea he didn't like. Socialism was in the nazi platform with a ton of other nutty contradictory stuff, but socialists are not all created equal. George Orwell was a humanitarian democratic socialist and the nazi/fascist/commie totalitarian socialist implementations were polar opposites of Orwell's conception of a utopian socialist state. Thats why he wrote 1984, seeing socialism turn into a nightmare some places.

Democratic socialism might be less-optimal than other types of economy, but not all socialists are evil SOB's. The swedes, norwegians and finns don't seem evil. Those are supposedly pretty nice places to live except the taxes are kinda high. But there have been plenty of evil SOBs who also happened to be socialists. There have been plenty of evil SOBs in every kind of gov. We have no shortage of evil SOBs.

Fascism/corporatism has less 'baggage' than naziism. Not that fascist experiments have turned out especially well but fascism was better-reasoned than naziism. Fascism had a more logical structure compared to the nazi mish-mash of crazy contradictory ideas.

Though hard-core totalitarian communism has strong similarities to hard-core totalitarian fascism, there must be significant differences because commies and fascists are blood enemies. We have historical examples of fascists and commies slaughtering each other by the millions. If the two world-views were at all compatible then there would be coalition governments with fascists and commies sharing power. OTOH, Obama seems philosophically a socialist/communist, but has been running his admin more fascist/corporatist.

So anyway, apologies drifting. Didn't want to discuss what hippies got right or wrong, just that hippies long ago grabbed the definition of 'amerika'. Using the 'amerika' term to describe a commie USA after hippies for decades used the 'amerika' term meaning the exact opposite-- That would be like scientists using the word 'electron' for negatively charged particles, but then decades later other scientists decide to use the word 'electron' to identify protons. Mis-use of a previously defined word.

It doesn't make sense to use a german-like spelling to describe a commie usa. The german-like spelling only barely makes sense in describiing a fascist/nazi usa (though the term always seemed incredibly silly to me). In order to describe a commie usa, you need to think up a new silly mis-spelling which appears vaguely Russian, Chinese, Cuban, Vietnamese, or Venezuelan. :)

Those commie hippies can kiss my conservative redneck a## and that includes the Clinton hippies and the one in the WH that thinks he's cool, and all his Marxist hippie cronies from Chicago.

The Clintonistas and Bamadomites aint hippies and they ain't cool. The clintonistas are student council yuppies and the bamadomites are mafia yuppies,.

However I'm surprised you don't like the hippies because they always seemed to hold you in high regard! :)

Edited by Lester Weevils
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Guest TankerHC

It doesn't make sense to use a german-like spelling to describe a commie usa. The german-like spelling only barely makes sense in describiing a fascist/nazi usa (though the term always seemed incredibly silly to me). In order to describe a commie usa, you need to think up a new silly mis-spelling which appears vaguely Russian,

Hows this?

Унитед Ð¡Ñ‚Ð°Ñ‚ÐµÑ Ð¾Ñ„ Ðмерица

Or we can just go with America


Edited by TankerHC
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Guest Lester Weevils

Thanks TankerHC

That looks great. Dunno foreign languages. Only barely learned english. Your version looks genuine but might mean 'goober' for all I know. :)

Was thinking something ignerant as 'amerika'. Perhaps as spoken by a Rambo movie russian, a Red Dawn commie, or Kyle Myers youtube FPS Russia accent? Even Rocky and Bullwinkle Boris Badenov accent.

Maybe the Team America Kim Jong Il. How would that go? 'Amayweca'? :)

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crap like this got this old man to hang one several years back. i have the U.S flag hung in its proper place and have the confederate flag in its proper place. i have heard that one cannot fly the confederate flag in chattanooga though. true or not ?

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Guest TankerHC

Thanks TankerHC

That looks great. Dunno foreign languages. Only barely learned english. Your version looks genuine but might mean 'goober' for all I know. :)

Was thinking something ignerant as 'amerika'. Perhaps as spoken by a Rambo movie russian, a Red Dawn commie, or Kyle Myers youtube FPS Russia accent? Even Rocky and Bullwinkle Boris Badenov accent.

Maybe the Team America Kim Jong Il. How would that go? 'Amayweca'? :)

Its genuine. The top one is United States of America in Cyrillic and the bottom one is Amerika.

Tennessee Gun Owners - ТеннеÑÑее Гун ОвнерÑ

Edited by TankerHC
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