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Hard Decision

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This is going to be long. I am torn as to how I want to burn my money.


I have the first firearm I ever bought -colt ar-15- and some bulk plinking ammo for it. Its decked out and perfect - NEVER getting rid of it. Ammo for it is relatively expensive so I dont have as much ammo reserves as I would like.

I have a carry gun, a good one that hasnt failed in 1500 rounds - brass and steel case. The most accurate pistol Ive shot to date. Cz 75 d pcr. Its a compact - id like a full combat sized pistol.

Problem - Decocking lever:

My shooting grip that I do not want compromise and do not wish to delearn (from 10,000 rounds of police training) slightly depresses the decocking lever during aggressive gripping form. When the trigger is pulled, it causes the hammer to slow down to a light primer strike or stop just short causing the gun not to fire. When I make a point not to depress the decocker, it is still slightly uncomfortable pressed up against the decock lever. Obviously a major problem.

I have thought to have it welded in place some way but its still in the way and uncomfortable. I also hear CZ triggers are complicted and to have it removed would take gunsmithing, considerable money, and commitment to keeping the gun (devaluation).

Dillema - choices:

Keep the handgun and modify it. Then buy an SKS that shoots cheap non corrosive ammo that i can stockpile and shoot cheaply for fun.


Sell the handgun, buy a S&W M&P 9mm full size w/o safety which apparently was designed specifically to fit my hand and shooting style. Itll be fun trying to conceal carry it. Buying a holster for it. Barely having enough money to buy an SKS and having even less money to buy ammo to shoot either of them.


Sell handgun, buy the M&P. Buy tons of ammo for it and some .223. Ill probably then be sad about not wanting to shoot any rifle because of rifle ammo costs. Sad also because I really like an SKS, lol.

To be honest, its really starting to feel like getting the Smith and Wesson M&P is the "right" thing to do regardless of everything else. Obviously not concerned about weight of the gun. This compact is heavier and I forget im wearing it in a crossbreed.

Anybody do a lot of CC with full size guns? I dont mind printing, Im just relatively small at 5'8 and think it might look like im carrying around goliaths pistol and scare people. Sometimes I open carry because im limited by what im wearing. I know people are very receptive and friendly with my compact...

Rant/plead for advice over.

Sent from my HTC Inspire using Tapatalk 2

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Sounds like you like the CZ but aren't really in love with it. I'd probably sell it off to a TGOer who will enjoy it for what it is. That will also add to your budget a bit. If you can get enough to get the M&P for not too much out of pocket you'd be in good shape. The sks is not a hard rifle to find, I'd almost recommend getting your new comfortable handgun, lots of ammo for it as well as as much 7.62 as you can afford.

Save up some cash and buy your sks later. (along with even more 7.62)

That way you'll have plenty of munitions to go around when you get your new toy and you dint break the bank.

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If you decide to sell that CZ let me know. Have to run it by the wife but I had been scoping out that specific one for her to use as a carry.

As for the carry on full-sized, my last one was a bersa 45 had about a 3.8" barrel and it was no trouble, the new one is a G32... The subcompacts are just too small for my hand and when you get the extended clips it's just as big as some service models (minus the barrel length), and I would much rather have an extra 0.5"-1" of barrel and larger slide to work.

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I have the M&P in Full size, Compact, and Shield (all in .40S&W). The full size is fine for carry if printing is not an issue for you. They are top of line and doing very well as duty guns in Law Enforcement.

As far as the rifle issue, if you think .223 costs too much, get a .22 for trigger time. In AR type rifles I have an M&P15T and a 308 Panther, but I still have an M&P15-22 for cheap trigger time. Shooting to me is more important than having a gun that just sits.

I wouldn’t run steel case ammo in any quality weapon. But if that’s what you need to do I would go with an SKS or AK. I wouldn’t run it in your Colt AR or any quality handgun.

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I carry a FS M&P 40 IWB with a crossbreed super tuck daily. I'm also 6'2.5" (Had to get the half inch :). ). and 250 lbs. I find it to be just as comfortable as a compact but only because of the holster.

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Take your CZ to a range that has an M&P rental and compare them. If you shoot the CZ better, so what if it's devalued by modifying or removing the decocker? If you shoot the M&P better, get one.

If plinking with the AR is important to you, get a .22 conversion or dedicated upper for it.

I love my SKS, but surplus ammo isn't what I'd consider "cheap" anymore. If you really want cheap ammo, get an AK-74.

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the cz trigger is not that complicated, I have pulled 2 or 3 of them apart to do the single action mod. I have not tried to remove the decocking lever, but I am sure you could do something that would work. The czs are internally complex and if you take it apart, take pictures and notes so you can get it back together. Once the pins come out of the frame, it can quickly become a box o parts. The trigger proper is isolated enough that you can work on it without a full takedown, but I think the decocking lever is going to require additional pins removed. Basically, its probably doable but be prepared to spend a whole weekend swearing at it.

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Thanks for the great input, all of you. To clarify, Ive had a 22 before and i got rid of it because it was boring. Thats why ive been surplus crazed. Nowhere as cheap to shoot but 1/3 cheaper than .223. Plus it gives me a whole nother gun as opposed to swapping out ar-15 uppers.

From what I understand, SKS are more accurate than AK-47 and I dont have to worry about all these problems associated with these new budget AK's. Canted sights, magazine well crap, and being painted a terrorist. An SKS is cheaper anyway.

As far as the M&P goes, it seems it is the right thing to do. The problem is Im going to lose money on my CZ-75 PCR. Its a carry gun and it looks like one. Oh well, I know this is what I need to do. It is so important to me to be comfortable and confident with my carry weapon. Someone mentioned a M&P C, one thing I need to have is a full grip and i dont want to hold a gun with two fingers during a magazine change.

I may do what one person here said, get the M&P and wait on the SKS til I get more funds so if it makes you feel good, you won I guess. Ha!

If anyone is interested in my CZ-75 PCR, let me know. Im holding onto it until I get my M&P though. Ill get a classified post up soon and post a link here. I may post up pics of the M&P as a thanks for all counselling, haha!

Sent from my HTC Inspire using Tapatalk 2

Edited by w0lfattack
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Too easy. M&P 9 and buy .223 in bulk. Minimum 1k round orders. Try and do group buys to cut down on shipping. Buying in bulk stings up front but you save far more in the long run. Same with reloading...

ETA: Yes, you're going to lose money when you sell the 75, especially since it's a carry gun. That's just a fact of life in the gun world. You shouldn't lose any sleep over it.

Edited by scoutfsu
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The accuracy issues with AK's and SKS's is related to the ammo 90% of the time.

I measured a bunch of commercial 7.62x39 and all of the bullets measured .308" not .311" like they should be. And those .003" make a HUGE difference in accuracy potential. Next time I see some I will measure the Zombie ammo to see what they measure, I bet they will be .308".

If you want an accurate AK you are going to have to get surplus, true combloc ammo.

I have seen AK's hit man sized steel targets at 350 yards 7 out of 10 times using quality ammo. The ammo was US made but had the correct .311" bullet.


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Yeah I always buy ammo in bulk - best way to go.

Dolomite, as far as what youre sayin I agree with what this person said:

"The SKS should nudge out the AK though by a little bit, but saying a 3 MOA rifle is more accurate than a 5 MOA rifle is like saying a Hyundai is faster than a KIA ––- it might be true, but few care and the end result won't matter."

That being said, an SKS is cheaper anyway. :)

Sent from my HTC Inspire using Tapatalk 2

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