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Our Next VP

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I really, Really, REALLY Like Paul Ryan.

I'm sure when the Dems see these pictures they will claim that he pushed a old, blind, minority female with a spanish name, in a wheelchair off a cliff while taking her EBT card and free cellphone away from her as he was shooting these poor animals with an evil full auto AK-47.

AND...., He drove a huge SUV with ethanol free gas in the tank on the way to do it.



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Well, in all likelihood our next VP will be the same VP we've had for the last 4 years, but I do like Ryan. Romney made a good choice.

I don't see any good reason at this point to be negative about Romney's chances...it certainly isn't a lock by any means but Obama is more than vulnerable.

A lot of Obama's prior support has is, at best, not very enthusiastic right now because he hasn't given them enough "Obama money" yet or because he hasn't done enough for their particular pet concern. That may not translate into Romney voters but it might translate into non-voters.

A lot is going to depend on how well Romney and Ryan can counter the onslaught and the very nasty, dirty, lies about them that Obama and Obama's minions (UAW, SEIU, NEA, etc) will be throwing at them.

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.... A lot is going to depend on how well Romney and Ryan can counter the onslaught and the very nasty, dirty, lies about them that Obama and Obama's minions (UAW, SEIU, NEA, etc) will be throwing at them.

And the liberal media that will worship at the feet of Barry Hussein and then oversamples Dems in their polls by 9-11%. :puke:

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A lot of Obama's prior support has is, at best, not very enthusiastic right now because he hasn't given them enough "Obama money" yet or because he hasn't done enough for their particular pet concern. That may not translate into Romney voters but it might translate into non-voters.


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Heard some commentators absolutely frothing at the mouth over the weekend concerning Ryan being an avid bow hunter. It was kind of humorous.

Perhaps he was using one of those high capacity drum fed bows that have the exploding hollow point arrows. Why can't he just get his meat at the supermarket where they make it instead of killing defenseless animals?

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I like him too. It does not matter unless mitt transfers control, though --- not likely. However if he can surf this to run in 4 or 8 on his own, that would be nice. I have yet to get to vote for a decent candidate outside a primary.... maybe, just maybe, someday...

I think he uses one of these high capacity assault bows:


Edited by Jonnin
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A lot of Obama's prior support has is, at best, not very enthusiastic right now because he hasn't given them enough "Obama money" yet or because he hasn't done enough for their particular pet concern. That may not translate into Romney voters but it might translate into non-voters.

You nailed it. I firmly believe that this election will be settled by who doesn't vote, not who does.

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You nailed it. I firmly believe that this election will be settled by who doesn't vote, not who does.

The Obama campaign is running a hard and serious campaign with two goals: A) turn out the base at the highest level possible, which is what all campaigns do, of course; and B ) influence undecided but potentially hostile voters which were part of his base of support in '08 to abstain from voting. He and his surrogates have already been bombing swing states with negative ads. Low information voters generally respond negatively to those ads, but are more likely to respond with "screw them all, I'm staying home" than to be motivated to vote for the other guy. In order to win Ohio again, he needs all the blue-collar whites who no longer support him to stay home. The same is true, though less so, for CO and VA. Additionally, the same strategy, if effective, can help hold VA and PA. If VA flips back red, it's bad news. If PA flips red, it's a disaster. With the complete and utter loss of NC, his margin of victory has already shrunk, so he cannot afford to have any of his '08 states flip against him; further, if formerly blue states like NV, PA, and WI come into play, then money and time will have to be spread out even further. They have a small window in which to work, and thus far they have not been moving the polling numbers even with huge ad buys in OH and PA(!). If they cannot do it before the RNC, at which point all of the Romney / Ryan money is fully in play, things will not be looking good for them at all.

I hope he fails. (remember that one?)

On the other hand, the R/R campaign will also be working to turn out the base - based on fundraising numbers over the weekend, the selection of Paul Ryan has helped, and without some black swan event changing that, the current unification of the R base trajectory should continue. At that point, the R/R campaign will focus on turning out independents who are open to a new administration and demoralizing Obama's base via the same sort of tactics, though they will be able to go far less negative in their advertising since they can portray themselves as a positive alternative.

Edited by StPatrick
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Adding up the "cnn guess map" mitt would have to win nearly every "contested" state to win. Not worth much, but the solidly one or the other states is probably correct. Its the contested vs leaning states that could be way off.

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