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Im Drunk

Guest eyebedam

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Guest Mugster

Back in the day, we used to get this stuff in a white can with BEER on it for .99 cents a 6 pack in the dollar general store down in alabama. The Beast was high class compared to that stuff. And yeah, the only way to drink it was ICE cold to kill the taste. We used to punch a hole in the bottom and shotgun it usually.

12 pack of PBR in a can down at wally is a good budget beer. Better than miller, imo.

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Some of the most fun I ever had involved a keg of beer, lots of firearms, including BP and an AK and a bunch of friends, one wearing NVA "pajamas".

Totally irresponsible and totally fun. Since no one got wounded, it worked out. :D

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Guest Grout

I had a friend who would practice shooting,knife throwing and sparring while drunk.He said that was the condition he would most likely be in if he needed to defend himself.Odd guy,likeable but odd.

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I said

He left and I continued plinking with some cold beer on the side !!

warbird running at the mouth says

Way to go, teaching your grandson that alcohol and shooting go together.

Don't go putting your righteousness on me. How about you think twice before making those assumptions. I also believe at my advanced age I can have a few beers and shoot into a dirt pile at a few cans and do it safely. You don't know the first thing about where I shoot or what my backstop is.

Warbird mispoke as well

However, plinking and guns doesn't go together. That's just my opinion.

I am not sure what you plink with? Fly swatters maybe?

A person can certainly have a few beers and be responsible. People have alcohol with dinner all the time and don't go getting DUI's. And just because you think something to be true does not make it so.

You are right though about it being your opinion.

Edited by Mike.357
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white can with BEER

I had a cousin who I was visiting one time and he sent his wife to the grocery to pick up some beer. That is exactly what she came back with. White can with the word Beer on it. She said something to the effect of "well that is what you told me to get you" We had a good laugh and drank it up. It was back in the day of generics first appearing on the shelf. you could buy most anything in a white can with a word on it saying what the product was.

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Guest Mugster
I had a cousin who I was visiting one time and he sent his wife to the grocery to pick up some beer. That is exactly what she came back with. White can with the word Beer on it. She said something to the effect of "well that is what you told me to get you" We had a good laugh and drank it up. It was back in the day of generics first appearing on the shelf. you could buy most anything in a white can with a word on it saying what the product was.

I tell people about the white cans with BEER on the side, I think most don't believe me. Hell, for $4 a case, we'd a drank anything back then. That and a couple hundred pounds of crawdads was a saturday night.

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I really like them. I've prob got around 25 or 30 empties in my shed. The first beer after you tap it has alot of head but after the gas settles they pour perfect after that. Plus if you don't drink it all in 1 setting it will stay good up to 30 days in the fridge. I haven't been able to keep 1 more than 3 days though.

I'm about to find out. Just brought home a chilled mini-keg.

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I have never tried those.Are they good tasting,or just cheap and convenient,maybe just a novelty item?

Better then Bud light or MGD?

Just depends on your taste buds. It tastes like Heineken. The first glass had a lot of head, but the second one settled in quickly. Of course, I like things that give good head. :D

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I said

warbird running at the mouth says

Don't go putting your righteousness on me. How about you think twice before making those assumptions. I also believe at my advanced age I can have a few beers and shoot into a dirt pile at a few cans and do it safely. You don't know the first thing about where I shoot or what my backstop is.

Warbird mispoke as well

I am not sure what you plink with? Fly swatters maybe?

A person can certainly have a few beers and be responsible. People have alcohol with dinner all the time and don't go getting DUI's. And just because you think something to be true does not make it so.

You are right though about it being your opinion.

Yes I misspoke , I meant alcohol and guns do not go together. I don't care if he left or not. However, you stated he left and you continued plinking and drinking beer, nothing to suggest you started drinking AFTER he left. Continued, means to go on with what you were doing.

So, now older age means you can drink and shoot? Somehow I thought age brought wisdom. Obviously not eh? I like beer as much as anybody, yet I know when and when not to drink. The fact that you say it won't affect your judgment shows me exactly what your mindset is to begin with.

Yeah I was running at the mouth, I tell you what, you continue to perpetuate the stereotype of the beer drinking, gun shooting redneck and I will continue to fight against that stereotype, OK?

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Nah Strick, I ain't wasting my breath, or keystrokes if you would rather.

I don't know the guy and doubt I want to after the last couple times he has criticized posts I made. Not the first time he has come down on me like that. No I am not going back and seeking those posts out either.

Live and let live is pretty much how I roll.

And the Heiny mini kegs prolly taste like Heineken like Mars says.

I will throw the one fingered salute though. That can be added to the gun toting beer drinking redneck stereotype.

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I don't think i have ever gone off on you before. I do think I answered some of your previous questions raised seemingly only to chastise a certain brand of gun.

I will give you this Mike, at least you aren't one of the 86 million gun owners in this country who believes in the second amendment but won't support organizations that fight for their continued rights. Kudos to you.

I was harsh yes, because I have for years fought these perceptions and I find it difficult to see others act what I consider recklessly. I never came here to be difficult, I wanted to make acquaintances who share a commonality. However, my field requires argument by nature and that just is me.

You live as you feel you need. I hope your grandson will take the love of firearms and leave the drinking to non-shooting times. But at least you are teaching him the love of guns and shooting and perhaps hunting I don't know.

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I have never tried those.Are they good tasting,or just cheap and convenient,maybe just a novelty item?

Better then Bud light or MGD?


Actually, I kinda like it. At $19.00 (call it $20 with tax) for 5 liters, it ain't cheap. But it does give a good impersonation of draft beer and is fun. I'll probably pick up one for special occasions.

I did find that the glass it was served in made a big difference in the taste. The best was an 8 ounce pilsner that I probably stole from a bar, since it says Coors on it. Next best was my g-g-grandfather's 12 ounce pilsner, I think the wiser mouth let too much of the aroma (bouquet?) escape. The worst was a 14 ounce beer mug.

There is still plenty left for when I finish mowing today.

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I've wondered how that stuff is. I used to drink Old Milwaukee many years ago.

First beer I ever had was when I was underage across the state line in Virginia. At The Flamingo Club (better know locally as "The Bird." I got a PBR. About half way through, I excused myself, went in the bathroom and threw up. Then went back out and finished it with my friends. :lol:

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Old Milwaukee would be higher in the beer pecking order I think. Old Milwaukee at one point was my regular beer. Now I just go for the least expensive I can acquire within reason. Milwaukees Best is made by the Miller Brewing Co.

Something I do not understand about beers. Miller High Life now it seems is regarded as a low brow brew. In my younger days it was considered top of the line stuff. How and when did this change? Anyone remember Stroh's? Fire brewed beer, I drank my fair share of it. I never could much stand BPR. A Schlitz Tall Boy brings back memories. And of course Blatz, sold only on tap at the finest rock and roll bars in Cincinnati. But the next day the legend of Blatz gives you the splatz always came true.

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