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"Breaking Bad"

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Guest TankerHC

Just finished watching episode 6.


Only thing I can say is.....NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo..........................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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If you haven't seen To'hajiilee don't read this..



Okay, I watched the episode last night and I'm trying to figure out where it's going.  I'm guessing  Hank and Gomez get killed, Walt and Jesse alive but skinheads keep Jesse to get cook standards up.  Walt has to use pig against skinheads to free Jesse after he gets Skyler and Jr to safety thru the "vacuum repair guy".   But I don't know who he goes back to the old crib to get the ricen(sp) for....?

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They need WW alive so they can figure out his cook technique. Once they have that he's a liability - just like when Gustavo was trying to get Jessie to learn. Once WW gives up his secret recipe he has no more value.

Don't fret over the details of the gunfight, its TV after all. I don't think hank or his partner will survive the next episode.

I keep trying to figure out how the flash forward might clue me in to anything but so far - nada.

The talking bad was hilarious too



I dunno.  


i agree they need Walt alive so why pepper the car he is in with bullets.   IIRC gun scenes in this series have been somewhat realistic.   This shootout seemed different.  Maybe when Walt was first calling Team Meth he passed out, he seemed a little shaky when he saw the dust trail coming up the road.  Maybe the shootout was some kind of dream???


I am probably wrong but will be disappointed if the shootout doesn't make sense after next week.

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something is going on with that ending last night.  


No way that guy with a rifle misses Hank and Gomez at that distance.  that entire shootout seemed off to me

How did they get there so fast?   


With so many bullets flying and not hitting anybody, I was expecting Hank to turn to the camera and say "I love it when a plan comes together".

Edited by tnguy
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I bet Walt walks. They recorded him illegally on the phone and that was their evidence.

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He also never confirmed that he'd understood his Miranda rights. I'm not sure how important that is in real life but it was used in another TV show recently to get someone off (I'm thinking Dexter?)


Edit: Actually it may have been Breaking Bad. Which considering the foreshadowing in this show, could mean it's meaningful.

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Another weird thing was that none of the "expendable" mafia guys got hit either. It wouldn't have taken much to have one of them and maybe an extra expendable DEA guy or two take a couple of rounds.


Hank and Gomez not moving immediately to cover was certainly odd too.



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I just think everyone showing up at Walt's money pit all happened too fast.   


As Walt drove there they depicted a lot of streets, highway, gravel roads.  Seemed that it was taking some time to get there.  I don't believe there is some magic tracker that lets Hank follow right on Walt's heels and certainly the Meth Mafia got there in a big hurry.  It all happened way  too fast.


Maybe the dust trail Walt freaked out about is just some Indians from the res out for a drive.


Or maybe Hank and Gomey get killed in the gun fight.

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Lol, there is no way this is a dream sequence.  The only way out is for one side to run out of ammo.  The previews for the next episode (though it didn't show anything but the shootout) had Skyler on the phone trying to reach Walt IIRC and she was indicating he hadn't been seen/heard for a while.


Hank made his "last" call to Marie right before the shootout. 


I suspect Hank and Walt go missing, Marie calls Skyler because she hasn't heard from Hank, and Skyler tries to reach Walt.  I am not saying Hank goes down in the next episode, but I think he goes missing...evidently along with Walt.  I think Jesse is safe next episode...I don't know about Gomez, but I sure hope he makes it out of this alive. 

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Guest TankerHC

If you haven't seen To'hajiilee don't read this..



Okay, I watched the episode last night and I'm trying to figure out where it's going.  I'm guessing  Hank and Gomez get killed, Walt and Jesse alive but skinheads keep Jesse to get cook standards up.  Walt has to use pig against skinheads to free Jesse after he gets Skyler and Jr to safety thru the "vacuum repair guy".   But I don't know who he goes back to the old crib to get the ricen(sp) for....?


WARNING: SPOILER ALERT (Although I am sure its already here somewhere)






Walt, Hank and Gomez all three have phones. For some reason they all work in the middle of the desert, but Gomez says he was going to the main road and call it in, while Walt just got of the phone with the hit team (behind big boulders in the middle of the desert).  So why didnt one of them make a call while they were fighting for their lives. Oh, and with Hank standing in the open, how is it half a dozen guys on full auto and shotguns(And a pistol), one who took deliberate aim...missed? 


Only thing in this whole series I call BS on (Which is a pretty good record, well maybe the turtle head "Pun intended"). Hank should have been dead with the first burst. 

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Guest TankerHC

The whole thing was a dream. Walt wakes up, he is back in class, none of this ever happened...



I HOPE SO. Reason being this has been one great series, but if everyone gets killed and Walt does a Scarface at the end, no chance for a movie. 


Bryan Cranston better take care of himself after this series ends, James Gandolfini ate and cigar smoked us right out of a Sopranos movie. 

Edited by TankerHC
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Guest TankerHC

Your right. But some call for it. 


After last night, either Hank, Walt or Jesse (Or all three) are dead or the ending is going to be total sheet. But Walt CANT be dead, because he is seen in the opening with hair. He went somewhere. The way the neighbor dropped the bags, I suspect she knew he was "in prison"?


I hope not. The shootout was a crock. 


Hank is such a badass that a professional hit team is sent to kill him for Walt messing up Tuco and Hector. While shot and wounded and laying on the ground, he still kills one of the hit men and seriously wounds the other of the hit men when they approach.


Yet he is going to stand in the middle of a shootout in the open, not run for cover and just open fire during a Mexican standoff?


Walt seemed more real, he was warning Hank and trying to get it stopped.


Something is really up. Or Breaking Bad jumped the Shark with 3 episodes left. 

Edited by TankerHC
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In the flash forward in the season opener Walt shows up at his house with a full head of hair, (cancer beaten, chemo over?).

The house is empty, fenced, with warning signs, (found meth there?).

He gets the ricin from behind the wall plug, (somebody to kill?).

Carol the neighbor is shocked to see him, (thought he was dead?).






Malcolm in the Middle!



Remember the TV show Newhart from the 80s?

It ended with Bob Newhart's character waking up with his wife from a series a decade earlier and saying "you won't believe the dream I just had." 

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Regardless of how the shootout turns out...the way Jesse lured him out there was freakin' brilliant. I thought he'd smoked himself stupid by the beginning of the season. That was pretty smart...like something Heisenberg would come up with.
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Just my guess but I'm wondering if Hank and Gomez get killed and Jesse and Walt get taken by the meth guys.  Walt does a few cooks and gets away or bargains Jesse's captivity for his freedom only so that he can get the m60 and ricin for some sort of plan to get Jesse out and be rid of the business forever.  Also, if Walt is hidden away for a little while, most likely w/o his chemo treatment, that would explain the hair regrowth we see in the flash forwards.

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I never thought Huell was a smart guy, but the DEA story doesn't even sound remotely plausible, yet he sang like a canary. I thought surely Saul would have prepared him for something similar. Even if not, he's gotta realize what kind of outfit he's working for and therefore know better than to say a word, if he got pinched. He's surely aware of what happened to Mike's guys in prison.


I've resigned myself to the fact that Walt is probably going to die or go to jail at the end of the series, but I'm still hoping that Skyler, Walt Jr, and Holly live happily ever after with all that money and the car wash. I don't see how that can happen, if Hank and/or Marie live, though. Either/both seem like they'd want to make sure justice is served, even at the expense of Skyler and the kids.

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